piatok 30. apríla 2010
ROZPÍNÁNÍ MYSLI "Starý fláky živě" kazeta 1993
ROZPÍNÁNÍ MYSLI - ďalšia alterantívna banda z Ostravska. Alt-rock...a texty nájdeš v prílohe.
pozri tiež:
Vďaka patrí Lukášovi.
More alternative from Ostrava region. "Spreading mind" - was name of this band.
Enjoy Czech alt-rock from late 80´s/90´s.
štvrtok 29. apríla 2010
Morbidní Růženka "Nedotýkati se hoven na zem spadlých" demo 1992
Morbidní Růženka - alternatívna banda z Ostravska a ich demo z 92-ho.
Morbidní Růženka early 90s alternative band from Ostrava region. Strange and weird rock. Nervous music.
check also: http://bandzone.cz/morbidniruzenka
...díky Lukáš
streda 28. apríla 2010
V/A "Rýmařovská (skoro) scéna ´89-´93" 1993 kazeta
Táto kompilačka sa už raz na blogu objavila, no Panky poslal verziu doplnenú o viac informácií, tak je tu ešte raz. Doporučujem.
Vďaka Pankymu aj za iné zaujímavé nahrávky kapiel - čoskoro sa s nimi podelím.
Great punky-alt compilation from Czech - year 1993.
utorok 27. apríla 2010
MICHAEL´S UNCLE "The End Of Dark Psychadelia" LP 1990
(fragmenty obalu z mojej dosky, ktorú som kúpil za 100,- Sk v top stave.)
MICHAEL´S UNCLE a ich naj nahrávka. Koniec temnej psychadélie. Skvelá HC doska. Bez debaty.
LP tu/here:
Info: https://www.discogs.com/Michaels-Uncle-The-End-Of-Dark-Psychedelia/release/2069473
The best record of MICHAEL´S UNCLE - one of the best Czech HC band. Great record. Noisy, dirty, depressive-lyric stuff with raw-sound. Musically influenced by 70´s/80´s NY noise-rock.
You can read about them also here, in old Czechoslovakian scene report in MRR no.96/1991.
nedeľa 25. apríla 2010
KLEC - demo?, year? - 2 ďalšie songy
Pavel z Čiech mi poslal dve skladby z dema kapely KLEC - neviem názov ani rok tej nahrávky. Pred časom som dával iné 2 skladby (asi) z tohto dema. Kto má info, pošlite. Dík.
Pavel mi napísal aj:
"Jinak Klec loni vstala z mrtvých v původním složení :-) mají stránky www.klec.info"
KLEC info:
tu sú tie songy:
Pavel mi napísal aj:
"Jinak Klec loni vstala z mrtvých v původním složení :-) mají stránky www.klec.info"
KLEC info:
tu sú tie songy:
piatok 23. apríla 2010
MICHAELS UNCLE - jedna z naj českých HC kapiel a ich živák z 87ho. Kapela hrá aj dnes a stále skvele, choď pozrieť na nejaký ich koncert.
žiaľ, chýba jeden song.
MICHAELS UNCLE is one of the best czech HC bands - here is their live gig from ´87. Excellent band - playing also nowdays and still great.
žiaľ, chýba jeden song.
MICHAELS UNCLE is one of the best czech HC bands - here is their live gig from ´87. Excellent band - playing also nowdays and still great.
štvrtok 22. apríla 2010
...2 more international comps
Ešte 2 medzinárodné punk kompilácie s dobrým kreditom a dávam na chvíľu pauzu od svetového HC/punku. V nasledujúcich dňoch opäť zopár CS vecí.
Two more great punk "various artist" LPs and back to Czech and Slovakian stuff in next posts.
download thru great blog:
One of the first couple international compilations to come out. Where "Life is a Joke" covers world punk as it is, this LP covers the scene more as it "should be"- more political with a "spirit of independence and resistance" in every cut. Overall a very worthy album.
-Al Flipside (from Flipside #43, Fall 1984)
Out second compilation showcases 23 bands from 17 countries, spanning the east, west, north, and south of this pathetic globe we inhabit. We can't be too objective, but we think that most of the selections here are great, though three or four are only so-so. In any case, it provides a good introduction to worldwide punk and hardcore for those who are unable to purchase overseas releases. For those that are, there's also plenty of unreleased stuff.
-Jeff Bale & Tim Yohannan (from Maximum Rocknroll #13, April/May 1984)
track list: http://www.killfromtheheart.com/albums.php?id=2032&rec_type=comp
Two more great punk "various artist" LPs and back to Czech and Slovakian stuff in next posts.
download thru great blog:
One of the first couple international compilations to come out. Where "Life is a Joke" covers world punk as it is, this LP covers the scene more as it "should be"- more political with a "spirit of independence and resistance" in every cut. Overall a very worthy album.
-Al Flipside (from Flipside #43, Fall 1984)
Out second compilation showcases 23 bands from 17 countries, spanning the east, west, north, and south of this pathetic globe we inhabit. We can't be too objective, but we think that most of the selections here are great, though three or four are only so-so. In any case, it provides a good introduction to worldwide punk and hardcore for those who are unable to purchase overseas releases. For those that are, there's also plenty of unreleased stuff.
-Jeff Bale & Tim Yohannan (from Maximum Rocknroll #13, April/May 1984)
track list: http://www.killfromtheheart.com/albums.php?id=2032&rec_type=comp
streda 21. apríla 2010
International comps
Dnes stručne: dávam odkaz na linky na dve výborné kompilácie z účasťou punkových kapiel od výmyslu sveta.
