pondelok 28. septembra 2009

ZÓNA A "Útok na špicu hitparády" tape 1994/Pavian rec.

Zóna A is slovakian punk legend. They are controverse for their opinions/attitudes and mainly younger d.i.y./left-wings punks are against them. Zóna A is influeced of clasicall punk rock from late 70s. This tape is document of their first 5 years.

History (taken from Zona A site)
Roots of ZONA A can be found in PARADOX, punk rock band which exist since January 1980 until April 1984, produced three demo tapes and made 11 live appearances.
Immediately after split of PARADOX were main songwriters of the band KONYK - lead vocals and LEDO - guitar, joined by OZI - drums, SVETO - guitar ( both ex members of EXTIP, another punk band which exist since 1980 ) and BRANO ALEX - bass and ZONA A was born.
There were only very limited possibilities to play gigs in those years under communist regime. It must be done secretly, or under fake name, because many gigs were cancelled or destroyed by secret police. There was no possibility to put records out during communist era, so Zona A only released 4 demo tapes. Two first were recorded in the rehearsal room, other two secretly in studio.
In 1985 short TV film about band was made, but never broadcasted, because communist TV leaders labeled it as " unsuitable for socialist youth ".
There were no possibilities to play outside of CSSR either. When the band was invited to Poland's biggest festival, Jarocin in 1986, secret police take away the passports of the band members to avoid the appearance.
In the start of 1988 SVETO left the band, to reform EXTIP ( They did one great LP in 1991 ). He was replaced by semi permanent member ELVIS who played accordion. Since 1988, situation started to be better, because of " perestroika " time. There were first legal appearances on official festivals, interviews in national newspapers, radio etc. State record company OPUS offered to put out a single. It was not released because the band refused to change the lyrics to the songs.
Anyway, in summer 1989, they were first punk band to appear in czechoslovak TV " Top of the pops". Also another TV film was made, but again, it hit the air only after the velvet revolution in fall of 1989. Band played big celebration festivals to support velvet revolution at the end of 1989, in Prague it was in front of 20 000 people, Vaclav Havel included.
In the start of 1990 BRANO and OZI left, to form SLOBODNA EUROPA, ( they produced 2 cool punk ‘n’ roll albums, till they split in 1994, because of heroin addiction, were reformed in 2000 again ). They were temporarily replaced by MIKI - bass and TIBOR - drums, both EXTIP members. Both stayed for one year, because band wait for LUMP's ( Ledos brother ) return from the army service.
In spring 1990 was the first Slovakian record - LP ” POTOPA ” recorded. It was for the state record company, because independent record companies, still did not exist in those days. It was in biggest record studio in Czechoslovakia, ( before them, there was in a classical orchestra, 60 members included ! ). There were first appearances on different compilations and also first gigs in Western Europe : Italy, Switzerland and Austria.
In January 1991, the line up was complete, with LUMP - bass ( former guitarist in local punk bands KRACH and LORD ALEX ) and MIKKO - drums ( ex LORD ALEX too ). In 1993 was second album released and band started to be included in numerous punk and oi! compilations in the Western Europe.
Since 1996 until 2002 was the band under EMI - Slovakia ( It was very big major company - chief and secretary were the only employees :)
In start of 2002 original guitarist and main songwriter LEDO left the band to form PRINCOVIA. He was replaced by REVO, who is, of course, ex EXTIP member again.
Since then the band is producing their records on their own Inflagranti Records label. In 2006 band played fist time in England and since this time they return there each year. In the same year they made two support slots for their favorite band - The Adicts.
Drummer MIKKO left the band in summer 2008 and was replaced with TULEN ( ex SLOBODNA EUROPA, ex EXTIP ).
For the 25 th anniversary in spring 2009 is prepared big Czechoslovak tour, " best of " album and DVD.

Played here : England, Ireland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary.

Played with : Adicts, Sham 69, Toten Hosen, TV Smith, Major Accident, Vibrators, Anti-Nowhere League, UK Subs, Drones, Peter & Test Tube Babies, One Way System, Guttersnipes, Iggy Pop, Splodgenessabounds, Menace ...

link is taken from punkuj.com forum



Reportáž o punku

punková poviedka (teda jej prvá časť), alebo niečo na čítanie ku čaju.

