pondelok 4. apríla 2011

KUZLE (80´s ex-Yugo punk band) "Demo + Live"

všetkých záujemcov o maďarský punk prosím o trochu strpenia, čoskoro budem pokračovať v knihe, už sa pomaly dostávam ku skenovaniu jej ďalšej časti. A bude aj nejaká muzika.

Teraz však trochu z južnejšieho konca Európy. Jugoška. Teda bývalá. Jugoška a punk.
V lay oute ku kompilačke BLOODSTAINS ACROSS YUGOSLAVIA sa píše:

"When it comes punk rock, Yugoslavia in no.1 of all eastern countries. Some UK 7" s were licensed here as early as 1977 and some of you may remember certain "Live in Yugoslavia" LP´s from the 80´s. But apart from that Yugoslavia also had some great bands on it´s own so here we go again!..."

Čiže skrátka niečo o tom, že nielen anglický punk bol zaujímavý (a licenčné albumy UK kapiel vychádzali kde-tu aj za železnou oponou, či dokonca sa tam podarilo zrealizovať a nahrať aj ich živý koncert), ale že aj v krajinách bývalého východného bloku vznikali skvelé kapely. Ale to snáď už vieš. No, nebudem to moc preťahovať - dám jednu výbornú punkovku zo Slovinska: KUZLE (po slovensky "suka")



dwnl link pre demo + live:


Bio from myspace:

"KUZLE from Idrija, Slovenija, former Yugoslavija….. Idrija is a Slovenian town that was famous in the eighties for it’s quick silver mine, lace, žlikrof dumplings, psychiatric hospital and a punk band named KUZLE (bitches, female dogs). Today it’s known mostly for two big factories and for it’s apathetic residents, a real gost town one could say. Once upon a time it was not like this… On the remains of different rock and punk bands, a group of young boys got together in the eighties and formed a band. They had many things in common: were all full of hormones, read the Yugoslave rock magazine Ðuboks, were fanaticaly buying vinil records in Italy and listened, felt and lived for punk music. Soon the band Kuzle was formed, the memberes were: Dare Kauric guitar/back vokal, Bojan Lapanja vokal, Iztok Turk drums, Dušan Moravec bass guitar/back vokal. In the following years they made almost sixty songs, had around thirty gigs, a few recordings, appeared on TV and radio stations and issued a compilation Lepo je (’It is beautiful’). Later on they changed two drumers, first Bojan Pajer then Iztok Lampe. Unfortunately the endless years the members had to serve the military service for the National army of Yugoslavia changed everything in the band and Kuzle soon become a part of the past. People went their way, Yougoslavia disintegrated. And now, after 25 years, the recorded songs are found and introduced to the public..."


Hi, all candidates for the Hungarian punk please the little patient, soon I will continue in the book, I was slowly getting to scan the next section. And will post some music too.

But now Yugoslavia, rather to say Slovenia and great 80´s band KUZLE! Enjoy!!!
Demo + live!!!


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Адаптация - 2011 - No pasaran!