nedeľa 28. júna 2020


Francúzsky punkový fanzin so záberom aj na východoeurópsku scénu.

(Thanx to László for sending link.)



French punk zine from late 80´s?.

Info: For Eddy Basset, agitator of CALADESHNIKOV , to make his fanzine is to build his punk fight , engaged from his entry into punkitude: "Being punk was no longer the fruit of a long reflection but rather something visceral. My punkitude I fully assumed it in everyday life (including work). " (April 87)

His commitment is an ideal, it has a meaning: "the alternative remains strong for all the individuals who work behind the scenes. (...) After the reverence of Bérurier Noir, the media and big brother will have to turn elsewhere and let the alternative continue its substantive work away from greedy and prying eyes. The aim is not to live on the alternative but to achieve it on sustainable and serious grounds both socially, economic and political. A lot of work in perspective, but hoping that one day the black sun will not shine only in our heads. " (Editorial from n ° 4-1989)

sobota 27. júna 2020

Pavel Fajt & Pluto (1996)

Zaujímavá alternatívna muzika z Čiech.
Kto pozná Pavla Fajta a partu okolo neho, tomu to musí spraviť radosť.
CD bolo vyhodené pri smetiakoch.

Pavel Fajt &



Czech experimental-fusion music. Alternative rock/world music with interesting technical skills...sounds great.


štvrtok 25. júna 2020

Jonáš Gruska - Zvuky Slovnaftu (2015)

Trochu mestskej hudby.

"Zvuky Slovnaftu" je séria terénnych nahrávok poľných horákov počas ich mimoriadneho behu v ropnej rafinérii Slovnaft v Bratislave. Tieto nezvyčajné zvuky sa ozývali celým mestom, dokonca celé desiatky kilometrov a nedali tak spať jeho obyvateľom.
Pokúsil som sa zachytiť atmosféru z čo najväčšej blízky, vrátane polymetrických variácii v podaní cvrčkov a cikád, ktoré sa krásne premiešavali s dunením plameňov.
Upozornenie: obsahuje veľa nízkych frekvencii.

"Zvuky Slovnaftu" (Sounds of Slovnaft) is a set of field recordings, dedicated to flare stacks during unusual activity at Slovnaft oil refinery, Bratislava, Slovakia. These sounds were heard tens of kilometers around and kept the city awake for several nights.
I tried to capture the atmosphere from the immediate distance, including the polymetric variations of rhythmic patterns produced by crickets and cicadas, joined by the massive beating of the flames.
Warning: contains a lot of very low frequencies


streda 24. júna 2020

Chaprál Crazy-Plesk! ‎– Věčný Hlad Mé Vousaté Pomlázky (1991)

Podivný parodický alternatívny rock z Prahy.

Věčný hlad mé vousaté pomlázky.rar

Bláznivá rocková skupina 90. let vyznačující se mnoha hemžícími se postavami v neuvěřitelných převlecích na pódiu a hrající slušný a celkem nápaditý bigbít. Duše celého projektu byli Kakaxa a Raxaxa, dva recesisté, kteří vymýšleli programy, fantaskní texty a úchylné zápletky v textech i na koncertech. Existovalo dokonce amatérské video skupiny, které "není vhodné pro děti". Koncertní show skupiny obsahovalo celou řadu úchylných převleků a masek a šlo vlastně o crazy-divadlo. Ale i ten, kdo nepřišel na chuť chaprálovskému humoru, musel uznat, že hudebně jsou hoši plodní a invenční. Kazeta "Věčný hlad mé vousaté pomlázky" byla první oficiálně vydaným nosičem tohoto "Nezávislého uměleckého sdružení romantických primitivů" a dodnes dobře ukazuje, o co vlastně šlo.



pondelok 22. júna 2020

Chaprál Crazy - Plesk!

CHAPRÁL CRAZY PLESK! Podivná formácia z Prahy. Mám dve ich kazety, hľadám však Mp3/waw verzie ich nahrávok. Máte niekto?