Links to 2 great international compilations:
"Spit out that raging energy with 38 bands delivering a wad of good slugs. This two-LP French comp also features a few international acts. This collection will separate the spine into sections with the likes of S.O.D., PSYCHO, HEIMAT-LOS, SOLUCIÓN MORTAL, MELAKKA, BUTCHER, and more. For thrash-mongers and punk-harbours."
-Pushead (from Maximum Rocknroll #33, February 1986)
info+track list:
Links to 2 great international compilations:
"Spit out that raging energy with 38 bands delivering a wad of good slugs. This two-LP French comp also features a few international acts. This collection will separate the spine into sections with the likes of S.O.D., PSYCHO, HEIMAT-LOS, SOLUCIÓN MORTAL, MELAKKA, BUTCHER, and more. For thrash-mongers and punk-harbours."
-Pushead (from Maximum Rocknroll #33, February 1986)
info+track list:
utorok 20. apríla 2010
A is for Australian (punk)
Skúsim v krátkosti pospomínať niektoré kapely z rôznych krajín sveta v krátkych profiloch. Začnem u protinožcov. Austrálsky punk vznikol v podstate krátko po Anglickom boome. Hralo tam množstvo dnes už aj zabudnutých kapiel. Niektoré z nich môžeš vypočuť na dnešnej kompilačke. Súčasná scéna je ohromná, k niektorým kapelám sa ešte dostanem.
I will try to mention few bands, records, infos about punk in Australia.
Today just start with:
If you dont know BLOODSTAINS ACROSS...series, here is short info:
"In 1992, Bloodstains Across Texas came out. Short on its heels were Bloodstains Across California and Bloodstains Across the Midwest. A legend was born. Right up there with the Killed By Death Series, the Bloodstains comps have become a monster of their own. These comps span the entire globe. New records sprout constantly, some are great, some aren't. The first three (Texas, California, Midwest) are easily among the best of the 25 in the series. But a lot of the European ones smoke too!"
taken from:
some old Australian punk records info also here:
some bands here:
...and here are some old report from MRR: http://www.operationphoenixrecords.com/mrrissue20_18AustraliaNewZealandandJapanSceneReports.pdf
...sorry for missing present bands info, try myspace or so...but I like 80s so much.
that s all for now folks,
hear you later.
I will try to mention few bands, records, infos about punk in Australia.
Today just start with:
If you dont know BLOODSTAINS ACROSS...series, here is short info:
"In 1992, Bloodstains Across Texas came out. Short on its heels were Bloodstains Across California and Bloodstains Across the Midwest. A legend was born. Right up there with the Killed By Death Series, the Bloodstains comps have become a monster of their own. These comps span the entire globe. New records sprout constantly, some are great, some aren't. The first three (Texas, California, Midwest) are easily among the best of the 25 in the series. But a lot of the European ones smoke too!"
taken from:
some old Australian punk records info also here:
some bands here:
...and here are some old report from MRR: http://www.operationphoenixrecords.com/mrrissue20_18AustraliaNewZealandandJapanSceneReports.pdf
...sorry for missing present bands info, try myspace or so...but I like 80s so much.
that s all for now folks,
hear you later.
nedeľa 18. apríla 2010
Georgian wave / Gruzínska vlna
Gruzínska alternatívna scéna nie je príliš protežovaná, ale určite sa v nej nájde mnoho zaujímavých skupín rôznych žánrov. Do širšieho punkového povedomia vstúpila asi vydaním EP "RETSEPTI" (Georgia) - na Tian An Men 89 rec. v roku 1997.
Neskôr sa podujal na mravenčiu prácu Jason Flower, chlapík zaujímajúci sa o scény v rôznych kútoch sveta a v roku 2006 vyšlo na jeho labely Supreme echo (http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2009/09/supreme-echo-label.html )CD-čko s archívnymi nahrávkami kapely RETSEPTI.
RETSEPTI (názov znamená "Recept" - s významom na liečbu chorej spoločnosti, ktorá v ZSSR bola v rokoch počas komunizmu) - kapela hrajúca v 80-tych rokoch v Tbilisi. Vznikli v 87-om, pod vplyvom JOY DIVISION, DEAD KENNEDYS, THE JAM, THE CURE, BAUHAUS a iných kapiel, začali hrať post-punkovú fúziu dark punk rocku a new wave. Ich leader Lado Burduli mal hudobné vzdelanie a už predtým hrával v rôznych súboroch. Hrával aj jazz na kontrabase. Tieto vyplyvy sa podpísali aj na hudbe RETSEPTI. Okrem toho bol herec a účinkoval v rôznych filmoch, niekde hral aj hlavnú úlohu.
Ďalšie kapely z Gruzínska: DRAGON - punk/metal/alternative (1985), TAXI - electro-wave/alt-rock (1987-92), VNEBA (punk soul), AMORAL - post-punk, HOUSE - wave...atď.
Nahrávku RETSEPTI tu nedám, stále sa dá objednať cez Supremeecho, píš na: kwiateczku(at)hotmail.com
Nejaké songy sa dajú vypočuť: http://www.myspace.com/supremeecho/
alebo na http://www.supremeecho.com/
Okrem zaujímavej hudby na CD nájdeš aj booklet s anglickými prekladmi textov, foto a rozhovor s Ladom Burdulim o scéne v Gruzínsku.
