sobota 30. novembra 2019

Európa Kiadó - concert (1983 XII.30.)

EURÓPA KIADÓ - nová vlna/alternatívny rock z Maďarska. 
Koncert z konca roku 1983.

Našiel som aj blog HAMISKAZETTA, ktorý tento koncert ponúka v linku:


Hungarian new wave/alt-rock from 80´s.


P.S. - Mám záujem o nahrávky z vydavateľstva Bahia Music.

I am looking for recording from Bahia Music

Bahia, as the leading publisher of non-commercial music in Hungary for the last decade has promoted all sorts of creative music on the fields of underground, experimental, ethno, jazz, crossover, etc. with around a hundred albums published.

Help if you can.


piatok 29. novembra 2019

VOLE - Vole Demo (2017)

Kamoš z kapely ma upozornil na fasa punkovú bandu z Česka.



This piece of brutal violence have been produce after some months of every week playing crazy shows around Czech republic. nice sentence

Recorded by Oskar in our rehearsal room in Prague after last cigarette in Libeň non-stop bar.

HC/punk band Vole "is band around Prague Hluch Crew and Academy of Fine Art in Prague charging hardcore with punk illusions (no art). Their music is pure essential and good for apocalyptic meditation in pit full of serpents. Angelic-razor guitar, bubbling drums, fluffy bass and voice of Shiva that's the Vole. Fighting police, nude showers in storm, spiting on cabrio driver, friends everywhere, no money, no own instruments, delay and distrotion".


streda 27. novembra 2019

Various - Fuck Lukaschenko - D.I.Y. Punk Belarus Compilation CD (200?)

DIY HC/punk kompilácia z Bieloruska.

Various - Fuck Lukaschenko D.I.Y. Punk Belarus Compilation CD - (Full Album)



Tracklist: 1 AntiGlobalizator - Intro 2 AntiGlobalizator -Nenavist Po Ukazke 3 451F - Sorry No Title 4 451F - Sorry No Title 5 V3anus - Ue 6 V3anus - Futbol 7 Selfshit - Nadoelo 8 Selfshit - Somat 9 Selfshit - Punks As Fuck 10 Scum Out - Svoboda 11 Scum Out - Plach Millonow 12 The Daunza Cauze - Sorry No Title 13 Pet Nihil - Prech 14 Pet Nihil - Revolt 15 Kaljan Cerkov - Norodnaja 16 Jiheart - Can We Trust 17 Dissent - Nemiga 18 Appleshout - Punk Hardcore 19 Appleshout - Fur Fasion 20 Hate To State - N.O. 21 Hate To State - Nenavist 22 Mueniedowna - Moj Gorod 23 Mueniedowna - Downa 24 Lamant - Poisk 25 Lamant - Nikudane Ne Pojdu 26 Ausweis - I´m So Happy 27 Ausweis - Humpty Dumpty 28 Dissent - Price Of Life 29 Kemska Volast - Sorry No Title 30 Follow The Sun - Sorry No Title 31 Follow The Sun - Sorry No Title 32 Devil Shoots Devil - Let 33 Devil Shoots Devil - Partizanom 34 Deviation - Hui Vam 35 NKVD - Drishut 36 Vrozhdjonnye Otkolonenija - CC-TV 37 Nothing To Lose - Vjasna 38 Fuck It All - Minsk City Hardcore


DIY HC/punk bands from Belarus


utorok 26. novembra 2019

Contra La Contra ‎– Any Words About Politics / Ни Слова О Политике (2004)

CONTRA LA CONTRA - HC/punk z Bieloruska.

Tracklist: 1 Из Чёрной Резины Сделана Власть - Black Rubber 2 Путин - Убийца! - Putin - Murderer! 3 Ты Будешь Счастлив И Очень Доволен - You'll Be Very Satisfied And Happy 4 Слезы И Кровь - Blood And Tears 5 Биоробот - Biorobot 6 Купальскi Вянок - Kupala's Garland 7 Резиновые Пули - Rubber Bullets 8 Думай Головой - Think With Your Head! 9 Плохие Девочки Выбирают Свободу - Bad Girls Choose Freedom 10 Выйди На Улицу! - Go Out Into The Street! 11 Паспортный Контроль - Passport Control 12 А По Телевизору... On TV 13 Хуй, А Не Панк! - A Prick Not A Punk! 14 Тихая Жизнь - Slient Life 15 Закомплексованный Хуй - Dick With A Complex 16 Я Не Болею - I'm Not Sick 17 Лука Заебал - Your Fucked Luka 18 50+1 19 Разные Стороны Баррикад - Different Sides Of The Barricades

