piatok 17. apríla 2020

Diwi / Spogulis ‎– S/T

DIWI a SPOGULIS - dve synth-wave kapely z Lotyšska na jednej nahrávke.


Info: https://www.discogs.com/Diwi-Spogulis-ST/release/13829364

DIWI was a very short-lived minimal synth project of Edgars Strolis and Mārtiņš Puķe, who recorded their songs at their friends’ LLL studio.

Spogulis were a memorable Latvian new romantic/ synth-pop band that were active in the timespan of 1987-1992. Although they had an accessible sound, they remained an underground band, with the core members Viesturs Bite, Edmunds Dancis and Uldis Vēliņš recording many more songs, yet none of them were released outside of this split.
Both band ceased to exist in the early 1990s.



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