Kazetová výberovka od talianskeho labelu Old Europa Cafe, na ktorej je zastúpená európska alternatívna scéna 80-tych rokov. Za Československo hrajú MCH BAND.
Online: https://archive.org/details/noise-arch_thespy001
Cassette compilation from Italian label Old Europa Cafe. Weird music all over the Europe.
Cassette compilation from Italian label Old Europa Cafe. Weird music all over the Europe.
Hey dear blogger, if you're interested i've download this rare compilation from here and divived all the tracks in a properly way (i've especially fought with the noise..). The Spy. 001 was made in 1986 for sure (how you can read here http://www.stefanogiust.it/discography from the discography of one of the band included in the compilation as Opera). Write me a mail at ondanera@live.it and i will provide the divided compilation for you (to re-post here if you like). Best regards from the dark Italy and thank you for this rare release. M.