Ako ántré moje dve kresby:
  prevzaté z časopisu pre mladú literatúru a umenie DOTYKY č.3/1990 kresby mimo časák: mišo

štvrtok 24. septembra 2009

KÓMA "Lidé bez tváří" CD 1991


KÓMA was a band from the Czech Republic. This album was released on LP/CD/MC by Europroduction (1991). The music can be described as synthy wavy-rock with male/female vocals. This is their only full-album. The title means: "Faceless people" However, the year before that, they also released SP. Enjoy the sad, melancholic atmosphere. 


streda 23. septembra 2009

LORD ALEX "Krvavý odchod" live tape 1990


Concert of LORD ALEX, back in 1990.
More chaotic, more anarcho-punk style. Tape was released on Allordex records.

photos from that concert

and here is singer Veslo (on the left)

all photos by Lucia Bartošová (thanx a lot!)


utorok 22. septembra 2009

V/A "4 sk" Compilation CD, 1997

4 Sk - výberovka štyroch slovenských alternatívnych kapiel/interpretov. 

This CD is great reference of Slovakian alternative scene of the 90´s. It was called 4 Sk (it´s mean: 4 Slovakian crowns. But, this type of coin never existed). 4 bands, 4 songs from each one and last song is cover-song of Ivan Hoffman, Slovakian protest/folk singer.



KOSA Z NOSA - studio - 1997

is alternative rock/punk rock band from Bratislava, which start to play around 1987. They start as punk rock band, but lately you can their music descript as "common songs".I heard that music of this band can to apperceive as soundtrack to Bratislava city.
Not too much information about this band, becuse they dont care about popularity so much, but you should to hear them, when you want to have overview about slovakian alternative rock.KOSA Z NOSA are still playing. They have longer pause, but this year played few concerts again.

picture above is not original cover, just my picture.


and some video from TV:


pondelok 21. septembra 2009

LUES DE FUNES "The Great Hard-Core Odrb" LP (1991)

Download link: You can find thru their web-site in "mjúzik/MP3s" section.

This crazy stuff was released back in 1991 on Slovakian label Zoon rec. on LP.
Only 3 members playing on - drumms and two bassguitars - terrorized our ears with jazzy-grindy core, plus funny/vulgar lyrics with political/satirical message.You can find here irony, anti-society attitude,different allusions, burlesque to post-totalitarian euphoria. One of the rarest underground vinyl release of Slovakia.

This LP and also more their stuff - demo and live-set you can find at:



LORD ALEX - "Dni a noci"

LORD ALEX is slovakian punk band playing since end of 80s till now.
Two bands- KRACH and BARBUS start to practice and play here in Bratislava.
September :First concert of both bands was in garage in Jurajov Dvor. The crowd consist from their 30 friends. New line-up comming soon: Mikko - drums; Veslo - vocal; Mladý Ledo - guitar, vocal; Gulatý - bass, vocal.
August : First real concert with name LORD ALEX in collage club on Konventna street besides bands KOSA Z NOSA, MLADÉ ROZLETY a POKRYTCI.
September :Recording of first demo “Dni a noci“ in practice room on Lackova street 5.
It was released on In Flagranti rec.

And that demo is here:

If you are interesting about present of the band you can check their myspace:


