utorok 21. februára 2023



REMDIK - mladá krv punkovej scény zo Žiliny. OI/punk-core. Rysuje sa nahrávka, zatiaľ singel/EP na bandcampe ako ochutnávka.


Band info: The idea to start a band of this calibre dates back to 2008! Time tested this idea and Remdik was formed with two blood brothers and two non-blood brothers. The first material will contain seven songs with confrontational content, nostalgically reminiscing about the past, but also responding to today's fucked up times! Remdik is no ordinary band, Remdik is a family!

pondelok 20. februára 2023

The Plastic People Of The Universe - Hundred Points, Label:Eurock – EDC01, Boží Mlýn Productions – EDC01 Format:Cassette, Single Sided, 1980


Po dvoch koncertoch za uplynulý víkend na ktorých sa v Bratislave predstavili legendy svetového alternatívneho/avantgardného rocku - menovite THE RESIDENTS a LEGENDARY PINK DOTS, si dáme ešte porciu od českej vlajkovej lode psychdelicko-undergroundovej muziky - THE PLASTIC PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Ich jednostranná kazeta Hundred points vyšla v roku 1980 na americkom labely Eurock. Na svojej web-stránke stručne komentuje jej realizáciu priamo vydavateľ: 

"A bit earlier in late 1979, early 1980, I began my own Eurock cassette label. The first release was a tape smuggled out of Czechoslovakia via Canada recorded by the illegal band Plastic People of the Universe whose leader was then in jail. It was called the Hundred Points. That was the first release on the label released which was followed by a series of original recordings by various other international artists from France, USA, etc..."


They fear the old because of their memory

They fear the young because of their innocence

They even fear schoolchildren

They fear the dead and their funerals

They fear the graves and flowers which people put on those graves

They fear the church, priests and nuns

They fear the workers

They fear the Party members

They fear the non – party members

They fear science

They fear art

They fear poems and books

They fear theatre plays and movies

They fear records and cassettes

They fear writers and poets

They fear journalists

They fear actors and sculptors

They fear painters and singers

They fear radio stations

They fear television satellites

They fear the free flow of information

They fear foreign literature and newspapers

They fear the scientific progress

They fear Xerox prints

They fear typewriters

They fear letters

They fear telephones

They fear letting people out (of the country)

They fear letting people in

They fear the left wing

They fear the right wing

They fear the departure of Soviet troops

They fear the changes in Moscow

They fear disarmament

They fear the contracts they signed

They fear their own signatures

They fear their own police

They fear the cops

They fear because of the cops

They fear chess players

They fear tennis players

They fear hockey players

They fear gymnasts

They fear saint Václav

They fear Jan Hus

They fear all the saints

They fear the snacks/gifts from saint Mikuláš (he's like eastern Santa Claus)

They fear the baby Jesus

They fear statues with backpacks on their backs

They fear archives

They fear historians

They fear economists

They fear sociologists

They fear philosophers

They fear physicists

They fear doctors

They fear political prisoners

They fear the families of political prisoners

They fear todays evening

They fear tomorrows morning

They fear today and everyday

They fear the future

They fear the past

They fear heart attacks and cirrhosis

They even fear the slight trace of conscience which maybe remained in them

They fear the streets

They fear their own castle ghettos

They fear their own families

They fear their own relatives

They fear their former friends and comrades

They fear their current friends and comrades

They fear each other

They fear the things they said

They fear the things they wrote

They fear they will lose their status

They fear both water and fire

They fear both wet and dry

They fear the snow

They fear the wind

They fear both freeze and heat

They fear noise and silence

They fear the light and the dark

They fear both joy and sadness

They fear jokes

They fear fairness

They fear honesty

They fear the educated

They fear the talented

They fear Marx

They fear Lenin

They fear all of our dead presidents

They fear the truth

They fear the freedom

They fear democracy

They fear The declaration of human rights

They fear socialism



Obal: Discogs / Muzika: You tube

piatok 10. februára 2023

Various – Rock From The Cold Seas (1999)

Výberovka rockových, metalových a alternatívno-rockových kapiel z Grónska, Faerských ostrovov a Islandu.

CD compilation of rock, metal and alternative rock bands from Greenland, Faroe Islands and Island.


Info: https://www.discogs.com/release/3960404-Various-Rock-From-The-Cold-Seas

štvrtok 9. februára 2023

Messthetics series


Kompilácie DIY/INDIE/LO-FI/PUNK kapiel...niečo v štýle výberoviek KBD, či BLOODSTAINS ACROSS...

"Series curated by long-time collector and dealer Chuck Warner, covering exclusively UK DIY post-punk produced between 1977 and 1983. The series was initially released on cdr and then subsquently as a series of regional compilations and discrete band collections on CD.

It's an offshoot of the parent label Hyped To Death whose aim is to release rare, obscure, independent and undiscovered punk, post-punk, D.I.Y., and power-pop groups from the U.S. and the U.K. 1977-1984."





Niečo sa dá počuť tu/few records you can listen here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkV_tXh2KCKN6BMyLdPIzys1ymaiwV2MP

sobota 4. februára 2023

Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!