Ostatné dni na dobrú noc zvyknem počúvať audio-knižku Iva Pospíšila - Příliš pozdě zemřít mladý. Ak ťa baví CS underground, nezávislá hudba 70/80-tych rokov, hral si, alebo hráš v kapele, je to kniha pre teba.
Knihu mi láskavo zapožičal Bohuznámy dobrodinec z Bardejova.
Pozri aj:
Ivo Pospíšil alias Tea Jay Ivo, recognised musician, successful arts manager, DJ and most importantly interesting public figure of the Czech underground. During the 70s he was hanging out with music groups such as the Plastic People of the Universe and DG 307. In 1980 he established cult band Garaz that brought innovative perspective on Rock’n'Roll to the Czechoslovakia. He’s also one of the co-founders of Prague’s night club Radost FX. During the 90’s he stood behind the comeback of the world known solo musician Ivan Kral. Ivo Pospisil can be regularly heard as Tea Jay Ivo at Czech Radio 1 with his program Vintage Cool focusing on 50s and 60s music. In 2015 was released his autobiography "Too late to die young", which become shortly after that a bestseller. (Discogs)
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