sobota 19. septembra 2009

BARBUS "Prvé vydanie" demo 1987

Kapela BARBUS vznikla v roku 1986 v zložení Erik Dritomský (gitara), Miko Šimboch (bicie), Maroš Veselovský (spev) a Robo Schönhauser (basgitara). Odohrali iba dva koncerty a nahrali demo "Prvé vydanie" a v roku 1987 sa rozchádzajú. Miko Šimboch a Maroš Veselovský sa potom zlučujú s niektorými členmi kapely KRACH a zakladajú LORD ALEX. Veslo (spevák) na obdobie fungovania kapely BARBUS a na punkovú scénu v Bratislave vtedajších čias spomína aj v rozhovore pre blog Muzika-Komunika: "Punková scéna bola absolútne „Do It Yourself“ – od nás by sa mohli kľudne učiť aj samotní Crass :).Platne, kazety a podobne sa predávali a kupovali hlavne na ilegálnych burzách, ktoré často menili svoje miesto. Napriek tomu všetkému (alebo práve pre to?) mám pocit že to bolo nejaké ozajstnejšie, úprimnejšie. Ako kapela sme skúšali každý druhý deň, nemali sme nič iné na práci a ani nás nič iné nezaujímalo. Boli sme spolu celý čas aj mimo skúšok. Takto nejak to bolo v Barbuse ale hlavne potom v Lord Alexe. Ak sa vyskytol občas nejaký koncert, vždy to bola obrovská udalosť a dôvod na oslavu. Koncert v Horskom Parku vyzeral skvelo! Veď sme boli jediná kapela, ktorá odohrala celý set  Krach stihli len 2 skladby a už tam nabehli poliši a bol všetkému koniec.Bolo tam strašne veľa ľudí z celého Československa. Pražáci a tak. Mnohí z nich boli zatknutí a držaní celú noc na polícii. To veru nikto nečakal, mala to byť len taká verejná skúška Zóny A, kde mali trošku zahrať aj spriatelené kapely Tlak, Krach a Barbus... a Miko (bubeník) pridáva: "Už na Zš sme sa snažili robiť ,,muziku“. Po škole sme hrali skoro denne kde sa dalo a keď nás od všadiaľ vyhodili ,,hrávali“ sme u mňa od 14 – 16 hod. v detskej izbe, lebo po 16 hod. prišla z práce mama a tá to veru nemohla počúvať. Zháňanie nahrávok a nebodaj platní to bolo veru v tej dobe veľmi zložité. Väčšinou sa zháňalo na burzách, ktoré boli nelegálne a väčšinou ich rozohnala polícia a mapovali tajní. Muzika sa šírila medzi známymi na kazetách, alebo ešte kotúčoch. Niečo sa podarilo nahrať z rakúskeho radia na kazetu. Keď mal niekto LP platňu, tak to bola pecka a už sa nahrávalo. Koncerty neboli skoro žiadne, ak si mal kapelu musel si mať zriaďovateľa a keď si chcel hrať musel si prejsť prehrávkami a tam sedela partička komunistov a to bolo málo pravdepodobné, že ťa pustia ďalej a ešte si musel mať schválené texty komisiou. Odznaky sme si robili z plechových vrchnákov fliaš a dozadu sme dávali zicherku a nápis sme si maľovali buď farbami z leteckých modelov, alebo písali – odtláčali propisotom. Opasky, koženkové náramky sme si robili sami a kupovali cvočky a dvojnožky v Rempe. Tričká sme si farbili, alebo striekali vlastnými šablónami a spraymi, pripadne stačilo vypísať na tričko kapely perom. Koncert v Horskom parku s Lord Alex a Zonou bol veľký zážitok. Organizoval to Koňýk ako verejnú skúšku a bolo tam strašne veľa ľudí. Počas koncertu, po našom vystúpení vypli policajti aparatúru a bolo po zábave. Zrazu tam bolo veľa policajtov a divných osôb v civile, ktorý sa tam pohybovali už pred policajnou raziou. Nakladali ľudí do radu , aj z krčmy Funus do Antonov /žlté Avie/a odviezli na políciu na výsluchy...." http://www.multiupload.com/XCSHA9SVNO ------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 Ok, today I ´ve put here old demo of Slovakian punk band from 80´s. 

BARBUS (kind of shaving cream used to makin´spikey hair) was punk band played back in (around) 1987. Band was est. around '86 and played just two gigs and recorded only one demo tape - "Prve vydanie". Then some members left and found new band LORD ALEX, also with some members of band KRACH. Demo have 7 songs, but song "Oklamaný svet" is here recorded two times. Guests on this demo are Konyk from ZONA A (he also "release" this demo on his label In Flagranti) and Ledo from KRACH. mišo

piatok 18. septembra 2009

STOKA CD (Zoon rec., 1993)


This CD consist of music done by musicians and actors of theatre group STOKA and originally was released back in 1993 on CD and cassette on Zoon rec, one of the first independent label in Slovakia.

Info: https://www.discogs.com/Stoka-Stoka/release/2916960


STOKA was (and still is) an alternative theatre from Bratislava. Today they are working with new generation of actors. Director Blaho Uhlar is only one who stayed from old line-up. Musicians and actors whose playing on this CD still continue with their activities, but in different projects.

Musicians on this release:

Príspevok je venovaný hudbe divadelného súboru STOKA. Toto CD vyšlo v roku 1993 na vydavateľstve Zoon records.

