sobota 28. septembra 2019

S.I.K.A. - foto (1999 - 2002 ?)

Vzhľadom na nedožité 20-te výročie vzniku HC kapely S.I.K.A. (1999-2004) som sa rozhodol zaradiť na blog niekoľko spomienkových fotiek z nášho ranného obdobia. Fotky láskavo poskytol Tomáš Fifo. Vďaka.

Logo kapely

Juro v starej skúšobni v Doprastave (1998?/1999?)

Mišo v starej skúšobni Doprastave (1998?/1999?)

S.I.K.A. - klub Bunker, Bratislava (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Bunker, Bratislava (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Gogo, Znojmo (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Gogo, Znojmo (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Gogo, Znojmo (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Gogo, Znojmo (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Gogo, Znojmo (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Vrah, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (2001)

S.I.K.A. - klub Vrah, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (2001)

Valter (Rožnov pod Radhoštěm)

Mišo (Trenčín?)

Juro (Rožnov pod Radhoštěm)

Tomáš (Znojmo)

S.I.K.A. klub Vrah, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (2001)

Súvisiace články:


Few old photos of our HC/thrash band S.I.K.A.

S.I.K.A story

Back in late 90´s few we, angry young men, try to started fast punk band. We were influenced by European/US 80´s hardcore, punk and fast bands all over the world we founded band which later become S.I.K.A. (Letters stands for "Subsistence In Kontra Attitude"). "Be in opposition against bad things, even it is hard and your existence is not comfortable".S.I.K.A. officially started around 1999. We released few records, making few tours over Europe, played with many bands. And regularly practice in Garage, our rehearsal room, which became also gig place for many hardcore bands. This place is still active! We, band members of S.I.K.A. always try to support and improve do-it-yourself ethic of HxCx/punk movement. Also we playing in some different bands beside S.I.K.A.
After few years few members left, few will come. Face of S.I.K.A. changed little bit - from fast sloopy thrashcore to HC/punk-y-thrash. But D.I.Y. attitude still stayed. Until the end, in year 2004. 
Some members are still active in punk scene, some don´t.
Two ex-members actually playing in crust/metal band BETON, and I am playing as solo acoustic punk-singer Mišo ŠTICH (and I used to play in melancho-punk band ŠIGELA).


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77 - Zrcadlo (1993)