nedeľa 6. mája 2018

Mario Marzidovšek :: Marzidovshek Minimal Laboratorium - dokument/profil

Krátky zaujímavý dokument o osobitom, excentrickom slovinskom hudobníkovi a umelcovi Máriovi Marzidovšekovi, ktorý patril  medzi zásadné postavy industriálnej, experimentálnej / avantgardnej hudby v bývalej Juhoslávii.

By Kaja and Sava Kosmač Music: Mario Marzidovšek

(Dokument je s anglickými titulkami)

Mario Marzidovšek was one of the pioneers of the Yugoslavian/Slovenian oldschool industrial/noise scene. He started releasing tapes in 1984 (but had already recorded some music a bit earlier), previously being a productive member of the mail art network. Around 1988/1989 he aborted all his activities and moved to the Netherlands and later Germany, where he even performed a couple of times, finally returning in 1991 in Slovenska Bistrica where he remained silent.

Mario Marzidovšek was musician, artist, producer and concert organiser in northeast Slovenia and one of the pioneers of Yugoslavian D.I.Y. industrial/noise scene. In the 80's he participated in several alternative actions, including "mail art" (he wrote over 600 letters per year to his correspondents) and the establishment of the first private (then illegal), non-commercial label in the former Yugoslavia called Minimal Laboratorium; anetwork through which he communicated with numerous artists and producers across the world.
From period of 1984 to 1988, he issued more than 50 cassettes with different types of music, among which prevailed electronics and alternative rock but he had started recording earlier. 
Despite his work being partly influenced by "Neue Slowenische Kunst" and Laibach activities and other alternative groups and artists, his electronic musical work is original and unique, influenced by the German kraut rock and various other experimental composers.
Even the conditions Mario has lived in - like Slovenska Bistrica, professional work at chemical industry, didn't stopped him to be radical and productive. On the contrary, it was an essential path for his creativity.
Although the tapes were bad reproduction quality due to poor technical capabilities, he kept sending them to various addresses comprising the former Yugoslavia, Eastern and Western Europe, US, etc...
He has published many works of his music and collaboration with other musicians from Europe and the United States. He combined received tapes with his music or was sending his recorded tapes to associates for issuing purposes. At last, he appeared in over hundred compilations and released compilations on which appears compositions from home-taping, sound poetry, punk, rock, industrial, experimental, noise... 
Mario Marzidovšek's work unites global and local production.

Born: Poljčane 21.10.1961, Died: Poljčane, 20.9.2011


Rozsiahle info o M.M.: 

Muzika M.M.: 

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