HC/punková kazetová kompilácia s jasným posolstvom.
40 kapiel z rôznych krajín, Slovensko zastupujú REMDIK.
HC/punková kazetová kompilácia s jasným posolstvom.
40 kapiel z rôznych krajín, Slovensko zastupujú REMDIK.
Kamoši vydali album. OI-core/punk s tvrdými päsťami a postojom.
Rozhovor tu: https://diyconspiracy.net/remdik-interview/
77 - punk rock z Valašska, pre-CO-CA.
Rip kazety: Maťo. Vďaka.
Punk-rockové chvály.
Modlitby s grunge/punkovým nádychom v podaní členov nemeckej HC kapely PRAISER
"Týchto 23 piesní sme nahrali naživo v skúšobni a prevažne sme ich naspievali naživo.
Tentoraz sú menej hardcorové, viac melodické, aby sa to ľahšie spievalo (ale je tam stále aj pár rýchlych a punkových skladieb)."
Split kazeta dvoch anarcho-punk kapiel z Bieloruska.
HC/punk/folkish rock...
Side A - Kalian "У краiне цудау", recorded 27-28.07.1997:
Side B - Deviation "Lukashenko ... Uber Alles", recorded & mixed 20-22 April 1996:
US punk rock s kresťanským posolstvom.
Today is the day I lay this at your cross
I struggled for so long but I only lost
My mind is screaming to do it my own way
But the only answer is what you have for me
Against my flesh
So be it
You're my direction the lamp at my feet
Die to my flesh
So be it
I belong to Christ this way is not for me
All of these choices and what life brings
The choice to react or lay it at His feet
Deception seeps in through every crack
I trust in Christ through these attacks
Maďarský hard-core/crossover zo začiatku 90-tych rokov.
Kapela vznikla v roku 1987, nahrala niekoľko albumov.
Tento som si kúpil v Budapešti od Tamása z Trottel rec., ktorý ho vydal nanovo v roku 2019 (ako reissue z roku 1991).
NE ZHDALI - estónsky prog-free-jazz/experimental/avant-rock
Čečenská hudba.
Dnes som bol na prednáške/vernisáži venovanej čečenskému národu v ZSSR/Rusku.
Výberovka starého poľského punku.
Artcore Fanzine is one of the world's longest running DIY punk print fanzines (the first issue came out in January 1986) and is dedicated to supporting global underground hardcore punk music. Most issues come with music (AVF: Artcore Vinyl Fanzine): reissues, new releases, compilations and even some without fanzines. Here is the Artcore Vinyl Fanzine output available digitally for the first time.
Bulharský anarcho-punk/HC z ranných 90´ tych rokov.
Anarcho-punk band from Varna, Bulgaria
Formed in 1993 by members of the bands Confront and Indignity.
ICECROSS - Islandský 70´s hard-rock/psych-rock.
Copenhagen in the autumn of 1972, the crucible for Icelandic hippies, where the Free State of Kristiania held the promise of a better world where everyone was equal, providing according to available resources, partaking as needed. We celebrated the one year anniversary of Kristiania gathered around a great bonfire and promised to turn the Free State into a model of cooperation, togetherness and solidarity a sort of primal Christianity.
The club Revolution in Copenhagen was the place to listen to live music, all the latest and freshest. Usually it was rather bland stuff, I found, but the there appeared this amazing rock band, so amazing that we were left gaping and staring Icecross hard as nails and supertight. When the boys had finished playing they mingled with the audience, having a beer or perhaps lighting up a pipe. It turned out they were Icelanders living in Kristiania with big dreams - fully justified judging from their performance that night.
For several reasons Icecross never made it. My understanding was that they got tired of the struggle abroad and wanted to go back home. They did, however manage to cut a record bearing the name of the group. A superb record I listened to a lot, until it gave way to newer music lying in the stack but enjoying short-lived revivals off and on over the next few years until it suffered the inevitable fate: too scratched and contaminated with booze to be playable.
Decades later, searching for old music, I started to come accross the record here and there on collectors' lists and for no small change - one wanted to buy it for $200 and another to sell it for $500. People were starting to talk about “the legendary and mysterious Icecross” but there were far fewer sellers than potential buyers.
As time went more and more copies started cropping up and further investigation revealed that the record had been reissued in various places. One owner offered for sale a record which had been published in Holland, another had a copy from Italy, and suddenlty someone was advertising a CD made in Korea. Everything strictly illegal but showing the widespread call for this marvelllous recording.
The Internet revitalized the sale of Icecross. At the time of this writing, a simple Google search reveals at least five different bootleg publishers which bears witness to the place accorded to Icecross in the history of rock music.
Arni Valdimarsson
Pozri aj:
Pop/rock/wave kompilácia bulharských kapiel z 80-tych rokov.
