nedeľa 19. mája 2013

JANUSZ REICHEL "Autozdrada" (2001)

Poľský pesničkár Janusz Reichel, ktorý v 80-tych rokoch hrával v punkovej kapele ZIMA či v novovlnných EGO 4.5., už roky skladá a hrá folk/punkové songy. Dnes tu máme jeden z jeho sólových albumov.
Reichel je považovaný za barda ekologickej (angažovanej) piesne. Ja som sa s jeho tvorbou prvý raz stretol koncom 90-tych rokov na split kazete s GUERNICA Y LUNO.

Nedávno som mu písal kvôli výmenám. Bol ochotný a poslal mi niekoľko svojich albumov.
O tom ako sa dostal k sólovému prejavu, si môžeš prečítať nižšie, v kratučkom rozhovore.


Janusz Reichel - folk/punk singer from Poland. He plays in few punk/new bands in the 80´s, but then he starts play more acoustic-music in the early 90´s.

One-question interview:

Mišo: Janusz, please, can you tell me how was your way from punk to folk self-expression? How did that happend?

Janusz: "Well, my way from punk to folk self expression: I think it was quite natural. I have few bands before starting from early 80ties and I always wrote songs using my guitar and even we sometimes had vocalist (not me) I
sang lyrics myself to try songs and then to be able to present it to the band. So in fact through all this time I was singing my songs but never alone in front of public. When my band ZIMA stopped its activity in 1991 one of my friend ask me to sing my songs to the public, only me and a guitar.
First it was for me a little bit strange but later I have started to play more regularly and made some recordings."


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