Nahrané v januári 1993 v divadle Stoka v Bratislave, skladby 7, 12 boli nahrané na živom vystúpení. Mixované v Rádiu Ragtime, zvuk: Miloš Spišák, Ľubo Burgr a Mirek Pich. Obal: Miloš Spišák a Ľubo Burgr.

Vydané v roku 1993 na CD a MC. Mám obe verzie.

Tu je krátky vhľad do histórie divadla za ktorý vďačím môjmu bráchovi (je to v surovej podobe, ešte štylisticky/gramaticky neupravené, no informatívne hodnotné)

Divadlo Stoka vzniklo v januari roku 1991 ako výsledok dlhodobeho snaženia a iniciativy rezisera Blaha Uhlára a vytvarnika Miloša Karáska. Pocas prveho roku existencie vyuzivalo spolocny priestor s divadlom GuNaGu v klube Cierny havran, kym nenasla vlastnu "domovsku" scenu v miestach byvaleho odborarskeho klubu Dopravneho podniku Bratislava. A prave tu, v post-industrialnych priestoroch umeleckej "periferie", vznika platforma pre rozvoj roznorodych alternativvnych umeleckych aktivit. Reziser Blaho Uhlar tu so suborom realizoval viacero uspesnych divadelnych predstaveni, v ktorych uplatnil rezijne postupy, uz v 80-tych rokoch deklarovane vlastnými divadelnymi manifestami ( uvadzam poucny priklad...pre zaujimavost:):

Tento obrázok je ukradnutý z brožúry "Uhlarová nekonformná réžia" 1990

(I. slovenský divadelný manifest

Súčasná dráma v svojej kauzálnej konzekventnosti a fabulačnej závislosti nemôže reflektovať komplikovanosť interpersonálnych relácií, permanentnú variabilizáciu reality, nemôže vyjadriť to metaverbálne a doteraz nepomenované čo determinuje sociálnu interakciu súčasníka.
Dekompozíciou, motivickou difúznosťou, polytematizáciou, nedeterminovanosťou sa vytvára nová estetika dramatickej tvorby.
Motivická difúznosť je symptomatickým znakom nielen divadelnej reality. Dekompozícia artefaktu vyúsťuje logicky v jeho polytematizáciu.
Na tomto stupni vývoja hereckej tvorby je už javisková postava škrupinou, ktorú musí herec rozlomiť, aby mohol zaujať osobné stanovisko. Dekompozícia javiskovej postavy je kvalitatívne nová fáza jeho tvorby.
Poslaním umelca nie je potvrdzovanie jestvujúcich hodnôt, ale ich permanentná verifikácia.
Blaho Uhlár)

Supersubjektivizmus, dekompozicia ci autorske divadlo sa stali zakladnym formalym posupom predstaveni suboru. Etablovanie na domacej scene zabezpecili predstavenia ako Kolaps, Impasse, Eo Ipso, Dno ci Komisia. Hoci Stoka takmer sustavne zapasila s nedostatkom financi a podpory od statu, dokazala prinasat progresivne a aktualne divadelne svedectvo o dobovej i nadcasovej problematike. V roku 1997 vznikla pri divadle krčma, ktora sa stala hlavnym "finančnym partnerom" divadla. Subor ktory si postupne vybudoval, v kontexte slovenskej alternativnej divadelej sceny, svoju prestiz sa v roku 2000, po osobnych nezhodach rozpadol. Lubo Burgr (kapely: Ali Ibn Rachid, Pozon sentimental , Vapori del Cuore,a.i... komponoval hudbu do vacsiny predstaveni divadla), Zuzana Piussi (v sucastnosti sa venuje hlavne filmovej rezii: filmy: Vymet, Koliba, Babicka) Ingrid Hrubaničova a Vlado Zboroň zalozili divadlo Skrat, Lucia Piussi sa venuje kapele Žive kvety, Laco Kerata posobi vo vlastnych divadelnych projektoch. Stoka pribrala do suboru viacerych mladych hercov a priaznivcov suboru. V roku 2006 prislo divadlo o svoje domovske priestor, z dovodu vypovedania zmluvy. Dnes sa na tomto mieste buduje velky nakupno-administrativny komplex. Poslednym predstavenim v starych priestoroch bola hra Strata ako memento za predchadzajucim posobenim. Pocas jeho 15 rocnej existencie sa tu odohralo, okrem divadelnych predstaveni, mnoho koncertov (prevazne alternativnej, punkovej, jazzovej hudby), prednasok, diskusi, umeleckych performance, Stoka sa stala domovskou scenou alternativnych kapiel Zive Kvety ci Med...krcma centrom stretavania mladeze, vysokoskolakov, intelektualov ic punkacov...bola dejiskom pravidelnych pondelkovych Blues koncertov a nekonecnych nocnych rozhovorov.
Dnes funguje obnoveny a omladeny subor v priestoroch byvalej Cvernovej tovarne a realizuje svoju tichu "kolovratkovu" revoluciu:) Drzime palce:)

