sobota 30. novembra 2013

JANUSZ REICHEL "Zestaw Podstawowy 1993 - 1999" (2000)

Poľský pesničkár Janusz Reichel, ktorý v 80-tych rokoch hrával v punkovej kapele ZIMA či v novovlnných EGO 4.5., už roky skladá a hrá folk/punkové songy. Na tomto CD, ktoré mi poslal je výber jeho vecí z rokov 1993 - 1999.



štvrtok 28. novembra 2013

ŠIGELA "5 pesničiek" (2013)

Päť skladieb ktoré sme nahrali s kapelou ŠIGELA. Pôvodne som ich hrával sám iba na akustickej gitare, tento krát sú zahraté na elektrickú gitaru bez efektu, na basgitaru a so živými bicími. Je to "home made" produkcia. Gitara je nahraná v izbe u nášho bubeníka na jeho nahrávatko, basgitara nápodobne a spevy a bicie sme nahrali v našej garáži.
Následné doladenie, vyváženie zvuku a celá postprodukcia bola v rukách nášho bicmena, ktorý to následne aj zavesil na net. Je to v podstate taká "skúška mikrofónu", prvotina, pokus ako na to v takejto zostave. Ale samotné nahrávnie celkom odsýpalo.

Prvá vec sa volá "Stopy" (pracovne ju voláme "Mlieko") a text napísal náš prvý basák. Druhá skladba sa volá "Kľučka", textovo stará vec hraná ešte kapelou S.I.K.A. (vtedy pod názvom "Dvere"), teraz som ju však textovo trochu doplnil a odel do nového hávu. Tretí song sa volá "Prehltni vlas" a je taký priamočiary. Štvorka sa volá "Bolo to dávno", je to jedna z prvých vecí čo som na gitare zložil. A posledná, piata skladba "Pracovité nite", je zhudobnená báseň srbského básnika Vaska Popu.


5 songs of my actual band ŠIGELA recorded in living room and in the garage.


utorok 26. novembra 2013

PAVEL Z. "Podobenství" (2011)

Live album Pavla Zajíčka. Poézia a hudobný minimalizmus.

Pavel Z. info:

Album info:


Pavel Zajíček and his live album. Poetry and minimalism.

"The poet, lyricist, musician and artist Pavel Zajíček was born on 15th April 1951 in Prague. He did not complete his studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague and worked in various blue-collar jobs. In 1973 he established the experimental underground music group DG 307 (with whom, with several breaks, he has continued to perform to this day), and three years later, in a fabricated trial, he was sentenced to one year in prison for disorderly conduct.

In 1980 he emigrated first to Sweden and later to the USA, where he worked predominantly in the visual arts. After the November revolution he lived alternately in New York and Prague, and since 1995 he has been living permanently in Prague.

Before 1989 Pavel Zajíček published a number of his texts in samizdat form. He also illegally disseminated his music projects, whose lyrics or librettos hold their own even without musical accompaniment. Zajíček’s group DG 307 continued the experiments of Milan Knížák’s band Aktual, and in their early lyrics the inspiration of Egon Bondy, with the naive effect of the rhyming structure, is also apparent: „začalo to v noci / budeš počítat roci / vteřina která věčností / ztratíš svý hrůzy s vděčností…“. Initially Zajíček’s song lyrics display echoes of the humorous hippie poetic; however, this playful note soon dies away and in comes seriousness, something rather untypical for the Czech underground of the 70s, which marks the author as a distinct personality. Anarchistic nihilism recedes to a reproachful tone, which feeds off baroque apocalypticism (“every second we should be / prepared for the end”) and later a kind of pagan pantheism which is characterized by “sinking to the bottom of deep springs”. The author stylizes himself into the role of the plebeian prophet – the organic use of colloquial speech including vulgarisms is Zajíček’s trademark – when he confronts his consumerist contemporaries, for example, with Christian martyrs..."



streda 20. novembra 2013


Alternatívny HC z Bieloruska. CD-R-ko som získal už dávnejšie z výmen s aktívnym punkáčom Myshom (PARTIYA)z Minsku.


