utorok 22. septembra 2009
KOSA Z NOSA - studio - 1997
is alternative rock/punk rock band from Bratislava, which start to play around 1987. They start as punk rock band, but lately you can their music descript as "common songs".I heard that music of this band can to apperceive as soundtrack to Bratislava city.
Not too much information about this band, becuse they dont care about popularity so much, but you should to hear them, when you want to have overview about slovakian alternative rock.KOSA Z NOSA are still playing. They have longer pause, but this year played few concerts again.
picture above is not original cover, just my picture.
and some video from TV:
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Cuss by som sa chcel spytat ci nemas aj dake ine nahravky...som pocul o dakych koncertoch resp..z radia ...a dik moc za to studio
OdpovedaťOdstrániťPeter,nemam ziadne ine nahravky KOSY Z NOSA, zial. Kedysi som mal nahrate nejake skladby z Radia Ragtime, ale davno su premazane, stratene.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťtak aspon:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxoIYE-zZtE
OdpovedaťOdstrániťskúste pozrieť tu: http://www.facebook.com/pages/KOSA-Z-NOSA/228802114864?ref=ts
dá sa pls reup?