J. Kralovič

nedeľa 13. septembra 2009


...muzyka naszej młodości z kaset magnetofonowych i nie tylko. szeroko rozumiany polski punk, awangarda i nowa fala lat osiemdziesiątych...

...so, here is more about "polski punk" a "nie tylko".
http://stilon-c60.blogspot.com/ is one of the blogs that I really like. Why? You can find here so many well/known, but also forgotten bands from Poland. I really like polish bands,their sound, language, feeling. I know few of them and this blog open for me new discoveries on field of alternative music.

I wrote few questions for Arturro who running this blog/page.

Questions: mišo
Answers: arturro

1. What was/is main idea of you blog? Stilon C. tape was one of symbol of Polish music back in 80s? What do you prefer - tape or vinyl?

Idea of my blog is remind to people the old polish punk/new wave/reggae/avant-garde bands from 80-ies. Some of them still playing on, some of them splitted up many years ago. Some of them are forgotten bacause they no left any official recordings. In 80-ies we had maybe more than 10 records with music that I prefer, so cassettes/tapes were most popular in Poland. Stilon Gorzów is a name of one of the most popular polish cassette in 80-ies. Because there were not so much official music publication I try to present recordings from demos, rehearsal and gigs.

2. Polish scene were so huge in 80s. Where did you searching/digging these recordings? they are from you collection? What do you thik is one of most ignore or forgotten polish band from 80s? and some of you memorable concert back in 80s?

Polish scene in 80-ies was very strong and people still have really huge archive of music. Most of recordings on my blogspot coming from my archive, some of them I get from friends and some have been found on internet. Sometimes ex-members of old bands sending me stuff as well.
With presentation of bands I'm first choosing music that I like and I know - that's my blog and I've got to right to do that. Doesn't mean I ignore other bands. Just sometimes I have not their recordings at the moment.
Old gig of some forgotten stars? Why not, but personally I'm against re-union of old bands that doing this very often just for money and getting profits from their old legend. We've got differnet time now, different people and other trends of music. It's destroying our memory of them and our respect to their old achievements. Plenty of re-unions are really crap anyway.

3. Do you have some feedback to your archive work? Are you try contact also members, ex-members of these bands? What gives you motivation for continue?

Estimate of my work is popularity of my blogspot (sometimes too big), lot of comments of people who still remember old polish music. Sometimes my blogspot is
only one place for many people to speak about music like this. Couple of old bands sent me messages with thanks that some people still remember them.
Personally I don't make contact with old bands, because many of them have a strange attitude with their old productions from 25 years and sometimes it's
causing lot of problems.
I'm doing my job as anonymous person, I don't care about personal popularity, making a hero or guru from myself. It reason why is a first and last interview.
I enjoy making my blog and it's giving lot of delight to other ones. It's very good motivation to carry on.

thanks for Pablo (Punk as fuck - blogspot) for translation
(by the way, this is another great music blog, check it out:http://pablopunkart.blogspot.com/

so, to the end, one forgotten band:
Ivo Partizan - "jeden z czołowych przedstawicieli polskiej zimnej fali."

Ivo Partizan was formed in Mogilno, Poland in 1984. Band was named after Yugoslavian partisan leader Ivo Lola Ribar, killed in 1943. Their music was influenced by Joy Division and Bertold Brecht. Group is almost unknown even in Poland. Ivo Partizan decayed in 1987 and played 13 concerts only.
They never made any official release.



sobota 12. septembra 2009

Supreme Echo label

Supreme Echo is music label from Canada which is running couple of years. It is define itself as "EXTRAORDINARY UNDERGROUND ARCHIVES". The man behind is Jason Flower, music freak, who is really into many genres of music. We meet two times before - first time in Poland, in Wroclaw on d.i.y. punk music festival and second time this summer in Slovakia. Jason is great guy, and absolutelly loves talking about music. So we spend our time thatway. When you are open to trades vinyls try to write him. He is interesting mainly about East-European punk/metal/new wave but also jazz and many, many other styles too. Contact you will find on Supremeecho myspace.

