štvrtok 2. apríla 2020

Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Research, a Benefit Comp, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2

Ku dnešnému Svetovému dňu povedomia o autizme dávam na blog odkaz na dve kompilácie punkových kapiel, ktoré sa zapojili do CD benefitu na Centrum pre autistov v NY.




Thumper Punk Records is pleased to announce the release of the “Autism Awareness, Acceptance and Research, a Benefit Compilation”, a two volume compilation featuring songs donated by 38 bands to raise money to support The Seaver Autism Center at Mt. Siani Hospital in New York. This multi-genre release features songs from 6 bands that include parents of children with autism, so this is a very personal release for many participants.

The Seaver Autism Center leads progressive research studies while providing comprehensive, personalized care to children and adults with autism spectrum conditions. Working together with you, we will identify the causes of autism and advance effective treatments.

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