Alternative HC from Belarus.


pondelok 18. novembra 2013

RECAPITATION - 2 songs (2011)

Po dlhšom čase opäť jedna z mnohých kapiel kamoša Jason Flowera. Posledne to boli ATAK (, teraz sú to RECAPITATION.


"We played 2007-2012. It featured two members of Monkey Juice / Wire Bastard. Monkey Juice were a legendary punk group in Victoria from 1988, Wire Bastard were one of the best groups of the early 1990s. I was a huge fan of both groups and was happy to play with Gerald & Dwayne. I invited my friend Brian who had never been a group to join, we had a woman named Sam on bass but she quit and then Soma replaced her. We had a lot of great songs, and also played Wire Bastard & Monkey Juice songs. We played live only twice, and our recording session was never finished nor mixed, I do not even have the master. Unfortunately, there was far too much drug use and our drummer was extremely volatile & unreliable. I quit, Soma quit, and the group finally fell apart because despite the drummer being our close friend, he was unreliable. It was the most tragic group I have been involved in, and I think all the problems were because of drug use. We had some great songs: “Digger”, “For Britt Hagarty”, “Repeater” and others, they’re heavy!
"Recapitation broke up, but here two songs we recorded in 2011...there are more. "Repeater" is Gerald on vocals; "Digger" is Gerald and I both singing.

You are the first person I have shared these with, we never completed proper mixes...enjoy.



nedeľa 17. novembra 2013


Odkaz o Ľuboša z CHVM

Misko ahoj.

"Zavesil som Ti sem link na velmi zaujimavy projekt Misa Kascaka, vola sa to VYDRAPENA BUZIRKA PUNK SYSTEM. Kapela uz je na svete dost dlho. V odkaze mas kratke bio a recenziu na ten dvojalbum, vydany na vinyle v naklade 300 ks. Samozrejme ze su tam aj MP3 na volne stahovanie a to vsetko s laskavym zvolenim MISA KASCAKA. Na tomto projekte ma meno VAJCO. Hra na bicie a spieva, tak isto ako aj vystupuje v happeningovom zdruzeni VEZENSKE GULE. Vsetko sa dalej mozete docitat v recenzii na 2LP. Myslim ze najvacsia hitovka je skladbe SPORTU ZMAR, ktora sa po koncerte VYDRAPENEJ BUZIRKY PUNK SYSTEM v Prahe, ktory som im organizoval v maji 2013, dlho ozyvala v nocnych prazskych elektrickach.

Velmi sa tesim ze mozem Misovu Kascakovu karieru sledovat od jeho ranneho detstva az doteraz, a bol som vzdy pri jeho zasadnych krokoch, ci uz to boli prve koncerty BEZ LADU A SKLADU, VEZENSKE GULE , ale aj VYDRAPENA BUZIRKA PUNK SYSTEM. TAK MRKNI NA TO A UVIDIS ZE O TEJTO KAPELE BUDEME ESTE POCUT.



Slovakian punk band, project of ex-member of BEZ LADU A SKLADU, alternative legend. You can hear the songs in the link above.


streda 13. novembra 2013

STARÁ JEDÁLEŇ "S/T" /1995-96/ (2000)

Blues/folková kapela z polovice 90.tych rokov. Jano Ponka Duban a spol.

"Ján "Ponka" Duban - gitarista, spevák, skladateľ z Modry. Ako leader pôsobil v skupine Stará jedáleň. Stvárnil hlavnú postavu vo filme Juraja Bindzára Okresné blues. Organizátor bluesových večerov v Modre – Galéria Musique Club. Je autorom hudby na poéziu Charlesa Baudelairea, Langstona Hughesa, Charlesa Bukovského..."


Blues/folk-rock from Slovakia. Lyrics are taken of Ferlinghetti, Ch. Bukowski, Baudelaire...etc. poetry.


sobota 9. novembra 2013

EWA BRAUN "Esion" (1996)

Poľský alternative-noise-HC.