Supreme Echo is my lovely label, therefore I want to give it a space on my blog.

So here are interview with Jason.

m: Introduce little bit your self...

j: My name's Jason. I've been writing, recording, archiving, producing, and playing music since 1984. The first real band I was ever in, Dementia will be released on Nuclear War Now Productions later this year. I guarantee it to be some of the most painful, evil and juvenile noise anyone has ever heard. As for 2010, my band Mexican Power Authority will be recording and releasing a new LP of heavy rock music inspired by metal & punk.

m: What is main idea of your label? Introduce it little bit...How did you found title: "Supreme Echo"?

j: The main purpose of Supreme Echo is to document little known and forgotten music groups from a few specific regions of the world which I am most fascinated with, as well as the region of Canada which I am from. So far: the former Socialist Republic of Poland, the Republic of Georgia, and my home province of British Columbia. The label name was inspired by a defunct cassette label from Southern India. All my releases are 100% authorized based on visiting & working directly with the artists.

m: You had the label BREAK EVEN before, and you’ve put out many records. There is some different between these labels?

j: Yes, everything is different. Firstly I’m maintaining a very high standard of re-mastering, restoration, graphic design, written information, printing and pressing. Secondly, Supreme Echo creates archival documents; no modern groups. I don’t have the time or money to promote active bands. The label is not a profit making venture, but simply a passion. It takes a long time to complete each title because I am very meticulous in gathering complete information, only using original images and recordings, and travelling to meet the musicians.

Break Even was originally a label to represent my friends self-releasing their own cassettes of their groups, which I recorded in my basement. I started recording bands in 1988, and in 1989 began to help produce cassettes and vinyl in small quantities. These releases were in fact self-financed by each individual group which all agreed to the "Break Even" label slogan simply to further legitimize their product and its promotion. It allowed many local bands to create the illusion of being on a label, and it helped promote them internationally. Some notable musicians I recorded later went onto be in such groups as: Submission Hold, 3 Inches of Blood, Ghosts, Kinnie Starr, and Hot Hot Heat. Break Even eventually took on a life of it’s own and helped create a total of roughly 70 individual releases on vinyl, cassette, and cd.

m: Tell briefly about your releases and about your future plans.

j: http://www.myspace.com/supremeecho

JERK WARD "Too Young To Thrash" 1982-84 12" Maxi-LP. SE 2009.

$22 / $25 / $30 PPD WORLDWIDE

17 song teenage adrenalin overdose of blazing hardcore thrash with guest appearances by the Neos! Contains full "Flesh & Bones" '84 demo except one song replaced by an early version from "BYO - Medium Raw" Comp Tape '82, and an unreleased track. Packed with all original artwork + photos circa '82-84, plus a booklet with interview + art. All songs professionally 24-bit remastered. Deluxe 140 gram 12" virgin vinyl, cut at 45 rpm for extra volume and power. Hand numbered first pressing of only 300! http://www.myspace.com/jerkward

RETSEPTI "Anthology of Georgian Underground, Tbilisi 1987-92" CD. SE 2006. $15.00 PPD WORLDWIDE

10 songs (full repertoire) of well arranged dark-punk and cold-wave with raw Georgian vocals, recorded 1989-90. "A dark, desperate feel, interesting guitar work, and a twisted vocalist! Check this out." (MRR - Oct. 2006). "...very glad to have it" - Middle Eastern Division, Harvard University (May 2009). Deluxe gatefold ecopak cover, hand stamped inner-sleeve, plus 16 page booklet with lyrics / photographs / interview & history of underground music in the ex-soviet Republic of Georgia. All songs professionally 24-bit re-mastered.

ALL YOUR EARS CAN HEAR: Underground Music in Victoria, BC, 1978-84

A professionally printed 80 page soft-cover book packaged with 2 CD’s containing 79 songs by 46 bands (over two and a half hours of music). It features loud punk rock, new wave, psychedelic hippy left-overs, power-pop, and hardcore thrash.

VICTIM OF SAFETY PIN "Polski Punk Underground 1977-82" LP. SE 2003. SOLD OUT (but collectors can write to me and I can try to get you one).