Pozri aj:


nedeľa 24. novembra 2019

Kniha "Zub času"

Dnes som sa dostal už za polovicu ďalšej publikácie - Zub času. 
Kniha predstavuje rozhovor s Josefom "Zubom" Vlčkom o jeho živote. Preberajú sa tam veci príjemné (Jazzová sekce, Rock 2000, Jazzpetit, Panton/Impuls), aj tie menej príjemné (napr. spolupráca s ŠTB). Dobré aj ako doplnenie ku informáciám z kníh o Jazzovej sekcii, ktoré som kedysi čítal od Karla Srpa a Vladimíra Kouřila.

Pozri aj:


piatok 22. novembra 2019

Ivo Pospíšil ‎– Příliš Pozdě Zemřít Mladý

Ostatné dni na dobrú noc zvyknem počúvať audio-knižku Iva Pospíšila - Příliš pozdě zemřít mladý. Ak ťa baví CS underground, nezávislá hudba 70/80-tych rokov, hral si, alebo hráš v kapele, je to kniha pre teba.

Knihu mi láskavo zapožičal Bohuznámy dobrodinec z Bardejova.

Pozri aj:



Ivo Pospíšil alias Tea Jay Ivo, recognised musician, successful arts manager, DJ and most importantly interesting public figure of the Czech underground. During the 70s he was hanging out with music groups such as the Plastic People of the Universe and DG 307. In 1980 he established cult band Garaz that brought innovative perspective on Rock’n'Roll to the Czechoslovakia. He’s also one of the co-founders of Prague’s night club Radost FX. During the 90’s he stood behind the comeback of the world known solo musician Ivan Kral. Ivo Pospisil can be regularly heard as Tea Jay Ivo at Czech Radio 1 with his program Vintage Cool focusing on 50s and 60s music. In 2015 was released his autobiography "Too late to die young", which become shortly after that a bestseller. (Discogs)


štvrtok 21. novembra 2019

Huun-Huur-Tu ‎– 60 Horses In My Herd. Old Songs And Tunes Of Tuva (1993)

Včera večer zaznel v Bratislave, vo veľkom evanjelickom kostole, výborný koncert "šamanov" HUUN-HUUR-TU z Tuvy.


Dve exkluzívne fotografie ktoré som spravil v šere a s mobilom :) - Huun-Huur-Tu live in Bratislava.

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Prípadne pozri:



Tuvan throat-singing group founded in 1992, that accompany their songs with traditional instruments from the Republic of Tuva.


streda 20. novembra 2019

The Apostles - The 1st & 2nd Studio Albums

THE APOSTLES - prvé dva albumy tejto podivnej UK anarcho-punkovej kapely - 
"Punk Obituary" a "The Lives And Times Of Apostles".

Kapela miešala melodický A-punk, blues-rock, lo-fi experimentálnu/psychadelickú hudbu s provokatívnymi postojmi a zvláštnymi názormi.

Mám doma od nich jeden album na vinyle - split APOSTLES/STATEMENT a jednu starú kazetu, ich 5. demo, občas si to vypočujem. Zvláštna muzika, ale ľúbi sa mi to.


Meticulously remastered at DNA studios by Andy Martin and Luc Tran, available to download for the first time, a double album with bonus tracks and full liner notes by Andy Martin.


utorok 19. novembra 2019

Earth Citizens - Live @ O.J.C. Elektra, Sliedrecht, Netherlands, May 10, 1991

EARTH CITIZENS - HC/punk zo Švajčiarska, naživo v Holandsku, 1991.

Earth Citizens - Live @ O.J.C. Elektra, Sliedrecht, Netherlands, May 10, 1991

Počúva ešte niekto v roku 2019 EARTH CITIZENS ?
Ja som si po dlhšom čase opäť začal písať s Pablom - ich bubeníkom. Voľakedy to boli dlhé dopisy + kresby, kazety, nálepky - dnes skôr kratšie maily, prípadne nejaký mesidž cez Discogs, ale stále to trvá.


