sobota 20. júla 2024

Praisydal Tendencies



Punk-rockové chvály.

Modlitby s grunge/punkovým nádychom v podaní členov nemeckej HC kapely PRAISER

"Týchto 23 piesní sme nahrali naživo v skúšobni a prevažne sme ich naspievali naživo.

Tentoraz sú menej hardcorové, viac melodické, aby sa to ľahšie spievalo (ale je tam stále aj pár rýchlych a punkových skladieb)."

streda 17. júla 2024

Deviation / Kalian – split cassette (2007)


Split kazeta dvoch anarcho-punk kapiel z Bieloruska.

HC/punk/folkish rock...

Side A - Kalian "У краiне цудау", recorded 27-28.07.1997:

Side B - Deviation "Lukashenko ... Uber Alles", recorded & mixed 20-22 April 1996:

utorok 16. júla 2024

BREAKAWAY - Warrior (2024)


US punk rock s kresťanským posolstvom.


Today is the day I lay this at your cross

I struggled for so long but I only lost

My mind is screaming to do it my own way

But the only answer is what you have for me

Against my flesh

So be it

You're my direction the lamp at my feet

Die to my flesh

So be it

I belong to Christ this way is not for me

All of these choices and what life brings

The choice to react or lay it at His feet

Deception seeps in through every crack

I trust in Christ through these attacks

utorok 25. júna 2024

DOKUMENT Sretno Dijete (Gerila DV Film ; Grlić, Rajko, 2003)


Juhoslovanská nezávislá scéna.

In this documentary, Igor Mirković, originally a news reporter, portrays the emergence of the independent, vibrant new wave punk-rock musical scene in Zagreb, ex-Yugoslavia, emerging at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s. Most of the documentary consists of his interviews with Zagreb rock singers and other important actors on the scene as well as with some of their Belgrade counterparts. With plenty of original musical and archival images from the period, the film makes no claim to objectivity, but is rather a monument to the generation that grew up in the belief that rock’n’roll is larger than life. The story is narrated from the perspective of an outsider since the author was just a teenager when the scene exploded and is concerned with illustrating the life-long influence of rock-music on his way of life. Through Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna, Belgrade, Budapest, Paris, Utrecht and New York, the author thus finds himself in pursuit of the heroes of his youth. Mirković also implicitly tried to interconnect his rock story with the fall of socialism: he provides a historical background by bringing in important political moments of the period such as the death of Tito or the evolving economic crisis.

77 - Zrcadlo (1993)