nedeľa 5. apríla 2015

GOGOL BORDELLO "Not A Crime" (2005)

Cigánski pankáči z N.Y. hrajúci zmes folku, balkánskej/východo-európskej muziky, dubu a čo-ja-viem-ešte-čoho. Meno majú podľa ruského spisovateľa Nikolaja V. Gogoľa a je to taký veselý bordel s ktorým precestovali svet. Skrátka nomádska muzika - evokuje to maringotky, každý večer otvorenú fľašu a kecanie pri ohni niekde bokom od diaľnice.

Nepočúvam veľmi takú muziku, tento sigel som si kúpil len tak do dorovnania sumy za platne v berlínskom shope VOPO RECORDS, kde som zháňal východonemecký punk na vinyloch. Ale dobre som spravil. Pokiaľ máš rád/a napr. NO SMOKING ORCHESTRA, ešte mi to trochu pripomína ruských OTAVA YO, tak si prídeš na svoje.

Kapela je myslím celkom populára, svojho času prerazila aj na MTV alebo tam niekde.

Singel obsahuje 3 songy (z albumu Gypsy Punks - The Underdog World Strike) - "Not A Crime" a dve verzie songu "60 Revolutions".


Singel from album "Gypsy Punks - The Underdog World Strike" of Gypsy punk band GOGOL BORDELLO.

"Not A Crime"

-I've managed to get the letter, Nikolay Ivanovich
-And if it is forbidden again?
-Absolutely forbidden! Belinsky* to Gogol! ah, Nikolay Ivanovich, it's such a letter!

Drop the charges!

[Russian:] gimme the forbidden!

The fire and the power, yuh?!


(In the old time it was not a crime, drop the charges
Don't you realise the sun rises?)

(Drop the charges, man! drop the charges!)

(Right you are! and this time, let the people know...)

In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!
(What are you talking about?)
In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!

Not a crime!
(It's all nonsensical!)
Not a crime!

In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!
In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!

Not a crime!
Drop the charges!
Not a crime!
Not a crime!
Not a crime!


[Russian:] oh, gimme the forbidden! aphorism*
Spices, creation, realisation, naturalisation
What are you talking about? it's all about time 'cos today you go to nature

Not a crime!
In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!
In the old time, in the old time
In the old time it was not a crime!

(Not a crime, not a crime!)
Not a crime!
[Russian:] oh, gimme the forbidden!
Not a crime!
Not a crime!
Drop the charges, man!
Not a crime!
Drop the charges!

[Russian:] have been sitting dangling my legs, didn't want to work
Not a crime!
[Russian:] have been sitting dangling my legs, didn't want to work
Not a crime!
(It's not a crime, it's legal - perfectly natural)

"60 Revolutions"

60 revolutions per minute
this is my regular speed
So how do you want me to live with it?
How do you want me to live with it?
Without ringing all alarms!
Without overthrowing tzars!
Without emptying the bars!
Without screwing with your charts!

60 revelations per minute
this is my regular need
So how do you want me to live with it?
How do you want me to live with it?
Without ringing all alarms!...

I'm gathering new generation
That's gonna stand up to it
To this karaoke dictatorship
Where posers and models with guitars
Boogie to the shit for beats
I make a better rock revolution
Alone with my dick!

60 por minuto es mi reputacion
y no te estoy hablando de revolucion
hace mucho teimpo q ya no te decian
basta de injusticia, muerte y policia.

Digas lo que digas ya esta todo arreglado
hagas lo que hagas te mandan deportado
el que tiene impone y sobre la ley dispone
mientras que el pobre es pobre,
muere de hambre y otro se la come


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