The critically acclaimed, first and most accurate documentation on the development of punk, new wave, and hardcore in the former People's Republic of Poland. “This document provides not only in depth history's of each band featured, but also a well constructed history of rock and roll in Poland, and it's eventual evolution into punk - and how it all fits into the sociological, cultural, and political world around it.” “Seriously, I feel that this is one of the most interesting and crucial pieces of punk rock's forgotten history, and I recommend it most highly.” (MRR - Nov. 2003). 17 songs, 14 groups, 20 page booklet with massive essay and biographies. 1100 pressed.

I’ve also written a thorough biography for Armoros, which is released in their 3-CD boxset released by Marquee Records from Brasil.


ARMOROS (1986) LP = alternate mix of demo + 3 rare songs.
NEOS (1981-83) LP/CD = full discog + rare songs, remastered.
BEYOND POSSESSION (1984) LP = White Noise + debut BP demo.
v/a QARTULI 70's LP = Anthology of Georgian psych, fuzz + groove.
v/a QARTULI 80's LP = Anthology of Georgian punk, new wave, + metal.

I make no promises about when these will get done!

m: What’s your most successful release? What about feedbacks to your archival work?

j: v/a Victim of Safety Pin on Supreme Echo was the fastest to sell out. Neos 7” + CD on Break Even did very well, also some cassettes had to be repressed many times, such as: Mexican Power Authority and Empty. As well, the book I helped create, titled All Your Ears Can Hear, won an award for best non-fiction in our city in 2006.

Based on the depth and detail that each release has, I’ve received praise and positivity from both critics and consumers alike. The only negative feedback I’ve ever received was from a reviewer who really couldn’t comprehend that Soviet-era underground music was not to be compared to the West, but rather to be seen as something which like all underground music, has taken on a life of it’s own and evolved as such. It’s only been in the past 5-10 years that anything “exotic” to the Western ear has become “cool” and “hip”. In the past, most Western ears completely ignored non-Anglo sung music, and I refuse to accept the ignorance of simply seeing and hearing the world through a Western prism.

m: How did you chose bands which you want release on you label? Which criteria?

j: I read a lot and occasionally discover music which nobody else has yet exposed, then I become obsessed with presenting it to the world. In the case of Poland, it dated back to when I discovered Polish jazz and punk in the 80’s. I realized that the first era of punk in Poland had never been properly documented, so I did it. Since then, many archives have been released by Polish labels and many old groups have reactivated.

…for Georgia it happened through discovering Mzetamze – a women’s folk group which intrigued me to travel there with my wife…where we spent 5 weeks interviewing musicians from the 50’s to present and collecting music. We LOVE Georgia!!! Me vedzakhis Sakartvelos!

With my hometown of sleepy Victoria, it’s a matter of documenting something that (in my opinion) nobody else has yet done thoroughly nor accurately enough. With Victoria, I’m merely animating projects which are everyone’s baby and that everyone has the right to contribute to. To me, Supreme Echo archives are soundtracks to forgotten scenes of the past.

m: I know that you love different kind of music from different parts of world. Can you put some few names - the most ignore or forgotten bands (scenes) according to you - from past and from present?

j: No; that’s really the hardest question to answer…but I will say that there were rock bands everywhere in the 60’s. Now it’s 2009, and you can imagine there are still underground groups everywhere, even more than ever thanks to the internet and all the technological break-throughs. Get out a map, type a country name and a music genre into an internet search engine and find it for yourself. The world is yours to discover.

Thanks Miso, see you next time in Trencin!

ok, that was Jason. And I just put here info about bands where he played: (just for better imagination for his passion for music)

"A 'work in progress' list of the bands I've played with in Canada and Europe. I've played in over 20 groups, but I'll need some time to remember them all! Abbreviations signify my role in the group: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums."

B.A.T.T. (1984) - pre-teen noise influenced by Venom and W.A.S.P. V

DEMENTIA (1987-88) - evil death metal. aka XANIMATION. V
Released: 1 demo tape. Soon released by Nuclear War Now! Productions.

TOMORROWS HOSTILITY (1988-89) - classic Canuck style hardcore thrash/punk. V
Recorded: 1 demo tape. Some masters lost, some remaining.

S.P.C. (1989) noisecore. G
Rehearsal recordings only; not sure if they still exist.

CON-FUSION (1989) crossover. G
Short-lived group that didn't do anything.

