Po dlhšom čase opäť jedna z mnohých kapiel kamoša Jason Flowera. Posledne to boli ATAK (http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2011/07/atak-live-in-wagonburg-2005.html), teraz sú to RECAPITATION.

"We played 2007-2012. It featured two members of Monkey Juice / Wire Bastard. Monkey Juice were a legendary punk group in Victoria from 1988, Wire Bastard were one of the best groups of the early 1990s. I was a huge fan of both groups and was happy to play with Gerald & Dwayne. I invited my friend Brian who had never been a group to join, we had a woman named Sam on bass but she quit and then Soma replaced her. We had a lot of great songs, and also played Wire Bastard & Monkey Juice songs. We played live only twice, and our recording session was never finished nor mixed, I do not even have the master. Unfortunately, there was far too much drug use and our drummer was extremely volatile & unreliable. I quit, Soma quit, and the group finally fell apart because despite the drummer being our close friend, he was unreliable. It was the most tragic group I have been involved in, and I think all the problems were because of drug use. We had some great songs: “Digger”, “For Britt Hagarty”, “Repeater” and others, they’re heavy!
"Recapitation broke up, but here two songs we recorded in 2011...there are more. "Repeater" is Gerald on vocals; "Digger" is Gerald and I both singing.
You are the first person I have shared these with, we never completed proper mixes...enjoy.
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