Info from You tube:

Earth Citizens’ toured Europe in May of 1991 and after a surprise gig in Paris we headed to the legendary Vort’n Vis, totally curious what it will be like to play there. Quite a few of our penpals had said they’d be there, so we were looking forward to it! Total bummer as we arrived and the place was closed with a note from our organiser Bruno Genet. It said we should call him, which we did. For some reason he cancelled the gig!!! And made us drive all the way to Sliedrecht (The Netherlands). The big dinner he offered us was french fries – yaaay! We were suspicious of him and in the end thought he cancelled the gig to see ‘Concrete Sox’ (who were great!) and ‘Private Jesus Detector’ (great too). We then drove back to Gent for the night, only to have Bruno offering us his student-room to crash – 4 of us plus 3 of ‘Systemphobia’ who we’d picked up at the Vort’nVis. On top of that he asked us to pay for the gas…strange. Good thing was to see the two bands and meet the great guys of ‘Systemphobia’ who organized us a breakfast! Forever thankful for that!!! So in the end we only ever saw the closed door of the Vort’n Vis. Too bad! The tour in May 1991 included: ‘Schrein’n’hart’ (vocals & driver), ‘Furz The System’ (guitar & backing-vocals), ‘The Prophet’ (drums & backing-vocals) and Oli (driver). ‘Earth Citizens’ was an anarcho-punk band trying to set the world free of all the bad things. We had different views though, which we learnt at the first gig in Lyon when our singer went to actually ask for more money than we agreed to with the organisers of the tour. We then dropped our anti-capitalist song Money from the set ‘cause the rest of us thought we couldn’t sing “Money doesn’t guard our doors” when one of us actually cared about these things. In hindsight he was probably right. It was his van we used on the tour and of course the van needed gas. Anyway, the tour was organized by various people and yes I think Brob helped us with the gig in Terneuzen. I remember somewhere in between the Dutch gigs we made it to Gent and visited our good old friend :-) (Brob)… Pablo Aside from being in this band and keeping a busy correspondence going (also with myself), Pablo was the editor of several zines around that time (No Sanctuary, Alternative, Brain Death). Have no idea why Bruno cancelled this gig after I’d asked him… I believe I did get them another gig the next day in Kalashnikov (Terneuzen, The Netherlands)… Brob.

Swiss underground HC band from early 90´s


nedeľa 17. novembra 2019

Spomienka na November 1989

Rozmýšľal som, že čo dnes na blog dať vzhľadom na dôležitý historický dátum. A zrovna včera som si náhodou v kníhkupectve v SNG vzal časák Sóda - a tam som objavil pekný tematický článok od Jura Plánovského, žijúcej legendy SK metal/grind/nezávislej scény (LUES DE FUNES, ZOŽER MESIAC V LUFTE):


sobota 16. novembra 2019

Georgian Post-Punk Compilation

Kompilácia post-punkových kapiel z Gruzínska.

Georgian Post-Punk Compilation

01 - Afternoon Version - Champagne Gold
02 - Cerili (Amorali) - Shishveli Xeebi (Naked Trees)
03 - Children's Medicine - Shedikhar Tkheshi (Entering the Forest)
04 - Genetic Code - Artificial Love
05 - Kumle - Televizori
06 - Mother on Mondays - House Of Love
07 - PLAKQSA - Sonia
08 - Qisho Da Inteligencia - Cheshmariteba (Truth)
09 - Spandera Da Kompratia - Datom Ramtove Zemze
10 - Taqsi - Chemi Saxli Jojoxets Hgavs (My House Looks Like Hell)
11 - Vietnam Radio - Ann's Room
12 - Marlene Dietrich - Do Vstrechi


Pozri aj blog galériART:


piatok 15. novembra 2019

Outsider ‎– Inside LP (1992)

Gruzínsky punk/alternatívny rock.


1) 17 წამიანი - 17-Tsamiani
2) სურათი - Surati
3) ჩვენება - Chveneba
4) მსუქანი ბუზი - Msuqani Buzi
5) სოფელო - Sopelo
6) დროშა - Drosha
7) ცხრათვალა მზე - Cxratvala Mze
8) ქალი - Qali
9) უნიტაზი, ღმერთო! – Unitazi, Gmerto!
10) ქალაქი - Qalaqi
11) მკერავის ტანგო - Mkeravis Tango
12) გავათავე - Gavatave



Punk rock from Georgia (ex-USSR).

Check also:


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up