Polish alt-HC/noise rock.

Ewa Braun is a Polish band formed in 1990. Their first demo tape was recorded after some time of rehearsing and was quite controversial. The demo was titled Pierwsza Kobieta (The First Woman), a phrase that has been taken from a sports magazine. The tape was issued by the band itself.

During the next two years the band played 5 concerts and managed to compose at least 2,5 hours of music, 30 minutes of which was recorded in the form of the second demo tape, titled “W tysiacu miejsc naraz” (“In a Thousand Places at the Same Time”) (‘92) and also produced with the band’s own means.

In 1993, after a lot of attempts and inconceivable endeavours and a lot of time spent on waiting in the corridors of the
independent stage, the band managed to record a record in the historic GoldRock Studio under the supervision of the last of the living old Polish punks Robert Brylewski. The record was called Love Peace Noise and was released on an independent “Nikt Nic Nie Wie” label (94).

The band played more concerts, some of which took place abroad together with TROTTEL.

In 1996 the band recorded “Esion”, a record that took everybody by surprise (even the band itself). They started to play very regularly in Poland and Europe: in Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Croatia and Austria. Then a guitarist, Peter, joined in.

In 1998 the band recorded “Sea Sea” in BluBox Studio (BluNoise - Germany). The album received wide acclaim in Poland and abroad. “The Wire” magazine put the intro from “Sea Sea” on the “New Music from Central and Eastern Europe” mixtape. Unfortunately, the intro piece has nothing to do with the band’s music style and some people who didn’t know Ewa Braun could get confused.

The “Sea Sea” album was on the Polish indie Label, “Antena Krzyku Unc.” It had a big distribution with lots of licensed music from the West.

In 2000, after a lot of rumination, a live record was put out. The album was called “Electromovement” and was recorded on a CDR during a concert. What is more interesting, only two condenser microphones were used to record the music.


piatok 8. novembra 2013

JONÁŠ/JAKABČIC/BALZAR "Far, and Yet Near" (1991)

Československý jazz.



Czechoslovakian jazz. Released back in 1991 by ARTA records.



pondelok 4. novembra 2013

nedeľa 3. novembra 2013

NE! Records - profil

Prednedávnom mi došiel mail upozorňujúci na novú nahrávku z vydavateľstva NE! Records. Vydavateľstvo už niekoľko rokov púta pozornosť vinylovými skvostami Yugo-punk kapiel z 80-tych rokov. Vedie ho chlapík z Mostaru z kapely ŽENEVSKI DEKRET, ktorý v súčasnosti žije vo Švédsku. Emigroval počas vojny v Bosne a Hercegovine.

Inak ŽENEVSKI DEKRET bol prvý vydavateľský počin tohto labelu a zatiaľ jediný ktorý som si od nich kúpil. Hneď ma zaujalo pútavé prevedenie, malý, no obsiahly búklet s textami a históriou skupiny a celé to vyzeralo dosť dobre a entuziasticky. Potom som o labely dlhšie nepočul, ale po čase mi začali chodievať maily s upútavkami na nové a nové nahrávky - U.B.R., PROCES, KUZLE, KAOS... atď. Kto aspoň trochu počúva punkovú muziku z bývalej Juhoslávie, ten musí túto prácu oceniť.

Never give up! Never stop! NE!

Record based on the result of a strong passion for helping artists to show themselves in their best strength. Passion, professionalism, trust, character, all these describe NE! Records and the artist. Never give up, never stop!

“NE!” literally translates to “NO!” I choose the name because I wanted a simple but strong name. Kind of like the punk, you know. There are a lot of injustices that I want to say no to, and by creating a label with the name I felt like I was doing that...

(from MRR interview)


Pozri a popočúvaj! A pár Yugo-punk nahrávok nájdeš aj v archíve môjho blogu.


Dovolil som si dať sem rozhovor s Habim z NE! records (vyšiel v MRR), ktorý nedávno spravil Matt Badenhop, ten ktorý tam recenzuje demáče a robí výborný blog MUSIC NOT NOISE.
Rozhovor mi láskavo poslal mailom. Matt dík!!!

