streda 22. decembra 2021

MAMUTY - demo 1994


MAMUTY - alternatívny punk/HC zo Slovenska.

Recenzia z fanzinu Zhlucker:


Slovakian HC/punk/alternative rock.


piatok 17. decembra 2021

Valentina Goncharova - Recordings 1987​-​1991, Vol. 1/Recordings 1987​-​1991 Vol. 2


Sovietska elektroakustika/free-jazz.

Pani spolupracovala mimo iné aj so Sergejom Letovom, jazzovým hudobníkom a bratom Egora Letova z Graždanskej Oborony.

Valentina Goncharova

Historically informed violin player, prize-winning street musician, new age experimentalist, chamber ensemble performer and conservatoire deviant. The career of Valentina Goncharova (b. Kyiv 1953) shares parallels with those associated with the broader new music movement of the 20th century and the dissemination of home recording technologies. Valentina’s was a youth spent immersed in the world of classical music study under soviet rule, first in Kyiv and later in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) from the age of 16. With the supervision of professors M. Vayman and B. Gutnikov she learned concert violin and developed alternate playing styles alongside skilled pianists. A student of the Leningrad conservatoire during the years 1969 through to 1983, her repertoire included music for violin and later expanded to contemporary music composition. The improvisatory nature of free jazz and then budding experimental rock circles also intrigued Valentina during this period in Leningrad. Departing from the rules of the conservatoire, she briefly performed in underground rock clubs alongside future members of the industrial group Pop- Mechanika (Popular Mechanics). Discogs info

piatok 10. decembra 2021

streda 8. decembra 2021

utorok 7. decembra 2021



Klip venovaný tým, ktorí zahynuli v snahe dostať sa z nebezpečnej situácie vo vlastnej krajine.

"To the system it cannot be given a more importance than to a man. It has only a function as being a mediator and this role includes giving a helping hand to all people with no distinction. An evil system breeds sins against humanity that are needed to be named." Lyrics chceme vám pomôcť ale systém je proti nám chceme vám pomôcť ale ľahostajnosť vyhráva ľudia odpustite nám ľudia prosím odpustite nám chceme vám pomôcť ale komfort je proti nám chceme vám pomôcť ale nacionalizmus vyhráva chceme vám pomôcť ale mocní robia diery do člna chceme vás vytiahnuť zo studeného mora a pozvať do tepla domova ľudia odpustite nám ľudia ľudia prosím odpustite nám ------------------------------------------------- People, forgive us We want to help you But the system is against us We want to help you But the carelessness is winning People, forgive us People, please, forgive us We want to help you But the comfort is against us We want to help you But the nationalism is winning We want to help you But the mighty make holes in a boat We want to pull you out of the cold sea And to invite you to the warmth of home People, forgive us, people People, please, forgive us

pondelok 6. decembra 2021

КАЗМА-КАЗМА - Пляски трубадуров (1991)


Ukrajinská kapela, mix folku, post-punku, klezmeru, ľudovej hudby a teatrálneho prejavu. 

Tento album bol zaradený medzi 100 zásadných albumov sovietskeho rocku.


Info o kapele:


Fresh mix of different styles (rock, folk, post-punk, alternative) from Ukraine.


streda 1. decembra 2021

Свидетельство О Смерти - Кто плачет, тот живёт (1994)

Pokračujeme v pátraní po obskúrnych punkových/folkových nahrávkach z krajín bývalého ZSSR.

A máme pred sebou, zdá sa, ešte dlhú cestu. To neskutočné množstvo nahrávok ovplyvnených Graždanskou Oboronou snáď nemá koniec.

Tento krát kapela s depresívnym názvom Úmrtný list a ich nahrávka Kto plače, ten žije z roku 1994.

Online vypočutie:


Post-punk from Russia


Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!