"Wave-influenced Caucasian punk with Georgian vocals, from Tbilisi. Archival
tapes from 1987/1988.
Released August 1997, forest green vinyl. Sold out.
A short, chaotic trip through civil war torn Georgia in 1993 didn't offer us the
occasion to meet the local scene. However, thanks to our friend Rudiger Nitz
from Germany who went to Tbilisi in 1995, this milestone of Caucasus
underground could be released.
The band has split up long ago. The bassist lives in Berlin, while the vocalist,
Lado, is working on new projects in Tbilisi."
Contact: ladoart@yahoo.com
...you can read on TAM 89 rec. site.
Their EP is sold out there, but you can get CD : "with 10 songs (full repertoire) of well arranged dark-punk and cold-wave with raw Georgian vocals, recorded 1989-90. "A dark, desperate feel, interesting guitar work, and a twisted vocalist! Check this out." (MRR - Oct. 2006). "...very glad to have it" - Middle Eastern Division, Harvard University (May 2009). Deluxe gatefold ecopak cover, hand stamped inner-sleeve, plus 16 page booklet with lyrics / photographs / interview & history of underground music in the ex-soviet Republic of Georgia. All songs professionally 24-bit re-mastered." on Supremeecho label (link above)
More Georgian music:
http://www.myspace.com/caucasusrockfest - rock fest since 1995. (by the way, other music festival Tbilisi Spring Rythms in 1980 was first rock festival in whole USSR.)
OUTSIDER - folk/folk-punky singer
...and in the comments you will find GEORGIAN POST-PUNK COMPILATION
Neskôr sa podujal na mravenčiu prácu Jason Flower, chlapík zaujímajúci sa o scény v rôznych kútoch sveta a v roku 2006 vyšlo na jeho labely Supreme echo (http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2009/09/supreme-echo-label.html )CD-čko s archívnymi nahrávkami kapely RETSEPTI.
RETSEPTI (názov znamená "Recept" - s významom na liečbu chorej spoločnosti, ktorá v ZSSR bola v rokoch počas komunizmu) - kapela hrajúca v 80-tych rokoch v Tbilisi. Vznikli v 87-om, pod vplyvom JOY DIVISION, DEAD KENNEDYS, THE JAM, THE CURE, BAUHAUS a iných kapiel, začali hrať post-punkovú fúziu dark punk rocku a new wave. Ich leader Lado Burduli mal hudobné vzdelanie a už predtým hrával v rôznych súboroch. Hrával aj jazz na kontrabase. Tieto vyplyvy sa podpísali aj na hudbe RETSEPTI. Okrem toho bol herec a účinkoval v rôznych filmoch, niekde hral aj hlavnú úlohu.
Ďalšie kapely z Gruzínska: DRAGON - punk/metal/alternative (1985), TAXI - electro-wave/alt-rock (1987-92), VNEBA (punk soul), AMORAL - post-punk, HOUSE - wave...atď.
Nahrávku RETSEPTI tu nedám, stále sa dá objednať cez Supremeecho, píš na: kwiateczku(at)hotmail.com
Nejaké songy sa dajú vypočuť: http://www.myspace.com/supremeecho/
alebo na http://www.supremeecho.com/
Okrem zaujímavej hudby na CD nájdeš aj booklet s anglickými prekladmi textov, foto a rozhovor s Ladom Burdulim o scéne v Gruzínsku.
"Wave-influenced Caucasian punk with Georgian vocals, from Tbilisi. Archival
tapes from 1987/1988.
Released August 1997, forest green vinyl. Sold out.
A short, chaotic trip through civil war torn Georgia in 1993 didn't offer us the
occasion to meet the local scene. However, thanks to our friend Rudiger Nitz
from Germany who went to Tbilisi in 1995, this milestone of Caucasus
underground could be released.
The band has split up long ago. The bassist lives in Berlin, while the vocalist,
Lado, is working on new projects in Tbilisi."
Contact: ladoart@yahoo.com
...you can read on TAM 89 rec. site.
Their EP is sold out there, but you can get CD : "with 10 songs (full repertoire) of well arranged dark-punk and cold-wave with raw Georgian vocals, recorded 1989-90. "A dark, desperate feel, interesting guitar work, and a twisted vocalist! Check this out." (MRR - Oct. 2006). "...very glad to have it" - Middle Eastern Division, Harvard University (May 2009). Deluxe gatefold ecopak cover, hand stamped inner-sleeve, plus 16 page booklet with lyrics / photographs / interview & history of underground music in the ex-soviet Republic of Georgia. All songs professionally 24-bit re-mastered." on Supremeecho label (link above)
More Georgian music:
http://www.myspace.com/caucasusrockfest - rock fest since 1995. (by the way, other music festival Tbilisi Spring Rythms in 1980 was first rock festival in whole USSR.)
OUTSIDER - folk/folk-punky singer
...and in the comments you will find GEORGIAN POST-PUNK COMPILATION
sobota 17. apríla 2010
Latvian alternatives
Lotyšský punk som už spomínal na blogu niekedy v prvých príspevkoch. Keď som Lotyšsko navštívil pred pár rokmi po druhý krát, stretol som s niekoľkými priateľskými ľuďmi - mimo iné aj s Edgarom Embersom, chlapíkom pohybujúcim sa v lotyšskej punk/hc/alt scéne od skorých 90 rokov. Ten mi daroval, či nahral množstvo muziky, za čo som (hoci nie len za to) z vďaky spravil 2 koncerty tu v Bratislave pre jeho súčasnú kapelu GRUPA VILNIS.
