Today some punk compilations what I found on two great blogs. So have a nice weekend with:
"Ok, then a great punk tape, with just Dutch bands: 700 Ennemies, Les Molotovs, Smexmec, Degrisement 1, World War Rockerz, Svatsox, Hysterical Flies and Ze Pigx. Early 80s, 1982 or 1983 I think."
"A fine compilation with Terveet Kadet (Finland), Bristles (Sweden), M.O.G. (Holland), Sound Of Disaster (Sweden), Vortex (Belgium), Doppelplusungut (West Germany), Stigmathe (Italy), Urlaub Im Rollstuhl )West Germany), Behind The Dikes (Holland), Larm (Holland), Afflict (Holland) and Echte Boter GVD (Holland). The label was from Belgium."
this two tapes were taken from
and some more...
"B.C.T. is a DIY tape label that released a total of 27 cassette tapes covering mostly international and some domestic hardcore and punk released from 1983-1986. These tapes have stayed in print for 20+ years. All tapes have good to very good recording quality and are 60 minutes each except #6 which is 90 minutes. All tapes are $4 ppd. each. You can get any five tapes for $17 ppd. and any ten tapes for $32 ppd. Overseas orders: Add $2.00 for first tape, $1.00 each additional for postage. Most descriptions by Chris BCT."
And here are "2 Punk Compilations From Former Yugoslavia":
these tapes were taken from:
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