štvrtok 17. marca 2016

Kompilačky z jútjubu

Chcel by som upozorniť na dve zaujímavé kompilácie ktoré som našiel na You Tube.

Prvá je výberovka starého punku z Poľska. Má názov "VICTIMS OF SAFETY PIN" a vydal ju Jason Flower, punkáč z Kanady (tu na blogu môžeš nájsť rozsiahly rozhovor ktorý som s ním robil pre fanzin HLUBOKÁ ORBA). S Jasonom som sa stretol pred niekoľkými rokmi vo Wroclawi kde žil v karavane so svojou priateľkou a usilovne zbieral poľské vinylové platne. Tie teraz predáva vo svojom obchode v Kanade. Platňu som vtedy veľmi chcel, žiaľ už bola vypredaná. Jasonovi ostali iba booklety, tak mi niekoľko z nich daroval. Booklet je naozaj pekne spravený, veľa fotiek, informácie o kapelách a aj stručná história poľského rock´n´rollu a punku. Komplet som ho oskenoval a zavesil na blog, môžeš ho nájsť niekde v histórii príspevkov.



Druhá výberovka je medzinárodná, zastúpené sú kapely z Ruska, Hong-Kongu, Francúzka a Thajska. Zostavil ju Lük Haas, Francúz pracujúci pre humanitárnu organizáciu Červený kríž a vydavateľ punkových nahrávok z celého sveta. Je benefičná pre slepého punkáča z Thajska, ktorý prišiel o nešťastnou náhodou o zrak. Tým že bol z chudobných pomerov a nemal zdravotnú poistku dostal sa zo svojou rodinou do finančnej tiesne.
Kompilácia sa volá "DON´T FORGET THE PUNKS OF BANGKOK !"



A1 –Гражданская Оборона Новогодняя Песенка
A2 –Гражданская Оборона Ни За Что
A3 –Flesh & Skin* นักรบ
A4 –Convicted Missiles Over London
A5 –Blackbird* East Is Red
A6 –Tears Of A Doll Going Further

All profits from this compilation E.P. will be sent to Dok Mohok in Bangkok, Thailand. As some of you may have already read in MRR, Dok Mohok, the oldest punk in Thailand, frontman of the DOK PUNK ROCK group, lost his view when a spotlight exploded in his face in 1989. Subsequently, he wasn’t able any more to support his wife and two kids. (He used to sell second-hand T-shirts on markets) His wife and daughter (13) are working but don’t earn enough to even pay the rent and the food for the family. They got several months rent unpaid. Dok still has hospital bills to pay too. He wasn’t covered by a health insurance when the accident occurred. (And who could afford an insurance in Thailand apart from the rich?). His situation and the one of his family is really dramatic: they all live together in a very small windowless room with thin wooden walls and eat only one meal a day. The little girl had to stop going to school as they couldn’t afford it anymore and are in deep need of what little money she could earn by washing clothes, like her mother. The money made from this record’s sales won’t solve all their problems at once, but hopefully will help them buy some food or pay a few months rent, or whatever. If some of you feel like organizing things (gigs, benefit tapes or whatever) to help Dok and his family, please do it. You can try to send him the money in cash directly to him by registered mail at his address below, but post may be unsure in Thailand, or send the money to me at the address below, and I’ll send it to Dok via a friend of mine working in Laos, who knows personally Dok and often goes to Bangkok. This seems the most secure way to get the funds delivered to Dok. If you write him, don’t forget:
— Write his address on the envelope both in Thai and Western script. (Xerox the Thai one).
— Nobody in Dok’s family understand English or any other foreign language, so don’t count too much on getting a reply. (And by the way, a letter to Europe or America will cost him the price of a meal)
News from Dok will be printed in MRR each time my friend will have visited him, along with news from the money send to him.
Thanx for purchasing this record and for your concern!

Lük Haas

Príjemné počúvanie a nezabudnite - Punk je viac ako hudba!


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