Jedna z jeho predošlých - a asi najznámejších kapiel, boli VONOSONOLOPPUS - hrajúca rýchly HC. Vyšlo im aj split 7" VONOSONOLOPPUS/ 33 - LETNY PODONOK na francúzkom labely Darbouka rec.
Neskôr však zmenil štýl zo zbesilého HC na jazzovo-alternatívnejší prístup k punku a výsledkom je nahrávka ktorú tu môžeš počuť. Neskôr nový štýl zúročili aj v už spomínanej bande GRUPA VILNIS.
IMANTS DAKSIS - Lotyšský Letov? Také jednoduché to asi nie je, i keď nejaká podobnosť a vplyv sa dá vybadať. Imants má ale osobitý štýl, skôr smerujúci k akémusi mysticizmu a je skôr filozoficky ladený, nie taký zemitý ako Letovov. Bradatý folkáč s akustikou hrá zaujímavú hudbu, žiaľ, texty v angličtine na tomto CD nie sú.
taken from Maximumrockandroll: old article from MRR zine no.96, may 1991
More of Latvian punk info you can find in my article in zine DRUNK NACH OSTEN:
DNO #2 in English at Rapidshare
here's a Rapidshare download (2 files - PDF + CDR)
VONOSONOLOPPUS - wild/raw hc from Latvia playing in 90s. Later they became most jazzy/alt-punkcore styled. This recording is in their jazzy style.
"Imants Daksis is a philosopher, poet, musician and wanderer. He calls
himself an imbodiment of energy. When the energy breaks up, a song
emerges. Imants have about 300 songs summarized in 12 albums, and there
are still more 8 albums to come out. Imants composes music, writes lyrics,
plays acoustic guitar, invents new musical instruments, sings, whistles and
vibrates in all this sounds. His songs have deep philosophical
meanings.He is convinced that a song does not belong to anybody.
He carries the song just like a mother carries a child, but when the child
becomes independent, it has to be given the freedom to
breathe.Imants has been asked where he gets ideas for his many
songs, here is the answer: a song is not a creation, it is a reflection of
a received vibration. The less preconceptions, the better the reception.
Everything exists. If one is aware of this, one can get closer to the
unconstrained nature of perception. A free perception is the basis of
creative thought and action."
taken from Imants Daksis web-site
and you can find some of his videos on youtube too.
Jedna z jeho predošlých - a asi najznámejších kapiel, boli VONOSONOLOPPUS - hrajúca rýchly HC. Vyšlo im aj split 7" VONOSONOLOPPUS/ 33 - LETNY PODONOK na francúzkom labely Darbouka rec.
Neskôr však zmenil štýl zo zbesilého HC na jazzovo-alternatívnejší prístup k punku a výsledkom je nahrávka ktorú tu môžeš počuť. Neskôr nový štýl zúročili aj v už spomínanej bande GRUPA VILNIS.
IMANTS DAKSIS - Lotyšský Letov? Také jednoduché to asi nie je, i keď nejaká podobnosť a vplyv sa dá vybadať. Imants má ale osobitý štýl, skôr smerujúci k akémusi mysticizmu a je skôr filozoficky ladený, nie taký zemitý ako Letovov. Bradatý folkáč s akustikou hrá zaujímavú hudbu, žiaľ, texty v angličtine na tomto CD nie sú.
taken from Maximumrockandroll: old article from MRR zine no.96, may 1991
More of Latvian punk info you can find in my article in zine DRUNK NACH OSTEN:
DNO #2 in English at Rapidshare
here's a Rapidshare download (2 files - PDF + CDR)
VONOSONOLOPPUS - wild/raw hc from Latvia playing in 90s. Later they became most jazzy/alt-punkcore styled. This recording is in their jazzy style.
"Imants Daksis is a philosopher, poet, musician and wanderer. He calls
himself an imbodiment of energy. When the energy breaks up, a song
emerges. Imants have about 300 songs summarized in 12 albums, and there
are still more 8 albums to come out. Imants composes music, writes lyrics,
plays acoustic guitar, invents new musical instruments, sings, whistles and
vibrates in all this sounds. His songs have deep philosophical
meanings.He is convinced that a song does not belong to anybody.
He carries the song just like a mother carries a child, but when the child
becomes independent, it has to be given the freedom to
breathe.Imants has been asked where he gets ideas for his many
songs, here is the answer: a song is not a creation, it is a reflection of
a received vibration. The less preconceptions, the better the reception.
Everything exists. If one is aware of this, one can get closer to the
unconstrained nature of perception. A free perception is the basis of
creative thought and action."
taken from Imants Daksis web-site
and you can find some of his videos on youtube too.
piatok 16. apríla 2010
...more world punk
Keď spomínam muziku z krajín, ktoré možno nie sú typickými (alebo známymi) destináciami alternatívnej hudby, nedá mi nespomenúť zaujímavý blog:http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/,kde môžeš nájsť dosť rozličnej hudby z celého sveta.
