streda 30. júna 2010
ARKANGEL for animal liberation zine
Čau. Kamarát mi poslal link na stiahnutie niekoľkých čísel zinu (najmä starších), ktorý sa venuje právam zvierat. ARKANGEL for animal liberation. Považujem ho za jednu z "vlajkových lodí" publikácií, tlačovín zaoberajúcich sa právmi zvierat v radikálnejšej forme. Ak máš záujem, stiahni tu:
Arkangel,všetky čísla okrem 06 a 23-31.
"Arkangel is a British-based bi-annual animal liberation magazine, first published in the winter of 1989. The magazine, which is sold internationally, covers global aspects of underground and overground animal rights campaigning, and promotes a vegan lifestyle.
The magazine was the idea of Ronnie Lee, the founder of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). While in prison, he regularly received letters of support and details of unreported actions by ALF activists. Lee decided to publish these in the form of a magazine, with the first edition put together by Vivian Smith. The magazine continues to be written largely by activists associated with the British ALF."
short info from Wikipedia some issues you can download above.
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