NE! Records Interview for MaximumRocknroll (by Matt Badenhop)

Where did you grow up? What was the punk scene like there, and how did you get interested/involved in it?

I grew up in Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina. There wasn't much of a punk scene when I was young. Mostar is a quite small town and the punk scene didn't reach the town until the early 80's. Me and my friend actually started the first punk band in Mostar. And that was it when it came to punk in Mostar, until the war began. I found punk through a friend from my class, who was a punk rocker and he gave me cassettes. After two months he gave up on punk, but I was hooked for life.

Did you ever play in any bands, do a zine, organize gigs, or do another label before starting NE! Records?

First I started a punk zine with a friend, but we gave up after two copies. Later I started a band, with the same friend called “Zenevski Dekret,” that I played with until I left Mostar.

When and why did you start the label? What does “NE!” mean, and why did you choose it as a name?

I started the label in 2007 but after only two releases I took a long break for private reasons, but I always had it in the back of my head. And in 2012 I decided to start it up again. I had thought about starting a label for a long time, because I felt that the ex-Yu punk scene had a lot of great but underrepresented bands. “NE!” literally translates to “NO!” I choose the name because I wanted a simple but strong name. Kind of like the punk, you know. There are a lot of injustices that I want to say no to, and by creating a label with the name I felt like I was doing that.

The focus of your label seems to be releasing former Yugoslavian stuff. Do you plan to stick to this pattern, or do you think you will release current bands or bands from other places?

It's just so much fun going on in the ex-Yu scene and there's so much to discover, so I don't see myself leaving the scene soon. But of course if something fun catches my eye, I won't abandon it just because they aren't from ex-Yugoslavia or because they're new. Having said that, I feel a great deal of depth to the old ex-Yu punks bands, I grew up listening to them and I feel like I have a connection to them. So I'm prioritizing those bands.

Which is your favorite of all your releases so far, and why?

Every record is my favorite is when it comes out, because there's so much work going in to these records and I try to put as much love in to them as possible. I like to think that my favorite record is yet to come out - that gives me motivation to become better at what I do.

Why did you relocate to Sweden?

Because of the war, of course. And Sweden was the only country where you didn't need a visa. I quickly adapted to the life here, I found friends and the punk scene was awesome so I decided to stay.
Was there an anarchist or radical activist movement tied in with the punk scene in Yugoslavia before the war?
There was no movement to speak of, we weren't organized enough for that. Of course the communists, the government, were criticized but to do anything more than write songs, to try and organize something bigger was very dangerous so punks stayed away from that. Most bands wrote very powerful songs about their lives, how it was to live in a communist state. While other bands, like Pankrti, and O! Kult, wrote songs more directly criticizing the government.
From your perspective, what effect did the war and break-up of Yugoslavia have on the punk scene there?
Nationalism has grown in the involved countries, and takes a bigger place in everything, sadly enough even the punk. But those who really understood punk saw that we were all the same as before and used the punk to unite people instead. I would actually argue that the connections in the punk scene are stronger today than ever. I hope I'm right.

During the years of the war, were there still punks actively organizing shows or other events? Were there punks protesting the war or speaking out against the extreme nationalists?

The war is a big hole in the history of ex-Yu punk, nothing happened. Everyone disappeared to their countries. No one was openly critical of the war, not until towards the end of the war when people realized that all the propaganda released by their government was utter bullshit.

How do you generally get in contact with these older bands to arrange the reissues? Did you know them when they were active?

No, most of them I didn't know, they'd already stopped playing when I got involved in the punk scene. It was pretty hard to get a hold of them in the beginning; I had to do some pretty hard core detective work! Now it's much easier, of course it'd be even easier if I lived there. Living here I have to go through several layers of contacts.

How connected are you now to the current punk scene where you’re from? Are there any cool current bands, zines, or labels you can recommend from the region?