Ja doporučujem hľadať napríklad pod značkou:http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/search/label/Ethnic-punk
Dal som sem tiež link na jeden album kapely YAT-KHA zo Sibírskej republiky Tuva, ležiacej na pomedzí Sibíru a západného Monglolska. Prvý krát som o tejto kapele dozvedel z knihy Luk Haasa "Discogaphy of easteran european punk music 1977-1999" (už som ju na blogu spomínal), neskôr som si nahral a napálil niektoré albumy. Zaujímavá hudba vychádzajúca z tradičnej hudby Tuva - hrdelný spev, alikvótne tóny, v kombinácii s rockom.
Tuva Rock:
Hi, check the links above...and enjoy world-rock music.
Yat-Kha was founded in Moscow in 1991, as a collaborative project between Kuvezin and Russian avant-garde, electronic composer Ivan Sokolovsky. The project blended traditional Tuvan folk music with post-modern rhythms and electronic effects. Kuvezin and Sokolovsky toured and played festivals, and eventually took the name “Yat-Kha,” which refers to a type of small, Central Asian zither similar to the Mongolian yatga and the Chinese guzheng, which Kuvezin plays in addition to the guitar.
from Wikipedia
and info from http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/2008/05/yat-kha-tuva-rock.html:
"Yat-Kha come from Tuva, out on the borders of Siberia and western Mongolia. They dress like throw-backs to the hippy psychedelic era, and create some of the most extraordinary noises on the planet. Albert Kuvezin is an exponent of the local style of throat-singing, which allows the performer to hold more than one note at once while producing surely the deepest growls on record. He is also a guitarist who likes to switch between gentle acoustic passages and frantic electric solos, and he leads a band that also includes such traditional Tuvan stringed instruments as the Igil. The resulting songs are gloriously exhilarating, being at their best treating Tuva's gutsy traditional songs to the trademark blend of wild rhythm and growls. These range from exuberant growled rockers like Come Along to slow growled ballads, all with lyrics in English and sounding as if he is desperate to join the western pop mainstream."
+ check:
Ja doporučujem hľadať napríklad pod značkou:http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/search/label/Ethnic-punk
Dal som sem tiež link na jeden album kapely YAT-KHA zo Sibírskej republiky Tuva, ležiacej na pomedzí Sibíru a západného Monglolska. Prvý krát som o tejto kapele dozvedel z knihy Luk Haasa "Discogaphy of easteran european punk music 1977-1999" (už som ju na blogu spomínal), neskôr som si nahral a napálil niektoré albumy. Zaujímavá hudba vychádzajúca z tradičnej hudby Tuva - hrdelný spev, alikvótne tóny, v kombinácii s rockom.
Tuva Rock:
Hi, check the links above...and enjoy world-rock music.
Yat-Kha was founded in Moscow in 1991, as a collaborative project between Kuvezin and Russian avant-garde, electronic composer Ivan Sokolovsky. The project blended traditional Tuvan folk music with post-modern rhythms and electronic effects. Kuvezin and Sokolovsky toured and played festivals, and eventually took the name “Yat-Kha,” which refers to a type of small, Central Asian zither similar to the Mongolian yatga and the Chinese guzheng, which Kuvezin plays in addition to the guitar.
from Wikipedia
and info from http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/2008/05/yat-kha-tuva-rock.html:
"Yat-Kha come from Tuva, out on the borders of Siberia and western Mongolia. They dress like throw-backs to the hippy psychedelic era, and create some of the most extraordinary noises on the planet. Albert Kuvezin is an exponent of the local style of throat-singing, which allows the performer to hold more than one note at once while producing surely the deepest growls on record. He is also a guitarist who likes to switch between gentle acoustic passages and frantic electric solos, and he leads a band that also includes such traditional Tuvan stringed instruments as the Igil. The resulting songs are gloriously exhilarating, being at their best treating Tuva's gutsy traditional songs to the trademark blend of wild rhythm and growls. These range from exuberant growled rockers like Come Along to slow growled ballads, all with lyrics in English and sounding as if he is desperate to join the western pop mainstream."
+ check:
streda 14. apríla 2010
Estónsky punk / Estonian punk
Estónsko malo jednu z prvých punkových scén v bývalom ZSSR. Už koncom 70-tych rokov tu pôsobili napr. PROPELLER, vraj prvá punk rock kapela v Sovietskom zväze. Keď sme so S.I.K.A. hrali koncert v Talline, vymenil som s Villuom, spevákom J.M.K.E., nejakú muziku - sranda, ja som mu dal demo košickej alternatívnej kapely Kolowrat a on mne 2-CD s množstvom estónskych punk kapiel, je tam 52 songov. To dvoj-CD sem dám niekedy nabudúce. Dnes tu dám kompilačku z dielne Marka Oravu - Švéda, ktorý od polovice 80-tych rokov vydával zaujímavé kompilačné kazety pod názvom DELIRIUM TREMENS. Táto s estónskym punkom bola v poradí 25. a vyšla v roku 1993.
Marko stále aktívne vymieňa nahrávky, pozri aj jeho stránku kde pod hlavičkou "Kassetterna" nájdeš všetky jeho kompilačky. Dajú sa aj stále objednať, vymieňa /predáva ich teraz v CD-r verziách.
Estonian punk info:
(from PROFANE EXISTENCE zine, no.42, 2003)
utorok 13. apríla 2010
WORLD CLASS PUNK compilation
Pokračujem odkazom na výbornú internacionálnu kompiláciu WORLD CLASS PUNK. Ja som si ju pred rokmi kúpil vo Viedni, na EKH tuším, v kazetovej bootleg verzii od Matula Tapes.