Kazetu "Hladina mrkve..." som kúpil v Lacných knihách a "Věčný hlad..." v Blackpointe.



Weird-theatral music from Prague.Production including performance, humor, cynism, DADA, extreme theatre, exhibiton, action, art explosion, stupidity, etc.).


nedeľa 21. júna 2020

Various ‎– Darázs I. - Rock Ki Mit Tud '93

Výber maďarského rocku.

(link nie je môj, našiel som ho na nete)

Kedysi dávno som dostal od kamošky Maťy, ktorá bola vtedy na služobke v Budapešti, platňu V/A Garász, to bolo hudobne niečo podobné.
Skrátka viacero kapiel hrajúcich rôzne odnože rocku na jednom nosiči.


Hungarian rock sampler.


sobota 20. júna 2020

Happy Dead Band ‎– Himalája (1991)

Maďarský alternatívny rock.

Happy Dead Band, 1991
ef. Zámbó Istvánbillentyű, ének
Horányi Sándorgitár
Waszlavik Miklós (Mesan)basszus
Szulovszki István (Joni)gitár
Molnár Gábordob, basszus (9, 10)
Makó László (Makesz)szakszofon
Czerovszky Henriettének
A felvételek a Törökbálinti Stúdióban készültek
1991. június 30. és augusztus 4. között.
Hangmérnök: Küronya Miklós

Hungarian alternative rock


piatok 19. júna 2020

streda 17. júna 2020

STROP - Pavúk (2000)

Punk rock/alternatívny rock z Handlovej.
Fakt dobré pesničky.

Strop - Pavuk


Alternative-rock/punk rock from Slovakia.


utorok 16. júna 2020

pondelok 15. júna 2020

Соломенные Еноты ‎– Колыбельная Для Погибающей Цивилизации (1996)/ Straw Raccoons - "Lullaby for a dying civilization" 1996

Post-punk z Ruska. 

Straw Raccoons is a Moscow underground punk band that existed from 1992 to 2007 in the Tyoply Stan and Konkovo districts Characterized by the bizarre, existential lyrics of leader Boris Usov, radical low-fi sounding and general unprofessionalism, the “lack of integrity” of the game, as well as a veil of secrecy around the group — concerts were rather rare, recordings went around the hands of those close to the group, information about it itself very little.

Recorded in the famous "apartment 104" at the May holidays. The record lasted for two days, as on the first day there were a lot of technical problems and failures due to the grips - crystal cords, malfunctioning microphones, loud lotions, a gifted horse in the form of columns, on which to build a balance well, for example, drums - in general feat. But keep in mind that the instruments and voices were simultaneously written in a line, there were no comics, overlays and multi-channel at all. The apparatus mercilessly lit up, turned on and was cut off, the soldering iron did not pop out of the socket and the sweet smoke of rosin was constantly hovering over the heads of unlucky bugs. Not a record, but sheer torment. It’s a great miracle that something came out of this session.
Judging by the musical delights, then this is the most eclectic album of CE.