STICK FARM (1989-91) crossover group; hardcore & metal. G
Released: 1 demo tape, 2x 7", plus 2 vinyl compilation appearances.

MENSTRUAL SPONGE (1990) female fronted noise novelty group. G
Released: 1 demo tape without me.

DAYWORLD (1990) my friends funk band that needed a singer. V
Released: 1 mildly embarrassing demo tape.

PEZ (1990) fast melodic punk rock. B
Recorded: 1 unreleased demo tape.

CROTCH (1991) grindcore. G
Rehearsal recordings only.

MEXICAN POWER AUTHORITY (1991-1997, 2007-present) underground mish-mash. aka MPA. V
Released: alot of tapes, vinyl, and cd's; see MPA myspace for full discography. Active.

BLACK KRONSTADT (199?) Anarcho-crust. D
Original line-up, played live once in Vancouver; rehearsal recordings only.

ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME MARGARET (199?) early version of Enfa / lak. D
Recorded: 1 horrible unreleased demo tape.

ENFA / LAK (199?) riot grrrl art-punk noise. D
Released: 1 horrible demo tape.

SEAT BELT (199?) post-everything. G/V
Released: 2 demo tapes.

BOUNTY, THE HIGH TASTE OF ADVENTURE (199?) stoner jamrock. G
Recorded: 1 unreleased demo tape.

HERMIT (1994-99) noise. D
Released: a few tapes and records.

THIRD WORLD PLANET (1995-99) power-violence before it had such a name. aka TWP. D/V
Released: alot of tapes and vinyl.

ATAK (200?) heavy Polish hardcore punk. G
Live recordings only.

AUTOMATON (2005-06) beat & new wave influenced Polish rock. D/V
Recorded: 1 demo, planned to be issued as a postumous 7" EP.

on the end I posted two pages from booklet "Victims of safety pin" LP.

by the way - soon more about polish punk on my blog!
support underground hidden treasures!


štvrtok 10. septembra 2009

ĽAHKÁ MÚZA "Tieň bolesti" CD (1992)

Tretí album ĽAHKEJ MÚZY. Vyšlo ako CD/LP na Zoon records. LP verziu sa mi žiaľ stále nájsť nepodarilo.

Nowday post is dedicated to Slovakian goth/industrial/alternative legend ĽAHKÁ MÚZA.
Last sathurday I was on their concert here in Bratislava. It was dark, sad, atmospheric. So I would like to share some atmosphere with you. And also they´re celebrate 25 anniversary this year, so it is also opportunity for some retrospective. I posted their album "Tieň Bolesti", which was released back in 1992 (on CD/LP Zoon Records, Czechoslovakia).




(part of) History

In 1984 the foursome young musicians (Gudrun, 677,German H. and Dr.K) found their band. On a post punk euphoria and new wave ground arise first songs of Ľahká Múza. The band has traditional set-up: vocal, guitar, bass and drums. Although the band came into being in a period of culminating communism, “where everything, that was having any breath of “western“ art, was defective“, it did find its place with its new wave production on czech underground scene, that was supporting all “unofficial“ arts. In this period was releasing of records to any unofficial artist impossible and therefore all such music used to be recorded only on tapes. This way comes out in 1988 first live album “Schizofónia“.
At the end of 1990 bass guitar player German H. leaves the band. In this period goes the band through significant transformation of musical orientation, it definitely waives from new guitar sound and tends to raw minimalistic “guitar“ industrial. This period maps studio recording “Nevinnosť“, which until now belongs to the “rawest”, that the band ever released. Black Point shows an interest to release both albums and so are “Schizofónia“ and “Nevinnosť“ released on this label in 1991.
However, despite all artistic success, at the end of 1991 leaves the band also its drummer, Dr.K. Ľahká Múza is now only a duo: Gudrun + 677. In this period they limit their concert work and start to prepare their new album “Tieň bolesti“. In 1992 it appears as their CD debut on a slovak label ZOON RECORDS.
In 1993 Czechoslovakia falls apart and that brings along unpleasant results to band, that is well run in czech part of previous federation.
At the turn of years 1994 – 1995 the band reaches to the very edge of “minimalistic“ industrial processes and it is looking for a way to new arrangement mains and to the overall sound expression.

And present? You can find bilingual info here:http://www.lahkamuza.net/ or http://www.myspace.com/lahkamuza


streda 9. septembra 2009

Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!