piatok 31. júla 2020

EGON BONDY - Urban Songs

Egon Bondy spieva staré mestské pesničky, hudobný doprovod Požoň Sentimentál.

Mal som šťastie videť to aj naživo ešte v starej A4 na Námestí SNP v Bratislave, asi rok 2001, 2002?

Viac info v článku Renaty Beličovej: 


Urban songs made by Piaček/Požoň Sentimentál group.


štvrtok 30. júla 2020

Punkové koncerty

Dávam do pozornosti dve akcie:

Info: Zdar a sílu,
jsem tu s pozvánkou na Duše 2020 (plagát). Letošní setkání bude opět dvoudenní (pátek 31. 7. a sobota 1. 8.) a proběhne - navzdory původním plánům, které počítaly s rozprostřením jednotlivých akcí po celém Rožnově - pouze v rožnovském klubu Vrátnice a v jeho bezprostředním okolí. Tahle varianta bohužel neumožňuje nocleh v místě konání festivalu. Přespolní návštěvníci mohou využít buď dvou rožnovských kempů, kde se dá stanovat, nebo této levné ubytovny: www.roznovskastredni.cz/ubytovani-pro-verejnost. Ta má výhodu, že leží cca deset minut chůze od klubu.
Páteční koncert otevře nejmladší kapela, místní středoškoláci, kteří momentálně vystupují pod názvem VYVIKLANÝ ŽEBŘ. Po nich nastoupí angažovaný slovenský emopunk SAMORAST. Následovat budou dvě místní party s čerstvou nahrávkou na kontě - punk´n´roll LUCIFER EFEKT, který nedávno vydal desku "Robotická báseň", a elektropunk KULTRA!, jež tímto koncertem přivítá na světě svou zbrusu novou platňu K nevíře.
A aby toho nebylo málo, proběhne po koncertě za klubem představení jihočeského divadla JÁ TO JSEM s názvem Iluminace.
A divadlo JÁ TO JSEM pak v sobotu ve 14.00 otevře druhý den festivalu. Tentokrát půjde o představení Pinocchio, určené hlavně dětem.
Odpolední program pak bude pokračovat dvěma performancemi a jedním hudebním vystoupením. V 15.00 nejprve vystoupí ve ztemnělém sále Vrátnice jihočeský básník, publicista a performer Libor Staněk. Ve vrátnické kavárně pak na něj naváže nejprve Karolina Válová z Prahy (mimo jiné spoluautorka publikace Zaniklé pražské kluby) a po ní zde zahraje jihočeský písničkář s  rožnovskými kořeny, který vystupuje pod jménem BABYLONELY.
Na večerním koncertě v sobotu uslyšíte hodně randálu: hlučné duo z Českých Budějovic REK, brněnskou hardcorovou palbu GODOT YOUTH a špičkovou klasiku moravského powerviolence SHEEVA YOGA. Pro ty z vás, kteří fandí melodičtější muzice, dorazí z Vídně kapela LIDSKÉ ZDROJE s kytaristou Paayou, kterého si možná můžete pamatovat z ultrahlučné kapely FESTA DESPERATO, a bubeníkem Keydou ex GODOT YOUTH, ex ALIUSTERRA, ...).

Za partu kolem Duší zve Ctib.

Zdar a sílu, přátelé, jsem tu s prosbou: chystáte-li se na Duše, nezapomeňte si prosím vzít s sebou roušku nebo třeba šátek - v Česku nám tento týden znovu zavedli karanténní opatření. Je to spíš pro jistotu, pro případ nějaké policejní kontroly, než že byste to museli mít na puse pořád během koncertů. Díky za pochopení! Za pořadatele zdraví Ctib

utorok 28. júla 2020

Vltava ‎– Rock Debut 9 (1990)

Zaslúžilý uploader Vlado mi poslal link na VLTAVA - Rock Debut č.9.
Mám na vinyloch asi 7 dielov z tejto edície, tento však nie.

Príjemný rock, čo ťa nesie ako loďka na vlnách...


Info: https://www.discogs.com/Vltava-Rock-Debut-9/release/1862680

Mal som kedysi požičanú ich kazetu Beat, tiež pohodová vec.


