piatok 31. októbra 2014

ŠVEHLÍK "Sny" (záznam z koncertu v Prahe z roku 1978)

Český alternatívny-rock-minimalizmus so spevavým názvom a záznam ich živého vystúpenia v Prahe roku 1978.


info: http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/specialy/bigbit/kapely/13-svehlik/


Czech alt-rock/minimalism, influenced by KING CRIMSON or GENESIS.


streda 29. októbra 2014


Česká kapela s podivným názvom. Improvizovaná muzika s vplyvom "Rock-in-opposition".


"Po rozpadu Kilhets pokračovali Mirek Šimáček, Mikoláš Chadima a Franta Skála dál s občasnými hosty. Svou skupinu pojmenovali Autentyncký z Gokytňan. Skupina náročné hudby, která vznikla de facto na troskách slavných Kilhets. Poté, co z Kilhets odešel Petr Křečan, zbytek se reinkarnoval a rozmnožil do podoby nového improvizačního souboru. Ten již produkoval nejen čisté improvizingy, ale rovněž interpretoval komponované skladby. Bylo to dáno jednak přirozeným vývojem, jednak osobnostmi, které v Autentynckém působily – kromě Šimáčka, Chadimy a Františka Skály jr. se objevil Michal Tichý a jako host také Petr Kofroň, příští hvězda souboru soudobé hudby Agon."

info zdroj: http://www.blackpoint.cz/autentycky-z-gokytnan-autentyncky-z-gokytnan-mc/


R.I.O.-inspirated /improvised music of 80´s from Czech.


utorok 28. októbra 2014

IQ:60 - záznam z koncertu (VŠB 1988)

Česká punk rock/new wave kapela s názvom IQ:60 a niekoľko ich live songov z koncertu.



Czech punk rock band influenced for example by THE STRANGLERS, B-52´s, DEVO,
and some bands from Polish broadcast - KOBRANOCKA, MAANAM, REPUBLIKA...

Here you can hear few song from live set.




nedeľa 26. októbra 2014


tu je niekoľko vecí čo aktuálne ponúkam a výmenu:

Výber SK kapiel rôznych žánrov - rock, new wave, hard´n´heavy, alternatíva...na LP-čke.

Kysucká alternatíva. Ich jediná LP-čka.

Punk rock z Martina na kazete.

Punk-rock/hard´n´heavy one-man projekt /ex-DIMENZIA X/.

Komixový zborník, prvé číslo, prvé vydanie. Českí a slovenskí ilustrátori.


If you are interested write to: miso.komunikacia@gmail.com


štvrtok 23. októbra 2014

TASS "Dam Dam Dala" (1997)

Podivný punk-rock/underground z Čiech existujúci od roku 1992. Názov TASS znamená "Timur a sběrný suroviny".



Strange-punk-rock from Czech.


utorok 21. októbra 2014

KONTRA "Ljybov, bivaet raznaja" (1997)

Alternatíva-avant-punk z Ruska.



Alter-punk from Russia.


pondelok 20. októbra 2014

CÁCORY "S/T" CD (2014)

Príjemný folk-hippie-punk v ženskom podaní z Děčína. Tento piatok hrali u nás na Garáži. Tri baby sedeli na zemi, pred nimi sviečky. Xylofón, gitara a flauta a trojhlasne spievané pesničky. Miestami mi trochu pripomínali ZUBY NEHTY. Veľmi fajn koncert. Rozdávali CDčká ktoré im zvýšili po turné vo Švédsku. CÁCORY znamená asi niečo ako "rošťáčky, uličníčky, nezbedníčky, neposedky..."



Grrrl folk-hippie-punk from Czech.


štvrtok 16. októbra 2014


Príď si vychutnať posledné záchvevy babieho leta na Garáži.

Piatok, 17.10


Nedeľa 19.10



utorok 14. októbra 2014

V/A ODPLYW (1985)

Experimentálna/divná muzika z Poľska. Výberovka z roku 1985.