"Lisitsyn" is an ingeniously simple four-chord melodic punk. Invented by Usov (!) And Ekzich during the CE tour in January 1996 in Dmitrov - in the dressing room, on an upset guitar and with a bottle of vodka on the table.
"Novelty" - was conceived as a hardcore in the spirit of Biafra with a change of key and elements of boogie-woogie. But as a result of the low performing skills of the participants, the hardcore poured into an obscure punked hard rock, where everyone is also mistaken, and the rhythm jumps like drunk peasants before a Tula samovar.
"Leaf fall" , "Paradise-paradise" with a beautiful and memorable saluba - that same melodic simple punk. Of course, cult things for that time.
more interesting story came out with Wombat - the music of Enotep came up with the idea of ​​a flamenco-inspired Madonna clip, I don’t remember the name of the song, the main guitar move on acoustics was taken from there. Boryan came up with a weird beat rhythm for it, and the then-ZK participant Sergei Kabakov played the electric guitar, accidentally calling during the recording of Ekzich.
"In the place of Remarque" - The text was previously embodied on the early CE album and so that it is impossible to listen. The music was completely redone, starting from classic punk in the spirit of New York dolls and Ramones. The song shone with new colors ...
"Lullaby for punk rock" - "our answer is BG." Alteration of the song thereof in the Raccoon manner with storehouses, snow scooters and quotes from "Dead You". The thing is actually humorous - the authors are Arina with Usov.
"Spring is Prowling" - The song of the group "Chernozem" of the first convocation, where most of the songs belonged to the bass player Dm. Kolokolova, Vadim "Ve" Zuev played drums, and E. Kokorin played the guitar and sang. The cover turned out quite ridiculous, - was written from one take, during which half a song was cut off, and then the microphones sounding drums mysteriously turned on. But as a tribute ...
But the music for "Free Ice" was invented by Arina. The double solo of keyboards and guitar sounds surprisingly good in it, although this moment was practically not rehearsed.
“The Beast Running to the Catcher” - Boryan made music, focusing on the Zoo group and their forerunner in the person of Lou Reed.
- Another remake of the early Raccoons. The music was invented by Ve, in the style of a kind of jazz punk. The truth is chosen by Exic, it is somehow shitty - the last chord in the refrain does not correspond to the original.
As many as two "Cosmos" - this is also a curiosity. The music is nothing more than Nick Cave's "Jungling Jack", zero to zero. However, it is played and sung, it is so unlike the original that it completely goes down as an independent thing. Learn comrades the art of plagiarism!
Yu-Kun-Kun and the Crossroads are an unfinished attempt to play Joy Division in CE.
Well, "Night Flight" - music, Arina's solo guitar.

Ekzich, 11/21/03

nedeľa 14. júna 2020

Teplaya Trassa - Eto mir (Christmas album) 1993

Sibírsky rock/post-punk.

Stručné info z ich stránky:

"Between 1991 and 1993, the group recorded seven albums, the songs of which are most well known to the general public. All albums were recorded at home using the  overlay” method using a mixing console, tape recorder, reverb and microphone. At that time, the group managed to play: Shao, Talonov, Veteran, Alexander Podorozhny, Yuri  Horror” Sergeyev, Alexey  Myha” Kiryachkov and Oleg  Architect” Loginov.
The main merit in creating the TT sound, as well as all the arrangements and most of the musical material, belongs to Sergey Talonov - in a creative and spiritual alliance with Vadim Makashents, the creator and ideological inspirer of the group, whose spiritual basis and ideological platform he developed during the creation of the PNS magazine "...


Post/punk-rock from Siberia.


sobota 13. júna 2020

LET 3 foto (2019)

Spomienka na minulé leto.
Pár fotiek podivnej, trochu uletenej chorvátskej skupiny LET 3. Svojho času mávali naozaj divoké show, aspoň čo som videl na jednom DVD o rijeckej punkovej scéne.
Teraz to bolo relatívne pokojné. Normálny tvrdší rock s punkovým/alternatívnym óderom.

Pár mojich fotiek z ich koncertu na pláži Čigrada, na ostrove Murter, august 2019.


Photos from LET 3 concert.
8.8.2019. Čigrada, Murter, Croatia.


štvrtok 11. júna 2020

GRAVELESS demo 1998

GRAVELESS - projekt Koňa + Charliho a Jóviša. Crust/metalic-punk v tej najlepšej švédsko-slovenskej tradícii. Obal nemám. Rukou písané songy sú od Ondratru, ktorý mi kazetu daroval. Ku Charliemu som kedysi chodil počúvať muziku, mal pestrý výber švedskeho crustu.

Pozor v trackliste je uvedené: 3. Napalm Death a 7. War´s Not Funny Show, songy sú ale vymenené.