Czech alt-rock band and their debut 7" EP.


nedeľa 26. júla 2020

Aurora – Viszlát Iván + 5 Dal Az 1988-Ról

Maďarská punková legenda AURORA a ich prvá doska + songy z roku 1988.


Info z fanzinu Kolera 1:


Hungarian punk legend.


štvrtok 23. júla 2020

Various ‎– Nepříčet CS Core ´88-´89 (1990)

Kompilačka českých punk/HC kapiel z dielne ŠOT records a Barák Rec.

VA - Nepříčet - CS Core 88-89.rar

Download (320k mp3, high quality scan): http://www.mediafire.com/file/lqygig1...

You Tube verzia:

Info: https://www.discogs.com/Various-Nep%C5%99%C3%AD%C4%8Det-CS-Core-88-89/release/5567960

Sampler má aj svoje švajčiarske vydanie (z roku 1990), ktoré vydal na Resistence production punkáč Pablo. Písal som mu, či tú kazetu ešte má, žiaľ mi odpísal, že master sa už kdesi zapatrošil. 

Na otázku aký bol dôvod vydania kazety vo Švajčiarsku napísal:

I think it's pretty simple why we wanted to release NEPRICET.
Czechoslovakian Punk/HC was very much unknown over here so once we got a copy of the K7 we asked. But it can also be that Lubos asked us...i mean it's 30 years ago!! And what's worse i can't remember if it was Lubos(he might have used a nickname back then?)or someone else we were in touch with. (Pablo, Resistance prod., Swiss)


HC/punk sampler of Czech bands.


streda 22. júla 2020

Stará Dobrá Ruční Práce ‎– It's Only Pop (1991)

Androšský hlučný rock z Přerova.
Tento album som našiel na nete, songy sú síce poprehadzované, nie v tom poradí ako na track liste na kazete, ale to je jedno.

S.D.R.P - It's Only Pop.zip

Info o kapele: http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/specialy/bigbit/kapely/2648-stara-dobra-rucni-prace/

Ak má niekto záujem, tak kamoš Vlado nám poslal nedávno do FB skupiny české a slovenské fanziny oskenovanú kapelovú story vydanú ako samizdat (1987).
Dávam sem ten link: KNIHA_O_SDRP.rar


Czech undergorund rock band.


utorok 21. júla 2020

UNDERDOSE - Rought Cuts (2020)

UNDERDOSE - výborný crossover grunge/HC z Nitry.


Pár dní dozadu odohrali vynikajúci koncert na garážach pod Prístavným mostom.



The music of Underdose, defined by  fans as ‘progressive, melodic, moody, happy, hard grunge’, ‘technical, not-so-straightforward rock’ or ‘a combination of Alice in Chains & Tool’, is in itself  the symbiotic convergence of relatively diverse musical preferences of its four members and a result of more than  5-year-long ripening in the dirt of beer-and-tobacco scented, dimly lit pubs.

With our music, we try NOT to contribute to current music business trends; we do NOT consider our music as a business article, as it is with most popular self-obsessed pseudo-bands; we perceive our music as a means of self-realization and self-expression without blindly following deceiving hopes or visions of commercial success. 


štvrtok 16. júla 2020

PRAISER - Amen (2012)


Rýchly old-school-HC z Nemecka. 
Traja veriaci týpci sypú rýchlu muziku.


Christian HC/punk from Hamburg.


Pozri aj blog galériART: 


streda 15. júla 2020

CHVM – 4 – 2CD – 2000

Trenčianska alternatívna kapela CHÓR VÁŽSKYCH MUZIKANTOV, ktorá oslavuje už 40-te výročie fungovania.

Ich starší materiál obsahujúci live aj štúdio.


Slovakian alternative rock band playing since 1980.
DIY release on their own label Fukkavica records.



pondelok 13. júla 2020

Various ‎– Garázs (1989)

Túto LP som kedysi dostal od kamošky.
Je to niečo podobné ako naše dosky Rock 1990 (the Year After), alebo Ostrov Pokladov, či V/A Rocklet.

Na nete som našiel MP3 verziu.

Výber maďarského rocku/punku.

VA - Garázs I (1989).rar


Hungarian rock/punk compilation.
Info: https://www.discogs.com/Various-Gar%C3%A1zs/release/3769203


nedeľa 12. júla 2020

Echoes of Central and Eastern Europe Underground Scenes in French Fanzines Before and After the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Zaujímavý článok o fanzinoch z portálu Forum Historiae z pera Samuela z Francúzska.

