nedeľa 24. septembra 2017

CRIST / LISTRA (Interviews)

Pred časom som si kúpil cez Discogs kazetu srbskej kapely CRIST. Crossover/punk/metal v dobre nakombinovanom pomere. Z bývalej Juhoslávie ma bavia skôr punkovejšie veci, ale táto kapela má svoje čaro, môže za to aj špinavší zvuk a pekne znejúca basa. Práve na basu tu hrával Gvido Obradovič, propagátor juhoslovanskej DIY punk scény v 80-tych rokoch.

Starý rozhovor s kapelou CRIST zo zinu BOLJE ŽIVOT fanzinu tu:

S Gvidom som v sporadickom mailovom kontakte, hudobne je stále aktívny, hoci teraz už inklinuje ku kresťansky orientovanému rocku. Jeho súčasná kapela má názov LISTRA a tu je kratučký rozhovor (respektíve jedna moja otázka a jeho odpoveď), ktorý som s ním spravil v angličtine. Inak silno odporúčam rozsiahly rozhovor s Gvidom v poslednom čísle zinu Hluboká Orba.

Listra interview:

Mišo: Whats intrigued me is that you actualy playing in the band LISTRA which the Christian deliberate. How did you come to faith?
Can you write me more about this scene? Is there in your country more Christian-rock/punk bands? Where are you playing? Do you have some releases? And do you know Tomasz Budzyński? He was singer of Polish hc/punk bands SIEKIERA and ARMIA and he have also band 2Tm 2,3 with Christian message... Do you know any Slovakian punk-rock or hard core bands?

Gvido: Listra is something I had started 5,6 years ago. I was inspired by JCTv. they are still existing. 
Unfortunately there is no christian band or whatsoever existing in this part of Europe. Nor I had hear of any except one from Sweden, as we speak about Europe. Faith, well, it came about I think in 1995 when I had a burglary  I was badly robbed in my flat, lost my girlfriend who went alcoholic, the Nato attack has just started later in 1999 and the economical way of life in Belgrade was just going in the circle, the life was going on all in the circle with no hope. It was a time when I was on the seaside and suddenly enter the door of a Catholic church. From then it started more or less, all from the beginning it was just like upside down from the beginning. There are things I wouldn't like to talk about some were miracles, lots of that changed the way I act today.
As far as I know the only christian pop rock or rap metal or just rap bands come from United States. That is where I got inspiration of. By the JCTv and by the bands. Its been going on for me, for about 9 years I guess. 
No I don't know of any Slovakian punk bands.  
Again thank you very much. 



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