Kazetovú výberovku s mnohými kapelami z celého sveta pôvodne zostavil Mykel Board, dlhoročný kontribútor časáku MAXIMUM ROCKANDROLL. Podľa mňa solídny výber. Originálne vyšla v roku 1984, na labely ROIR. Československo zastupujú A 64 so skladbou "Já nemám šajn", (teda vlastne coverom "Banned from the pubs" od Peter and the test tube babies), na booklete omylom označenou ako "Moment".
link nájdeš na blogu:
Great int. compilation from 1984 selected by Mykel Board. More you can read here:
This ROIR cassette was compiled excellently by Mykel Board. This comp has great bands that come from everywhere from Australia to Yugoslavia. There is some excellent stuff here and it's separated into a "Core" side and a "Fringe" side. This gives one of the best cross sections of truly international music I've seen. Purrkurr Pillnikk from Iceland totally blow me away. This is complete with notes and full addresses for all the bands. More, more!!
-Greg C., from TASK #1, March 1985
(old review from TASK)
written by Mykel Board:
SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it!
"How could you have an international compilation cassette and not include the Mongolian band The Ocödöröglöös?"
or "Hey, those guys are nothing in Colombia, the best punk band here is...?"
or "You call yourself INTERNATIONAL and you have nothing from Pago Pago!!"
or "God, that band from Tibet sounds like it was recorded in a cereal box! How come they didn't use a 59 track JVC-TEACK-MX61 with UL 42 harmonizer and digital reverb?"
Did I do all this work to hear you whine? Listen, you hold in your hand the most comprehensive international punk compilation ever assembled. There were others: one from Germany has 16 countries and one from San Francisco has 17 countries. Both of these compilations are good. (Buy them AFTER you buy this one.) But none of them have as many bands from as many countries as this. Still, it is not complete. It couldn't be.
My travels have convinced me that there is no country in the world where there isn't some form of punk rock. All it takes to find it is to walk through the streets of any major city wearing a black leather jacket and a DK's button.
For this tape, I've picked bands that represent as many countries and as many punk styles as was practical. Some have bucks or backers to let them get into a real studio with a real recorder. Others are poorer than you'll ever be and have recorded on a piece of wax paper with a needle stuck between their teeth. That's the nature of PUNK and I'm glad it is.
There are no American bands on this tape because people already have heard the punk founders, THE RAMONES, and the U.S. hardcore heavies like the DK's and BLACK FLAG. This cassette will expose you to the rest of the world.
There are also no English bands here. England is where punk turned into fashion. It is where they invented Punk Superstars like THE CLASH. THE CLASH are as close to the idea of PUNK as David Bowie is to the idea of GARAGE ROCK. Besides, everybody knows what's in the U.S. and England. This tape shows it's EVERYWHERE!
Some of this music is the HARDCORE of punk. I put these cuts on the CORE side of this tape because to some people, this is the essence and most international aspect of this music. It is a standard that transcends nationality. Shave your head, play loud, fast and noisy, yell (especially if you yell about politics), and you instantly become part of an international community.
...whole article you will find here: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~cch223/comps/worldclasspunk.html
Kazetovú výberovku s mnohými kapelami z celého sveta pôvodne zostavil Mykel Board, dlhoročný kontribútor časáku MAXIMUM ROCKANDROLL. Podľa mňa solídny výber. Originálne vyšla v roku 1984, na labely ROIR. Československo zastupujú A 64 so skladbou "Já nemám šajn", (teda vlastne coverom "Banned from the pubs" od Peter and the test tube babies), na booklete omylom označenou ako "Moment".
link nájdeš na blogu:
Great int. compilation from 1984 selected by Mykel Board. More you can read here:
This ROIR cassette was compiled excellently by Mykel Board. This comp has great bands that come from everywhere from Australia to Yugoslavia. There is some excellent stuff here and it's separated into a "Core" side and a "Fringe" side. This gives one of the best cross sections of truly international music I've seen. Purrkurr Pillnikk from Iceland totally blow me away. This is complete with notes and full addresses for all the bands. More, more!!
-Greg C., from TASK #1, March 1985
(old review from TASK)
written by Mykel Board:
SHUT UP! I don't want to hear it!
"How could you have an international compilation cassette and not include the Mongolian band The Ocödöröglöös?"
or "Hey, those guys are nothing in Colombia, the best punk band here is...?"
or "You call yourself INTERNATIONAL and you have nothing from Pago Pago!!"
or "God, that band from Tibet sounds like it was recorded in a cereal box! How come they didn't use a 59 track JVC-TEACK-MX61 with UL 42 harmonizer and digital reverb?"
Did I do all this work to hear you whine? Listen, you hold in your hand the most comprehensive international punk compilation ever assembled. There were others: one from Germany has 16 countries and one from San Francisco has 17 countries. Both of these compilations are good. (Buy them AFTER you buy this one.) But none of them have as many bands from as many countries as this. Still, it is not complete. It couldn't be.
My travels have convinced me that there is no country in the world where there isn't some form of punk rock. All it takes to find it is to walk through the streets of any major city wearing a black leather jacket and a DK's button.
For this tape, I've picked bands that represent as many countries and as many punk styles as was practical. Some have bucks or backers to let them get into a real studio with a real recorder. Others are poorer than you'll ever be and have recorded on a piece of wax paper with a needle stuck between their teeth. That's the nature of PUNK and I'm glad it is.
