BLACKBIRD - politický folk-rock/punk z Hong Kongu.
Pár krátkych viet mi napísal švajčiarsky punkáč Pablo, ktorý bol s nimi v kontakte od začiatku 90-tych rokov.
"I think i got in touch with BLACKBIRD in either 1990 or 1991.
Guo then sent me a copy of COMMUNIQUÉ along with the tape 'PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER'.
In January 1995 Guo and Cassi came to Switzerland to record the song with me.
Guo then sent me a copy of COMMUNIQUÉ along with the tape 'PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER'.
In January 1995 Guo and Cassi came to Switzerland to record the song with me.
A little later Guo asked me if i wanted to join them on drums for an Asian tour (i think 5-6
countries), which i thought was a big honour, and i told Guo there's better drummers than
me, and he replied he prefered a like minded drummer!!!
In the end it didn't happen cos i didn't have a job and BLACKBIRD didn't have the money to invite me.
Still, that they wanted me as a drummer blew me away!"
In the end it didn't happen cos i didn't have a job and BLACKBIRD didn't have the money to invite me.
Still, that they wanted me as a drummer blew me away!"
Ich gitarita Gou vystupuje dodnes sólo, v štýle "post-hippie/protest-folku".
BLACKBIRD - East Is Red / Generation 97

BLACKBIRD - East Is Red Generation 97 (1984).rar
Prečítaj si rozhovor s Blackbird pre zin Maximum Rock and Roll. Rozhovor bol zverejnený aj vo fanzine Communiqé tvorenom členmi kapely. Je zaujímavé si prečítať aj z dopisov, ktoré kapele Blackbird začiatkom 90-tych rokov posielali ľudia z celého sveta. Celý časopis Communiqé v PDF-ku, dole v linku:
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