pondelok 15. marca 2010

BEZ LADU A SKLADU "Horúce hlavy" 1991

BEZ LADU A SKLADU - jedna z najvýznamnejších slovenských alternatívnych kapiel. Hrajú od 1985ho, presadili sa na domácej scéne aj v Čechách, neskôr absolvovali koncerty v zahraničí. Kapela s prestávkami koncertuje občas aj v súčasnosti. Vydali tri albumy, dnes je tu k dispozícii ich druhý - "Horúce hlavy" z r. 1991.


info z bulletinu Rockové profily 1989:


BEZ LADU A SKLADU - alternative legend from Slovakia. Plying since 1985, their singer was just 12 years old in that time. Today he is organizer of the biggest slovakian music festival Pohoda. BLAS also played in Jarocin festival in Poland and in Minsk (Belarus) back in 1988. Later they played over Europe. They released 3 records. The first and the second-one were released on vinyl version too.

Today you can enjoy their second album.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up