Hello, here are few more vinyls for trade. If interested, write to: miso.komunikacia@gmail.com
Scott/Stivín/Dašek "Rozhovory" LP 1981, Supraphon
Jazz compositions + improvisations recorded in 1979, released in 1981. Playing: Scott from New Jersey, Stivín (famous Czech flute player), Dašek.
Jazzová doska, improvizácie.
EX TIP "S/T" LP, 1991, Únia mladej slovenskej kultúry.
EX TIP was one of the first punk rock band in Slovakia, this is their first album. Rock n roll/punk, influenced by RAMONES, MOTORHEAD etc.
Netreba predstavovať.
LUES DE FUNES "The great hard core odrb" 1991, Zoon rec.
First slovakian HC album. Crazy music with two basses and jazzy-grind drumms, ironic/sarcastic/funny/critic lyrix. Released on slovakian indepentend label Zoon, catalogue number - 1. This is only vinyl relaese of LUES DE FUNES.
Kult LP!
LUES DE FUNES, bláznivý HC, skvelá doska.
V/A REBELIE PUNK N OI!, Monitor 1990
Compilation of Czech punk/hc/OI bands, including PLEXIS, TŘI SESTRY, FABRIKA, ORLÍK (racist/skinhead band), ŠANOV, NAŠROT, FABRIKA, DO ŘADY!
cover is little bit scratched, G+
Z KOPCE EP, no.4/series Rock debut, 1987, Panton
Great czech alternative band from late 80s, strange music, inspirative, provocative.
Z KOPCE - český alternatívny súbor, zvláštna hudba, zvláštne texty.

OŠKLID EP, no.5/Rock debut series, 1988, Panton
Poetic, ironic, post-Brecht rock with Waits influences, music anarchy with order.
Zaujímavá alternatíva z Brna.

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