nedeľa 29. septembra 2013
blog galeria update
"Art Brut"
Umenie, ktoré sa označuje ako art brut je vo svete pomerne rozšírené a existuje viacero umeleckých zbierok, ktoré ho prezentujú v ucelenejšej podobe. Autori, ktorí toto umenie zastupujú nemajú výtvarné školenie a neraz stoja mimo bežnej psychickej, či sociálnej normy. Ich diela často vznikajú v skrytosti psychiatrických zariadení a stacionárov a sú odrazom nezištnej tvorivej spontánnosti a nevykalkulovanej autorskej výpovede. Svojou tvorbou často prispievajú k odhaľovaniu prvotných prameňov imaginácie, ktorá leží za hranicou nášho racionálneho pohľadu na svet. Tieto kvality boli po 2 svetovej vojne zúročené v teoretických názoroch i tvorbe výtvarného umelca a zberateľa Jeana Dubuffeta, ktorý art brut vymedzil ako spontánnu tvorbu detí, duševne chorých a ľudí žijúcich v sociálnom útlaku v uzavretí vlastnej, hermetickej mytológie. Ich tvorba púta pozornosť svojou absolútnou autenticitou prejavu a napriek duševnej chorobe umelcov, sú ich výsledky v nejednom prípade porovnateľné s dielami moderného a post-moderného umenia. O vizuálnej potencii a atraktívnosti umenia art brut, svedčí pribúdajúci počet podobne zameraných galérií, výstav a zberateľov v zahraničí."
Pozvánka na výstavu + publikácia:
piatok 27. septembra 2013
Lotyšské zvyšky / Latvian leftovers
Vyštrachal som ešte CDčko na ktorom sú dve lotyšské bandy z ranných 90-ych rokov, lenže každá tam má len po jednej pesničke. Ak máš rád/rada ponurý 90´s indie choď do toho.
The first band in Tornis. Their beginning is naive and cheerful guitarmusic (probably influenced by Pixies, Wedding Present), later they become kind of more serious(?) , but when starting to sing in English, they split up, not achieving the things they could have achieved. The leader went into business, the other 2 members went on keeping TORNIS label in order as well as developing it and played/are playing in such underground bands as SHINE ON, SMOGS, BALOZU PILNI PAGALMI, PLASTALINS, SARKANAIS OKTOBRIS, VOICEKS, e.t.c.
A collaboration between the main people in Tornis circa 1991-1992: Andzons (TUKSA MUCA), Janis Daugavietis and Uldis Gedra (IBM&I). Music - depressive & nice indie.
I found this two bands on one CD-r, so I called it leftovers...just one song from each - dark post-punky indie from Latvia, early 90´s.
štvrtok 26. septembra 2013
Nie je to tak dávno, čo som na Rádiu Devín počúval reláciu o histórii experimentálneho štúdia Slovenského rozhlasu. Jedna zvláštna sklaba z druhou. A to mi pripomenulo, že už dávnejšie som chcel dať na blog kolekciu skladieb ktoré v tomto štúdiu vznikli v rozmedzí rokov 1966 až 1991. Dopočutia.
A collection of compositions from the experimental studio of Slovak radio Bratislava.
previous post with this kind of music:
A collection of compositions from the experimental studio of Slovak radio Bratislava.
previous post with this kind of music:
utorok 24. septembra 2013
Electro/industriál/post-punk z Lotyšska.
Link na stiahnutie nájdeš na stránke vydavateľstva Tornis.
Latvian post-punk/industrial. Download link you can find thru Tornis rec.
Link na stiahnutie nájdeš na stránke vydavateľstva Tornis.
Latvian post-punk/industrial. Download link you can find thru Tornis rec.
nedeľa 22. septembra 2013
Indie z Lotyšska, príjemná muzika s babským spevom. Nemám k tomu názvy songov, len napálené CD bez obalu.
I ´ve got just this burn CD-r of these Latvian indie folks. If you know title of this album, let me know.
I ´ve got just this burn CD-r of these Latvian indie folks. If you know title of this album, let me know.
sobota 21. septembra 2013
MELI BEZ GALA "Tava roka" (1995)
Krátkodobný projekt američanky Vanessy žijúcej istý čas v Lotyšsku. Indie-lo-fi pop líznutý SONIC YOUTH. Vznikla kazetová nahrávka ktorú mi v podobe napáleného CD-čka venoval jej vydavateľ Janis, keď som bol u neho na návšteve v Rige.
International project: a girl from Texas VANESSA sings and plays the drums + Juris Alksnis and Janis Daugavietis play guitars. In the summer of '95 this project recorded an album "Tava Roka" - 2-sided: electric (SY) and acoustic (love, love, love...)
Short lived Tornis project made in 1995 of influences of lo-fi, Palace Brothers, Sonic Youth and friendship. American exchange student Vanessa sung and played percussions, while local Tornis inhabitants Juris Alksnis and Jānis Daugavietis ride guitars and recording equipement. MeliBezGala performed one or two live appereances and put out cassette 'Tava roka' in 1995 on Tornis label imprint. By Vanessas short visiting Latvia in 1998 band did a kitchen session still not released.
piatok 20. septembra 2013
MADHOUSE "S/T " CD (2000)
Toto CD-čko sa mi dnes náhodou dostalo do ruky a počúval som ho pri práci v ateliéri.
Na gitaru hrá Jakabčic, basu Griglák a bicie Valihora. Solídny jazz-rock blázinec. A peknú ilustráciu na obal nakreslil Kellenberger, ten čo kreslí tie mačky a bratislavské hrady.
CD kedysi vyšlo ako príloha časopisu WATT.