There are no American bands on this tape because people already have heard the punk founders, THE RAMONES, and the U.S. hardcore heavies like the DK's and BLACK FLAG. This cassette will expose you to the rest of the world.
There are also no English bands here. England is where punk turned into fashion. It is where they invented Punk Superstars like THE CLASH. THE CLASH are as close to the idea of PUNK as David Bowie is to the idea of GARAGE ROCK. Besides, everybody knows what's in the U.S. and England. This tape shows it's EVERYWHERE!
Some of this music is the HARDCORE of punk. I put these cuts on the CORE side of this tape because to some people, this is the essence and most international aspect of this music. It is a standard that transcends nationality. Shave your head, play loud, fast and noisy, yell (especially if you yell about politics), and you instantly become part of an international community.
...whole article you will find here: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~cch223/comps/worldclasspunk.html
pondelok 12. apríla 2010
PuNk bEz HrAníC / "PUNK ROCK makes the world go round "compilation
Ahoj, nasledujúce dni by som sa chcel trochu venovať punku zahraničnému, nie len slovenskému a českému. Počúvam hudbu z mnohých krajín sveta a baví ma istá odlišnosť (nielen jazyková) v žánroch a subžánroch z jednotlivých štátov. Tak sa chcem podeliť o pár (podľa mňa) zaujímavých nahrávok.
Príjemný počuv.
Toto CD som kedysi zohnal v dnes už neexistujúcom hudobnom sekáči Nepál. Za dobrú cenu fajn muzika. 24 krajín, 24 skupín - píše sa na obale. Slovensko zastupuje ZÓNA A.
Link som dal z blogu http://ya-cant-go-home.blogspot.com/ - pretože týpek to tam dal z LPčky.
More foreign punk next days, less Slovakian/Czech stuff.
Punk don´t have borders!
Príjemný počuv.
Toto CD som kedysi zohnal v dnes už neexistujúcom hudobnom sekáči Nepál. Za dobrú cenu fajn muzika. 24 krajín, 24 skupín - píše sa na obale. Slovensko zastupuje ZÓNA A.
Link som dal z blogu http://ya-cant-go-home.blogspot.com/ - pretože týpek to tam dal z LPčky.
More foreign punk next days, less Slovakian/Czech stuff.
Punk don´t have borders!
nedeľa 11. apríla 2010
Dnes voľné pokračovanie článku Nekonvenčná hudba (http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2010/01/nekonvencna-hudba.html)...je tu k dispozícií zopár textov/úvah o hudbe a o kapelách NACE / LESNÍ SPEVÁCI, v ktorých pôsobil filozof, umelec Marcel Strýko, jeden z predstaviteľov slovenského undergroundu. Nahrávky tu však k dispozícií nie sú, žiaľ, žiadnu nemám.
(z knihy Marcel Stýko "Za vlastný život", 1996)
(z knihy Marcel Stýko "Za vlastný život", 1996)
sobota 10. apríla 2010
Sk +++Metal+++
Nie som veľkým priaznivcom metalu (ale s tým som vás už tuším otravoval),no chcel by som dať do pozornosti tým, ktorí sú, pár nahrávok:
DEREŠ - heavy metalová kapela vznikla v roku 1985 po odchode Vrabca a Martina Uherčíka z punkovej skupiny SPRAY. DEREŠ hrávali na spoločných koncertoch s ARAKAIN, VITACIT, ARGEMA, ale aj ako predskokani TEAM. Niektorí členovia neskôr založili rockovú ISABELLE. DEREŠ skončili v roku 1990, bez vydania platne. Ich najväčší hit bol "Na panské". Neskôr sa obnovili v inej zostave.
Viac si môžete prečítať v knihe Bratislavský nárez...
tu je ich živák z roku 1985/ DEREŠ live 1985:
..ešte je tu k dispozícií dobrá kazetová kompilačka "THRASH METAL made in Slovakia" z r. 1992, link nájdeš na blogu: http://punkovyzberatel.blogspot.com/
...a záverom 2 blogy, ktoré robí metalový fanatik Roxor:
some Slovakian metal links for those who are into it...
DEREŠ - heavy metalová kapela vznikla v roku 1985 po odchode Vrabca a Martina Uherčíka z punkovej skupiny SPRAY. DEREŠ hrávali na spoločných koncertoch s ARAKAIN, VITACIT, ARGEMA, ale aj ako predskokani TEAM. Niektorí členovia neskôr založili rockovú ISABELLE. DEREŠ skončili v roku 1990, bez vydania platne. Ich najväčší hit bol "Na panské". Neskôr sa obnovili v inej zostave.
Viac si môžete prečítať v knihe Bratislavský nárez...
tu je ich živák z roku 1985/ DEREŠ live 1985:
..ešte je tu k dispozícií dobrá kazetová kompilačka "THRASH METAL made in Slovakia" z r. 1992, link nájdeš na blogu: http://punkovyzberatel.blogspot.com/
...a záverom 2 blogy, ktoré robí metalový fanatik Roxor:
some Slovakian metal links for those who are into it...
piatok 9. apríla 2010
ZASTÁVKA MILEČ " Zzzzzzz Mmmmmmmm" (Demo 1984)
"...radši se podívám na věž
kolik je hodin
radši se podívám na věž
kolik je hodin
kolik je hodin
hodin o jé, jé, jé
ou jé, ou jé, ou jéjéjé
A hledám tebe
v černých brýlích
a zmalovaným obličejem
co nenávidíš lásku..."
