štvrtok 31. októbra 2019

The Dark ‎– Lies For The Best Family

THE DARK - pionieri slovenského EBM z Bratislavy.


Info: The-Dark-Lies-For-The-Best-Family

Náhľad do fanzinu EBM (zdroj The Dark Facebook)

Kapelu The DARK som prvý raz registroval cez album Clear, mali ho vystavený v obchode Victory na Michalskej ulici, čo bol taká malá hudobná predajňa (predtým, tesne po revolúcii tam chvíľu bola predajňa Lego), v ktorom predávali týpci, ktorí počúvali Skinny Puppy, Laibach, Front 242 a pod. 
Žáner EBM/industrial som ja ale nikdy nepočúval - chladný prístup a image niektorých kapiel, ktoré si (až príliš) často pohrávali so symbolmi odkazujúcimi na pravicové totalitné ideológie (napr. Whitehouse), alebo na robotické "Gigerove vizuály" - ma nelákal. Ale to tu možno miešam jablká s hruškami (alebo šróby s maticami).


This is the real delight for all fans of classical EBM. The Dark were one of the style pioneers in former Czechoslovakia after 1989. Album Lies For The Best Family brings two treats right at the same time: the first and the second demo tape. For The Best Family...? a Lies – were released by Bratislava electronics in 1991 and 1992. Although the tapes were their first works, and self-released, the listener can expect developed and fine performance. The guys must have been endowed with talent right from the beginning, as well as great feelings for electronic music, because the 70-minute record has no weak spots and there are no beginners´ errors or imperfections.
Hard, straight forward, uncompromising. The whole album is like that, where you have both the striking, even “punk” sounding tracks, and heavier, darker pieces. Singing is mostly in English but some tracks are also in Slovak. The gentlemen from The Dark knew what they were doing right from the start of their career. In Rock&Pop magazine article by Petr Korál, in 1993, they expresseded their attitute towards music: “Perhaps nothing else can expose the psychic world better than EBM. Even the precise, unfailing machine music built on contrasts, into which technology against the human factor are thrown, as if accompanied the world gone insane, the world of deformed human souls. It is something like the loss of self-control, something like shattering of cerebral cortex but still the most natural way of grasping the current situation”.
The band was most active in the nineties, as mentioned above, and the contemporary witnesses surely remember many of their great and wild tours in the Czech Republic. The Lies For The Best Family compilation answers clearly why The Dark became a legend and why they are nowadays held in high esteem by the genre fans. Even in the very beginnings they were marvellous and musically advanced.

1 - 9 For The Best Family...? (First Demotape 1991)
10 - 20 Lies (Second Demotape 1992)

Zdroj: https://csindustrial1982-2010.bandcamp.com/

Určite pozri zaujímavý blog http://csindustrial19822010.blogspot.com/, ktorý precízne mapuje noise/elektro/EBM/industrial scénu v bývalom ČSSR, ako aj nulté roky tejto scény v Čechách a na Slovensku.

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