Graveless-1998 (Mp3) .rar

Graveless-1998 (Waw) .rar

Za rip patrí vďaka Maťovi Zberateľovi (

Slovakian crust project with automatic drums.


streda 10. júna 2020

BEZ NÁZVU / STROP - pesničky z archívu

Kapela BEZ NÁZVU / STROP z Handlovej a ich pesničky. 

Nemám ku tomu presné info, len útržkovité. Skladby mi poslal z mobilu brat jedného z členov kapely. Sú otagované, ale nie sú k tomu názvy celého dema, či albumu.  
Hudobne to zneje trochu ako novšie HT-čko, fakt je to dobré.

Info od Mareka, brata speváka/gitaristu kapely:

"Bez nazvu alebo Strop - no v podstate je to ta ista kapela, v Bez nazve hral akurat chvíľku Roland inak traja boli potom v Strope s tym ze Jozef hral najskor basu a potom sa k nim pridal Juraj Valach na basu, brat bubenika Michala a takto fungovali az do roku 2000 ked zomrel Jozef kt. hraval solovu a doprovodbu gitaru a vokaly. Potom sa k nim po case  pridal Franto Sihelsky ako druha gitara a vokaly. Tie nazvy albumov este zistujem chcem to dat ako tak dokopy tak by som ti to potom posunul. Len to chvilu potrva...

Pár pesničiek:

Pozri aj: 


utorok 9. júna 2020


Industriál z Čiech. Žampióny v našich botách alebo aj M.I.O.S.

Quarter Libeň je první a zároveň jediné studiové album mysteriozního dua industrialních performerů známého spíše pod zkratkou M.I.O.S..

Koncem května 1987 se David Urban a Jan Benedict Nosek domluvili, že budou dělat muziku. Vymysleli si název skupiny – Mushrooms In Our Shoes a zavřeli se v bytě, který změnili na domácí studio. Za pouhé dva dny hraní, nahrávání, mixování stvořili deset skladeb, celkem 40 minut hudby. Za použití kovů, plechů, perkusí, kytar, piana vznikla jakási kombinace industriálu a no wave v rituálním hávu. To vše vydali na kazetě v počtu 50 číslovaných kusů.


pondelok 8. júna 2020

COFFIN VARNISH - Gumo (demo 2019)

Puňk zuřivej z Brna.
Gumo (ale s dvoma "m" ) bol názov takého divného filmu z 90-tych rokov.
A obal jak od Nicka Blinka.


Punx from Czech.


nedeľa 7. júna 2020

štvrtok 4. júna 2020

False / Фалш

Bulharský 90´s punk rock.


From: Veliko Tarnovo
Style: Punk Rock
Active period: 1990-1996


The group was founded in 1990 in Veliko Tarnovo by students from different cities in the country. Sasho is from Sofia and has played in a metal band. The people from Berkovo, Lubo, Krum and Nasko, played hard rock with the local band KLADA, and Mitaka was part of the Sliven band SYMBOL. Apart from different places, the musicians are also fans of different styles of music. The result of the different musical tastes of the members is reflected in the style of the group, defined by the media as Happy Punk. The first concert is at the KEV in Tarnovo. Most of the band's concerts are at the University and in the Orbita Hall, but they also have performances in Sofia and Cherven Bryag. The band recorded two demo albums, which they distributed at their concerts with booklets with the lyrics of the songs. The music and lyrics are the work of the whole group. The group was active until 1996, when musicians complete their education. In the last few concerts they use the services of a guest pianist - Radoslav Todorov.

  • 1992 - 01 - Бел.mp3
  • 1992 - 02 - В моята малка квартира.mp3
  • 1992 - 03 - Времето ни носи.mp3
  • 1992 - 04 - Три листа.mp3
  • 1992 - 05 - Страшна веселба.mp3
  • 1992 - 06 - Зелена муха блус.mp3
  • 1992 - 07 - Горска песен.mp3
  • 1992 - 08 - Искам да пея, докато съм .mp3
  • 1992 - 09 - Дай ми ръб.mp3
  • 1992 - 10 - Свинска песен.mp3



    Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!