This paper scrutinises how alternative cultural scenes from Central and Eastern European countries have been represented in fanzines published in France since 1977. The study focuses principally on the geographical and temporal rather than the qualitative or cultural aspects of the question. Four countries clearly stand out, representing 57 % of the analysed corpus: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Hungary. These special interests may be explained by macrosocial factors (for example, the search for alternative information to counterbalance those diffused by French mainstream media) or microsocial factors (i.e. personal interest/linkage of a zinester (zine publisher) to a country of Central and Eastern Europe). Fanzine analyses underline the importance of individuals in the cross-border diffusion of alternative scenes’ echoes, rather than established professional networks.


štvrtok 9. júla 2020

utorok 7. júla 2020

pondelok 6. júla 2020

Northern Haze ‎– ᓯᓈᒃᑐᖅ Sinnaktuq

Eskimácky hard rock. Dosku som kedysi získal výmenou priamo s vydavateľom reedície. 
Pôvodná LP sa už ťažko zháňa.

Tu si môžeš vypočuť prvú stranu platne:



Hailing from the 69th parallel in the Arctic is a story unlike any other. Born on the land to Nomadic parents and later settled in the hamlet community of Igloolik, these childhood friends grew up learning to play on toy instruments until becoming accomplished musicians and forming a group in 1977. Their talent won success in the early '80s with contests, press coverage, and tours of isolated Northern communities until in '85 when CBC Radio invited them to travel 3000 km south to record an album. The result became the first Canadian Inuit Rock/Metal album ever made and first Indigenous language rock album in North America. Pressed in a tiny quantity of 500 copies for promotional use only, the LP quickly disappeared into the vortex of rare Canadiana.

Over the 1990’s and into the millennium, Northern Haze endured great hardship yet 35+ years on they still prevail. In 2010, a new recording and a documentary film on the history of the group was produced on location in the Arctic. Complete with traditional “ayaya” parts and sung entirely in Inuktitut, the end result is a heavy melodic rock/metal album played by veterans of the genre with a distinctly original character unlike anything heard before. For these men who live two lives, the old ways of the past meet with those of the present; “Sinnaktuq” (their “dreams”) are truly embodied within the realization of this amazing deluxe collection of original material.


Info: https://www.discogs.com/artist/2671244-Northern-Haze


nedeľa 5. júla 2020

African Scream Contest - Raw & Psychedelic Afro Sounds from Benin & Togo 70s

Dnes trošku niečo iné. Výber rock-beat kapiel z Beninu a Toga.


Summer is here... so something hot is comming!

Raw & Psychedelic Afro Sounds from Benin & Togo 70s

'African Scream Contest' is the third release by the Analog Africa label. The project initially took off in August 2005 when label owner and vinyl collector Samy Ben Redjeb arrived in Cotonou, Benin, 'without any special expectations, just hoping to lay my hands on few good records - what I found in the process cannot really be described in words'. This first trip was followed by eight more to the region. Thirty months and few thousand records later Analog Africa proudly presents this 14-track compilation.

Just like with the label's first two releases - albums by Zimbabwean 70s bands the Green Arrows and Hallelujah Chicken Run Band - the essence of Analog Africa is clear yet again: searching in dusty warehouses for forgotten music to keep it alive. Ben Redjeb explains: 'Some of the track we've already released would have been lost for ever if we didn't do it. With 'African Scream Contest' this is even more the case as some of the bands and musicians were, and still are, completely unknown. Some of the tracks have not even been released and I found a lost master tape at the producer's house who decided not to release it and just left it aside.' (The compilation contains a track by Vincent Ahehehinnou & Poly-Rythmo which wasn't even released in Benin.)

All the tracks have been officially licensed, usually from the artists who Ben Redjeb also met with for detailed research. He conducted 16 interviews in various cities in Benin and Togo with artists, producers and sound engineers to reconstruct the history of the 70s music scene for the 44-page booklet which also includes many rare photographs directly received from the artists.

Like most modern music in French-speaking West African countries, the music of Benin and Togo was influenced by a few main musical currents: Cuban, Congolese and local traditional music, as well as Chanson Francaise. Additionally, the geographical location of Benin and Togo - sandwiched between Ghana and Nigeria - exposed Beninese and Togolese musicians to Highlife music.

