streda 6. novembra 2019

Marina Revue - Demo (1985?)

MARINA REVUE - 80´s hardcore/punk z Maďarska.

Marina Revue - Sikoly A Mából demo 01. Régi múltad 02. Hajszolni a boldogulást 01:30 03. Őrizd a békét 02:51 04. Robbanj fel te negédes világ 03:53 05. Én vagyok az a srác 05:06 06. Sikoly a mából 06:41 07. Sárga eső 09:24 08. Meddig tart még 10:38 09. XX. századi kultúrember 11:30 10. Romantika 13:54 11. Zúg a volga 16:15 12. Ne aggódj a kormány miatt 17:50 13. Pajtás daloljunk 18:45

vypočuj tu: Demo

Info z

One of the most important Hungarian punk bands in the 80's and probably the first Hungarian group ever to call themselves hardcore.
Members were György Papp (vocals), Tamás Rupaszov (bass, former Rottens, Trottel), "Lörke" (guitar), Endre Balatoni (drums).
Started in 1984 and disbanded in the fall of 1985 they cannot be called a long-lived band, but their unique sound keeps their music far from forgettable. Main ingredients of this unique voice are monotonous bass lines in the foreground accompanied by sometimes experimental, sometimes melancholic guitar sounds. The tag 'hardcore' only refers to their fast tempos, their music cannot be compared to any hardcore or punk band from the 'Western Block' (this fact is true for a lot of hungarian punk bands from the 80's).
Their lyrics tend to have a strong nihilist, anti-state anti-communist attitude, this is also a basic for 80's hungarian punk. Some of their lyrics are their own, some are brought by Rupaszov from Trottel and some are written by Barangó of QSS for them.Their only material is a demo tape, on one side with a show in Paks, on the other the recording of their last practising.After the band disbanded guitarist "Lörke" accompanied by Zsolt Machát (drummer of Fegyelem) played a gig under the name Marina Revue but due to the "original" members' will they changed the name for Revue'86 (later Revue'87).
Other members played later in AMD, VHK, Tizedes meg a többiek.


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