I have less and less time what with juggling between job, two kids and the label of course. But I try to stay as involved as possible. Sadly, I'm not as up to date as I'd like to be. Some bands worth naming are: Abergaz, Scuffi Dogs, Nula Osta, Ofsajd.. And when it comes to labels and zines we have: Oprem dobro, webzine “Holly Cherry”… There is still some punk/underground labels that will take good care of their band: Front Rock, Slusaj najglasnije, Domtown records, Moonlee records and still tireless FV Založba.

What are your three favorite bands from former Yugoslavia? Three favorite non-Yugo bands?

I'm awfully sorry, but I can't restrain myself to three bands when it comes it ex-Yu punk, it's all just so good! Of course all the bands I have released records of are among my favorites. But I must say that Paraf was the band that I listened to in my entire life, and the band has had the biggest influence on me. As for the non-Yugo bands, I'm going to leave out all the big UK and US bands, because that's no fun! I collect records from all over the world, and right now I'm going through a Scandinavian punk period (again). I am once more overwhelmed by the amount of amazing bands there is out there and it's really hard to limit myself to just three, but here it is: Ebba Grön and Bizex-B (Sweden) and Sensuuri (Finland). Phew, that was hard!

Are there any great bands, venues, or other punk related things going on where you live now that you would like to mention?

The punk here is very alive, but in the summer there's only a few festivals so i know (Malmö,Motala,Karlstad,Norrköping). There's so many great bands that I would recommend getting the V/A LPs “Turist I tillvaron” so you'll get a sample of the Swedish punk scene. My favorite artists are: Baboon Show, Nitad, Moralens Väktare,Masshysteri...

What releases do you have planned for the future?

Right now I'm working on Gola Jaja and their first ever demo record. It's being released in LP format and should be out soon. As for the other stuff I have cooking, it's just going to have to be a surprise!

I can’t wait! Thanks so much for the great releases and for taking the time to answer these questions! Last question: I’ve seen old burnt out punks in documentaries from the past talk about punk as though it’s a thing of the past or irrelevant, and it drives me nuts! To end on a positive note, what’s kept you interested in remaining involved in punk after all these years?

I don't know what makes them say that, maybe they've fallen out of touch with the punk scene, and if you aren't involved in the punk scene it's easy to say that punk is dead, or whatever, but I have always tried to stay involved because the punk is what drives me to continue and push through during my teenage years. And is therefore a big part of me. I believe there will always be a place for the punk in this world as it is now, no matter what those old punks say.

Interview from MRR.



piatok 1. novembra 2013


Luboš CHVM mi poslal link s odkazom na reláciu čo robieva, tak posielam ďalej:

"Mikoláš Chadima, ikona československej alternatívnej hudby, ktorý bol mojím hosťom v relácii Trenčianske bublanie je hudobnik, skladateľ, textár, výtvarnik, jeden z otcov českej alternativnej scény. Zakladateť kapely MCH BAND, Člen zaujimavých kapiel a zoskupeni: Elektrobus, KILHETS, EXTEMPORE BAND,Classic rocknroll band /revival/, aktivista JAZZOVEJ SEKCIE, signatár Charty 77.
Tých aktivít je nespočetne vela. Mikoláš hral už v roku 1969 v kapele The THREE FELLOWS v 1971 PURPLE FLEAS, PETROLEUM COMPANY, neskôr YELLOW DEFECT. V roku 1972-1974 v kapele INROU. V marci roku 1975 vznika kapela Elektrobus. Vtedy to bola jedna z najväčších nádejí českej alternatívnej sceny. Pri jej zrode stál PAVEL RICHTER,. Muzika Elektrobusu bola výrazne ovplyvnená produkciou Franka Zappu, ktorého i tak trošku vykrádali. V Elektrobuse sa zišlo množstvo vynikajúcich muzikantov (a silných individualít), avšak s dosť rozdielnymi názormi na muziku..."

veď vypočuj reláciu...

A tiež som obnovil link ku EP-ke KLADNO, hudobného anti-nazi projektu na ktorom Chadima spolupracoval:


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up