štvrtok 16. apríla 2020

RETSEPTI - Anthology of Georgian Underground, Tbilisi 1987-92

RETSEPTI - zaujímavý, emotívny, drásavý post-punk/rock z Gruzínska.
To CD som dostal priamo od Jasona Flowera, vydavateľa.



  • A true pearl of the Soviet-era Qartuli underground. Raw & angry for the punks, yet dark enough to please the post-punks and 80’s metal-heads. A well arranged unique mix of NWOBHM, dark-punk / cold-wave / death-rock, and garage with abrasive Georgian vocals, recorded 1989-90. “A dark, desperate feel, interesting guitar work, and a twisted vocalist!” (MRR).


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up