Weird, experimental, new wave music from Poland.


pondelok 13. októbra 2014

V/A "ODEKOLONS" 97/98 (1998)

Kompilácia kapiel lotyšskej undergroundovej/alternatívnej scény z polovice 90-tych rokov.


pozri tiež: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2013/07/va-eau-de-cologne-latvian-diy.html


Compilation of Latvian punk-ish/alternative bands of the 90´s.
Released by HUBB rec.- independent label founded by Raimonds Lagimovs (Dambis) to release works by alternative and independent latvian bands.


nedeľa 12. októbra 2014

ROVNOU CHODBOU "Demo 1" / "Demo 2" (2003) re-ups

Rýchly thrash/punk z Bratislavy. Naše demo v dvoch verziách. Pôvodne to malo vyjsť na HEADxON rec. v Taliansku, no zišlo z toho. Prvé demo (biely obal) je taká rozhasenejšie, chaotickejšie a viac punkovejšie.

Info: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2010/02/rovnou-chodbou-pankhace.html


 Druhé demo (čierny obal) je o trochu rýchlejšie, thrashovejšie.



Fast punk/thrash from Bratislava, Slovakia.


štvrtok 9. októbra 2014

ROCKOVÝ KOLOTOČ 1988 - plagát

Starý plagát na akciu ROCKOVÝ KOLOTOČ, z roku 1988. Na koncerte sa dramaturgicky (resp. co-dramaturgicky) podieľal Klaus spolu s Pavlom Maruščákom.

Možno sa časom dočkáme aj výstavy kde sa podobných posterov vyskytne viac.


pozri aj: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2012/11/maly-velky-tresk-plagat-1989.html


streda 8. októbra 2014

IN FLAGRANTI ziny (re-upload)

Napísal mi kamarát Mišo (svojho času basák crust squadry BETON) až z ďalekého Japonska, že či by som neobnovil link na staré fanziny IN FLAGRANTI.
Činím teda tak a tu dole v downloade je niekoľko čisel tohto punkového plátku, ktorý vydával Koňýk, spevák kapely ZÓNA A.



utorok 7. októbra 2014

pondelok 6. októbra 2014


HC v NY-štýle z Bieloruska.



Mosh-y/S.O.I.A.-style HC from Belarus.


nedeľa 5. októbra 2014


Kompilačka ponurého gréckeho A-punku/post-punku. Pôvodne vyšlo ako LP v roku 1984.



Great 80´s punk compilation from Greece.


sobota 4. októbra 2014

ZBYTÍ "S/T" (1994)

Alternatíva/androš z Břeclavy. Kazetu som našiel vo free-boxe v klube Yacht v Brne. Vnútri obalu je ceruzkou napísané popisné číslo 22/111, takže kaziet bolo vydaných asi len toľko. A teraz som objavil, že kapela sa zaregistrovala na bandzone, len pred pár dňami, tak tam si môžeš vypočuť viac songov. Tie neskoršie piesne sú už pod silným vplyvom world-music.



Alternative-rock/underground from Czech.


štvrtok 2. októbra 2014

THE DECAY "Anarchy" (1984)

A-punk zo Švajčiarska. Kazetu mi nahral a poslal Pablo, veterán miestnej D.I.Y./A-punkovej scény. Ku nahrávke napísal:

"...i have some Decay tapes as well, most worthy is the 'anarchy' tape which includes both,first demo 'atomic war' (recorded in the uk in 1984) and the second demo 'anarchy' (recorded in switzerland in 1984)...It's funny recording those tapes still in 2011!! and apart from one the Decay song(which lyrix were written by the drummer not me!)i can still stand behind all them lyrix!"




pozri aj:



"...After punk hit me I formed my first imaginary band and called it ‚Punky And The Stunky’.Still in skool I published a few numbers of a band fanzine about this band and somehow managed to sell all five copies of each issue.Seriously,in 1977 I wanted to be in a punk band,but was too young for that.But during my apprenticeship the day came closer when we had The Decay’s first line up in Summer of 1983.That line-up enclosed me and 3 mates who worked in the same shop! Only one of them was halfway into the Clash and France’s Telephone.The other two didn’t really know anything about punk.There we were,having a band name,a line-up,dreams of a first 7’’ but no instruments at all!It took ½ a year until we finally had the instruments and somewhere for the practise.Some of the early members left before the first practise and we got in a guy who went to skool with the drummer,a private skool and our first practise in early 1984 happened in a church!The line-up also perfectly states that I always was into punk as a global thing.My great-grandparents were from Romania.Our drummer was ½ mexican,our singer austrian and our bassist from Argentina!Sadly we never recorded anything else than poor practise room tapes with this line up.1984 saw us heading for England-we wanted to record our first real demo tape in England! First our bassist dropped out and in the last few minutes before departure our drummer pulled out as well.So there was only me and the singer arriving in Sheffield!I’ll never forget the face of the studio’s engineer who looked at us and said ‚you must be crazy’.We said we wanted to record 50 songs,and there was no drum kit,no bass guitar…somehow we started to record with a drum-machine and the bass from a synthesizer and seeing that my guitar playing was so shite we still managed to record 13 of the 50 planned songs.The engineer brought in a bass player and all of a sudden we had a professional bass and a crap sound for the rest of the music.Amazingly enough,in 2001 a guy from the USA released 4 of the songs on a bootleg 7’’!!!Later that year,some line-up changes later,we recorded another tape,this time in Switzerland.We invited 3 of our metal friends,so there was 6 of us.And to make it even more chaotic we agreed to switch instruments after every song.Those 3 metallers couldn’t play any instruments either,all the more we were surprised that some of the songs turned out really well!More line up changes later we booked more studio time,settled down with a line up and practised for the first time like a ‚real’ band.Five songs were rehearsed and all was ready for the studio session.Then we had to kick out our bassist,cos he wanted to play guitar but we already had someone…so when the day arrived it was my first time to play the bass,which of course you can hear very well,how untalented I was!From the 1st to the 3rd time in studio I had switched from playing guitar to vocals and then even to play a crap bass.Anyway,these recordings were made and we knew we had to do it ourselves.I had released the tapes under the name Sick Records,so that was also the label’s name for the 7’’ that was called „Tonight(Back From The Death)EP“ that came out in early 1985.It paid that with skool we went to visit the vinyl press plant which was not far away from where I was living.That part of skool was the most interesting thing we ever did!So,Sick Records was born,and we even had a few self-organized gigs,the first one in Sept.84 in a youth centre(just a few minutes before the gig our vocalist left,so I had to take over vocals!),and then the second was in Bern(capital city of Switzerland),and that was my first dose of a squat back in early 1985 at the ‚Punkhaus’!!Driven by all this we booked another studio time and yet with another line-up(and me switching to the drums)!That recording we liked so much so we changed the name of the band into The Brains Of Humans...


Sound quality is poor, but it is essential reference of Swiss 80´s underground experimental/A-punk.


streda 1. októbra 2014

ČAPAJEVS VAGONS "Vīrietis Ar Dīvānu" (1995) + bonus

Hrubý chaotický HC/punk z Lotyšska. Dohrávka je časť koncertu kapely D.U.R.A.K.

ČAPAJEVS VAGONS (1994 - 1996)
Po rozpade DILŐNIS sa ich basák Muitnieks na jar `94 rozhodol založiť novú kapelu. Prizval starého kamoša Peksa na post speváka, Jānis Mūrnieks (gitarista ANALIZATORS) tu hral na bicie a Kaspars Šulcs hral basu. Čoskoro basu zvládal a tak Muitnieks presedlal na gitaru a s touto zostavou zahrali prvý koncert vo VONSe.
Odohrali ešte koncert v Parnu (Estónsko) spoločne s Vonosonoloppus, Inokentijs Mārpls and Shitheads (Est.),ale po treťom koncerte v „NEXTe", v Riga, Jānis odišiel a Klusais (Vonosonoloppus) bol prizvaný hrať na bicie. V tejto zostave nahrali v marci nahrali 13 skladbové katzetové EP (punk/hc v strednom tempe). ČAPAJEVS VAGONS sa rozpadli v roku 1996, keď Kaspars začal svoju akademickú kariéru v Rige a Klusaisa prestalo baviť hrať na bicie.


Celú túto kazetu ale aj iné nahrávky z Lotyšska nájdeš na You Tube:



Great chaotic-raw-punk/HC from Latvia.


V/A Fuck Your Barbed Wire (2024)