ZASTÁVKA MILEČ - kapela z ktorej neskôr vznikla fairy-tale punková ZNOUZECNOST, hrajúca melodický punk v trochu depresívnejšom podaní. Vynikajúce skladby "Černé brýle" či "Nemám auta rád", ale aj mnohé iné stoja za vypočutie. Skvelé demo z roku 1984. Ja ho mám na CD. Myslím, že sa dá kúpiť na www.znc.cz.
ZASTÁVKA MILEČ - post punk band from Pilsen playig in short period 1983-84. Great melodic post-punk wave music with pesimistic, ironic lyric. Great demo. It was pre-ZNOUZECNOCT band. More about ZNOUZECNOST soon...
kolik je hodin
radši se podívám na věž
kolik je hodin
kolik je hodin
hodin o jé, jé, jé
ou jé, ou jé, ou jéjéjé
A hledám tebe
v černých brýlích
a zmalovaným obličejem
co nenávidíš lásku..."
ZASTÁVKA MILEČ - kapela z ktorej neskôr vznikla fairy-tale punková ZNOUZECNOST, hrajúca melodický punk v trochu depresívnejšom podaní. Vynikajúce skladby "Černé brýle" či "Nemám auta rád", ale aj mnohé iné stoja za vypočutie. Skvelé demo z roku 1984. Ja ho mám na CD. Myslím, že sa dá kúpiť na www.znc.cz.
ZASTÁVKA MILEČ - post punk band from Pilsen playig in short period 1983-84. Great melodic post-punk wave music with pesimistic, ironic lyric. Great demo. It was pre-ZNOUZECNOCT band. More about ZNOUZECNOST soon...
štvrtok 8. apríla 2010
SOUBOR TRADIČNÍHO POPU (STP) - česká kapela novej vlny pôsobiaca v rokoch 1984 - 1987.
(...z knihy Excentřici v přízemí)
...ešte niečo:
sorry - no cover
Czech wave/rock band playing in 1984-1987 period. Some rock, some wave, some melancholy...nice and little bit sad music.
utorok 6. apríla 2010
Slovenský a český synth/new romantic
Dnes dve kapely - nevyznám sa príliš v žánroch ktoré hrajú, ale hudobne sa mi celkom páčia.
Slovenskí AC+ boli kapelou z konca 80-tych/začiatku 90-tych rokov, hrajúcou taký synth-pop, na klávesy tu hral Lucián Bezák (neskôr frontman v gospel-rockovej kapele SÁBA).
AC+ a ich LP "Nemusíš sa tieňov báť" (OPUS, 1990) vytvára atmosféru neskorých 80-tych rokov, sídliskovú partiu s babami s naondulovanými vlasmi, šminkami, mrkváčmi a volánmi.
LP tu
strana A http://www.sendspace.com/file/o3iw29
strana B http://www.sendspace.com/file/e7f169
AC+ - Slovakian synth-pop from late 80´s/early 90´s.
OCEÁN - asi najvýznamnejší predstavitelia českej new romantic (vplyv DEPECHE MODE a iných 80´s klávesových spolkov). Viac tu:
(info z bulletinu Rockové profily 1989)
OCEÁN - czech famous new romantic band, their frontman Petr Muk late became a famous pop-singer and make some hits. They were influenced by Depeche Mode, U2, 80s synth bands.
Oceán-Live Bratislava 15.12 1991 (New Romantic,CZ)
2.Intro 2
4.V mlze
5.Noc je jako
6.Doteky v zemi
7.Poslení sound
8.Rachel+Stvanice (Bonus)
9.Časť Stvanice (Bonus)
Link na OCEÁN je z nového dobrého blogu http://punkovyzberatel.blogspot.com/ , na ktorom môžeš nájsť zaujímavé veci od SK/CZ kapiel. Určite pozri.
Slovenskí AC+ boli kapelou z konca 80-tych/začiatku 90-tych rokov, hrajúcou taký synth-pop, na klávesy tu hral Lucián Bezák (neskôr frontman v gospel-rockovej kapele SÁBA).
AC+ a ich LP "Nemusíš sa tieňov báť" (OPUS, 1990) vytvára atmosféru neskorých 80-tych rokov, sídliskovú partiu s babami s naondulovanými vlasmi, šminkami, mrkváčmi a volánmi.
LP tu
strana A http://www.sendspace.com/file/o3iw29
strana B http://www.sendspace.com/file/e7f169
AC+ - Slovakian synth-pop from late 80´s/early 90´s.
OCEÁN - asi najvýznamnejší predstavitelia českej new romantic (vplyv DEPECHE MODE a iných 80´s klávesových spolkov). Viac tu:
(info z bulletinu Rockové profily 1989)
OCEÁN - czech famous new romantic band, their frontman Petr Muk late became a famous pop-singer and make some hits. They were influenced by Depeche Mode, U2, 80s synth bands.
Oceán-Live Bratislava 15.12 1991 (New Romantic,CZ)
2.Intro 2
4.V mlze
5.Noc je jako
6.Doteky v zemi
7.Poslení sound
8.Rachel+Stvanice (Bonus)
9.Časť Stvanice (Bonus)
Link na OCEÁN je z nového dobrého blogu http://punkovyzberatel.blogspot.com/ , na ktorom môžeš nájsť zaujímavé veci od SK/CZ kapiel. Určite pozri.
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Príspevky (Atom)
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