The cultural and spiritual riches of traditional Beninese music had an immense impact on the sound of Benin's modern music. Benin is the birth place of Vodun (or, as it is known in the West, Voodoo), and some of the rhythms used during traditional rituals - Sakpata, Sato, Agbadja, Tchenkoumé and many others - were fused to Soul and Latin music as early as the mid-1960s and later to Funk. That fusion is the essence of this compilation.

In the late 60s and early 70s rock and soul music started creeping into the region. In particular, the music of James Brown and Johnny Hallyday became immensely popular with university students. It was then that the music scene in Benin really started to take off.

What made this musical revolution even more interesting is that most of the musicians could not read music. Often the music they made sounded one semi-tone away from being out of tune, but somehow they always managed to bring all the elements together into something new and exciting.

One of the greatest bands of their era, Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou, who are of course featured on this compilation, took the Afro sound to another level by showing their musical versatility in many forms. Although they were consciously copying western artists, they would always inject a dose of psychedelic Afro grooves that would make their music unmistakably Beninese. Their biggest song, 'Gbeti Madjro' is believed to have revolutionised the music industry in Benin in the 70s when the country went through a period of political turmoil. The song is full of raw breaks and the hypnotic rhythms as well as screams à la James Brown - after this song many bands in Benin started screaming on their recordings, hence the title of this compilation.

Latin-influenced sounds are present on this compilation, too. Ouidah, a city on the Atlantic coast of Benin, is home to a large Brazilian community, or, as they are called in Benin, 'Agoudas.' Members of that community are descendents of slaves who returned from Brazil at the end of the 19th century. Their dances (such as Kaléta and Buriyanj) and songs are still being performed and fused into the traditional Beninese rituals. That, too, can be heard in modern Beninese music.

The proximity of the giant neighbour Nigeria can be heard on the track 'Djanfa Magni' which features the amazing trumpeter/ saxophonist Tidjani Koné fronting the Orchestre Poly-Rythmo. Koné whose career started in Mali as the founder and band leader of the Rail Band de Bamako, had played with Fela Kuti for a short while hence the strong Afrobeat influence.

There are countless stories to be discovered in the extremely well-researched booklet and the music is truly mind-blowing. So delve into the forgotten raw and psychedelic Afro sounds from 70s Benin and Togo and experience the African Scream Contest.


released March 17, 2008

Mastering by Nick Robbins at Soundmastering (London)
'African Scream Contest' font by Tai Elshorst (Frankfurt)
Text edited by Michael Scott (San Francisco) and Matthew Ozga (New York)
Proof reading by Banning Eyre (New York) and Peter White (Wales)
Compiled by Samy Ben Redjeb - All tracks fully licensed

Executive Producer : Samy Ben Redjeb for Analog Africa
Cat. number : Analog Africa AA063


Keď som začínal s blogom Muzika Komunika, zachytil som okrem iného na webe zaujímavý blog Awesome tapes from Africa. Pustil som si vtedy z neho pár ripnutých kaziet, ktoré sa dali pustiť/stiahnuť, no pravdu povediac, nebol som nejako extra nadchnutý. Také všelijaké afro disco/divný-pop. Raz dávnejšie som bol na trhovisku na Djerbe, najväčšom severoafrickom ostrove a tam znela taká podobná muzika. 

No ale takéto rockovejšie/psych veci ma bavia viac. Určite sa ešte pár podobných labelov zameraných na podivuhodnú muziku zo sveta nájde, ja odporúčam ešte napríklad Sublime Frequencies. Vyskúšajte.


streda 1. júla 2020

Brave Punk World - The International Rock Underground from Alerta Roja to Z-Off

Hľadám túto knihu z druhej ruky za normálnu cenu.

Prípadne mám záujem o pár ofotených/oskenovaných strán pojednávajúcich o punku z Čiech, Maďarska, Poľska, Juhoslávie, Východného Nemecka a Ruska.

I am looking for this book for fair price.
Any suggestions?

Preferentially I have interest about few pages from book (photo, scans)  incl. punk from Czech, Poland, Hungary Yugoslavia, East Germany and Russia.


Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!