sobota 30. novembra 2019

Európa Kiadó - concert (1983 XII.30.)

EURÓPA KIADÓ - nová vlna/alternatívny rock z Maďarska. 
Koncert z konca roku 1983.

Našiel som aj blog HAMISKAZETTA, ktorý tento koncert ponúka v linku:


Hungarian new wave/alt-rock from 80´s.


P.S. - Mám záujem o nahrávky z vydavateľstva Bahia Music.

I am looking for recording from Bahia Music

Bahia, as the leading publisher of non-commercial music in Hungary for the last decade has promoted all sorts of creative music on the fields of underground, experimental, ethno, jazz, crossover, etc. with around a hundred albums published.

Help if you can.


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