Ponúkam na výmenu 3-LP Box s nahrávkami ľudovej hudby z Afrického kontinentu.
Obal aj vinyly sú v EX stave, rovnako aj obsiahly booklet.
Nahrávky z Libérie, Nigérie, Čadu, Stredoafrickej Republiky, Rwandy, Etiópie.
Pokiaľ máš záujem pošli mail: miso.komunikacia@gmail.com
Platňu nepredávam, ale vymieňam. Mám niekoľko titulov ktoré zháňam, väčšinou CS punk, novú vlnu, alternatívu. Napíš, dohoda možná.
Prípadne pozri aj: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2013/06/beat-aus-afrika-1990.html
3-LP box for trade:
3 Lp Box "Lidová Hudba Afriky" (The Folk Music of Africa), Supraphon MONO 0171581-83, released 1974,
including large booklet in EX condition.
If you are interested write to: miso.komunikacia@gmail.com
Primary it´s not for sale, but for trade.
Recordings was compilated from records of Bärenreiter label.
If you are interested of so-called "World music" for sure check: http://www.sublimefrequencies.com/
"Sublime Frequencies is a collective of explorers dedicated to acquiring and exposing obscure sights and sounds from modern and traditional urban and rural frontiers via film and video, field recordings, radio and short wave transmissions, international folk and pop music, sound anomalies, and other forms of human and natural expression not documented sufficiently through all channels of academic research, the modern recording industry, media, or corporate foundations." - Homepage information