Koštovka muziky, kapela MILENA:
Poľský psychobilly-rock.
(Source: Stilon-C60 blog, Internet Archive)
DVOULETÁ FÁMA - naživo na Chmelnici (1982)
1981-1984 :::: Dvouletá fáma (I.)
Hudební skupina působící začátkem 80. let, alternativní bigbít ve stylu nové vlny: Jana Macháčková - zpěv; Martin Vik - kytara; Ivan Benda - baskytara; Zdeněk Konopásek - bicí, zpěv.
Moje první pražská kapela. Koncerty jsme měli hlavně v Praze na Chmelnici, tu a tam mimo Prahu. Poslouchali jsme a milovali např. The Residents a Snakefingera, XTC, B52s, Public Image Ltd a další - a tak nějak se to všechno propojilo dohromady. Dvouletá fáma působila v téhle sestavě v letech 1981-84. Pak se opět sešla v poněkud hrubší podobě a obměněné sestavě v letech 1987-1990 (Dvouletá fáma II.).
Jeden z vůbec prvních koncertů rané Dvouleté fámy (1981-83) a zároveň první v Junior klubu Na Chmelnici - remasterováno! (Zdroj muzika-info/source: http://zdenek.konopasek.net/)
1981-1984 :::: Dvouletá fáma [Two-year rumour] (I.)
New wave band of early 80s: Jana Macháčková - vocals; Martin Vik - guitar; Ivan Benda - bass; Zdeněk Konopásek - drums, vocals.
My first band in Prague. We played concerts mainly at the legendary Chmelnice club in Prague, occasionally elsewhere. Our favorite bands of the time were, for instance, The Residents and Snakefinger, XTC, B52s, Public Image Ltd - and all this somehow melted together in our music. Several years after this lineup splitted up, in late 1980s, the band was reformed and got darker and rougher - Dvouletá fáma II.).
Zdenek Konopásek web page
This is a "remastered" and edited original live recording of Dvouletá fáma from 1982 (November 20). It was one of its first public appearances ever and the first concert at the Junior Klub Na Chmelnici in Prague. In its first half, the concert had originally included four completely improvised pieces (cca 17 minutes in total), which were dropped out for this edition. Most of the songs, but not all of them, appeared in "studio" versions on a compilation double CD released by the BlackPoint label in 2001 [BP-0012-2]. The sound of the live show was polished and edited for this edition in 2021 by Milan Voříšek (who had attended in person the concert in 1982).
See more information about Dvouletá fáma and also some more pictures at zdenek.konopasek.net/index.php?m=86 (English and Czech).
Kompilačka rockových/new wave kapiel zo Sarajeva (+ jednej z Mostaru).
Discogs info: https://www.discogs.com/release/3928022-Various-Nove-Snage
I am looking for this compilation on cassette!
Estonian punk bands.
Few songs from compilation:
Nedávno som si na Discogse zadovážil túto kompilačku na kazete.
Info: https://www.discogs.com/release/4859898-Various-Compilazoo-N1
Pozri: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1547814955240762/permalink/7535508279804703/
Pozri aj: https://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2018/04/tudosok-atom-atom-az-harcom.html
HOM - Soviet / Russian experimental / comedy rock band. Founded in 1987, Leningrad, USSR.
Beatová muzika zo sveta a z východnej Európy.
Ku výstave Pazi(n) punk! o miestnej nezávislej scéne istrijského mesta Pazin, vyšiel aj 76-stranový katalóg formátu A5, zatiaľ iba v Chorvátštine. Mám ale info, že čoskoro by mohla byť na svete aj anglická verzia.
PAZI(N) PUNK! Catalog for the exhibition Pazi(n) punk! about the local independent scene of the Istrian city of Pazin. A5, 76 pages (2023)
VA - Azok a boldog punk napok 8
Compilation of Hungarian punk.
SUNS - macedónski crossover-HC/punk-rockeri.
The SunS trio, Gjokica Zafirovski - vocals and guitar, Sasa Pavlovic - bass and Andrej Anastasov - drums, spontaneously established year 1991, after few fortune and unfortunate musicians and art types tried to share their energies and ideas, mashed the words, guitars and rhythms to translate their word and thought about their surrounding, fears, hopes, highs and depths of the urban life, collapsed communist societies and systems, cosmopolitan and globalism influences, loneliness and love - in songs about the contemporary Macedonia.
80´s punk/post-punk z Ruska.
Kapela POSEV v ktorej pôsobil Egor Letov pred kapelou GRAHZDANSKAYA OBORONA.
80´s punk from Omsk, Siberia.
Kompilačka punkových 80´s kapiel z mesta Lodž.
Discogs info: https://www.discogs.com/release/20692552-Various-Oi-Oi-Oi-To-Punk-Z-Miasta-%C5%81odzi