Almost 50 minutes of good prog/jazz-rock from Slovakia.
Na gitaru hrá Jakabčic, basu Griglák a bicie Valihora. Solídny jazz-rock blázinec. A peknú ilustráciu na obal nakreslil Kellenberger, ten čo kreslí tie mačky a bratislavské hrady.
CD kedysi vyšlo ako príloha časopisu WATT.
Almost 50 minutes of good prog/jazz-rock from Slovakia.
štvrtok 19. septembra 2013
SRAČKA fanzin č. 1 (1989)
Punkový časák z Olomouca. Prvé číslo z roku 1989. Tri čísla (1., 2., 3/4) vyšli počas roku 1989 a po revolúcii ešte ďalšie štyri.
(Sken je šlohnutý z DVD Havířovský underground)
+Rozhovor s vydavateľom fanzinu, Jardom Ježkom (z fanzinu Hluboká orba č. 18):
Czech punk zine from 1989.
(Sken je šlohnutý z DVD Havířovský underground)
+Rozhovor s vydavateľom fanzinu, Jardom Ježkom (z fanzinu Hluboká orba č. 18):
Czech punk zine from 1989.
sobota 14. septembra 2013
po čase sa opäť chystá punkový koncert na Garážach. Tento krát aj za účasti dvoch spolkov z Balkánu:
FONIJA - melodický HC/punk z Macedónska - živelný a plný mladíckeho entuziazmu. V Bratslave v minulosti už hrali ich starší kamoši BERNAYS PROPAGANDA a XAXAXA, takže pokiaľ chceš opäť zažiť tú energiu z juhovýchodných končín Európy, príď pozrieť.
VLASTA POPIĆ - mladá kapela z chorvátskeho Varaždinu ktorá sa hudobne pohybuje medzi alternatívou, punkom a noise rockom. Zredukovaný "indies mix" všetkého toho dobrého gitarového z rokov 80-tych a 90-tych, no pritom znejúci súčasne.
Prvá časť koncertu bude patriť dvom lokálnym spolkom:
ŠIGELA - meloancholický punk tu z Blavy, tento krát v komornejšej zostave bez bicích - viac folk, menej punk.
AMIANTI MANI - novovzniknutý projekt z Prešporka na pomedzí divadla, tanca a hudby. Úlet. 3 baby a piesne z Rakúsko-Uhorska v post-kabaretnom háve.
Miesto: Garáže pod Prístavným mostom (
Deň: 17. 9. 2013 (Utorok)
Začiatok: 19.30 - presne! Nech sa všetko stihne na čas a bez fízlov.
Vstupné: 3 Eurá
Koncert je za každého počasia!
piatok 13. septembra 2013
SLUNÍČKO "SP" (1991)
Pražská rocková kapela hrajúca v rokoch 1986 - 1995 v ktorej neskôr pôsobila aj pop-star Lenka Dusilová.
Czech rock band Sluníčko (Little Tiny Sun) founded in 1986, released an eponymous CD in 1994, won the rock competition Marlboro Rock In' 94 and blah, blah...I think this is their first vinyl release. Enjoy strange alt-folk-rock music.
streda 11. septembra 2013
PRINCOVIA "Nechceme ísť do Disneylandu!" (2003)
Melodický punk rock ´77. Na gitary hrajú jeden bývalý a jeden súčasný gitarista ZÓNY A.
Dobré songy.
Slovakian melodic punk in veins of ´77. Their first demo. Ex-memeber of ZONA A, guitarist Leďo, still making a good songs.
sobota 7. septembra 2013
KONZUM - časopis slobodomyseľých ľudí (1998)
Eko časopis z konca 90-tych rokov.
Je to v PDF formáte, vďaka Whackovi.
Prvé číslo ešte pod názvom CONZOOM tu:
Slovakian eko-zine from 90´s.
Je to v PDF formáte, vďaka Whackovi.
Prvé číslo ešte pod názvom CONZOOM tu:
Slovakian eko-zine from 90´s.
štvrtok 5. septembra 2013
ŽOAMBO ŽOET WORKESTRAO "Svakoga Dana U Svakom Pogledu Sve Manje Nazadujem" (2003)
Lahôdka pre priaznivcov alternatívnej a podivnej muziky. Slovinci ŽOAMBO ŽOET WORKESTRAO hrajú uletnú muziku so saxofónom, divokú a nespútanú. Niečo medzi "Rock in opposition", divným jazzom, avantgardou a neviem čím ešte. CD vydal Eric Boros (HERMIT, VIALKA) na svojom labely Manufracture.
Release info:
Interesting avantgarde band from Slovenia!
Zoambo Zoet Workestrao biography
A Slovenian rock project ZOAMBO ZOET WORKESTRAO got started in 1992 as an incarnation for kinda music that had been missed, by three provincial students - Gregor BELUSIC (guitar), Ivo PODERZAJ (bass), and Erik MUSEVIC (drums). Rajko MURSIC joined this project in 1993 as a booster upon the independent music scene in Slovenia, and they soon joined forces with similarly radical counterparts from Croatia and Slovenia in the so called The Other / Second League project which was a part of a wider cultural-political movement around The Association of Tribal Communities and Shamans. After their debut cassette album "Kabelski kresovi" released in the following year, Uros SRPCIC replaced Erik as a new drummer but only in a period for recording "Zivljenje Brez Janeza / Life Without Anus", that was released completely in 2005.
In 1995 ZOAMBO ZOET WORKESTRAO recruited Marjan STANIC and two compilation albums - Laibach-Tiranha (1998) and Paket Angazma (2000) - were released. Through an experience of hunger strikes as a small commune by open-minded music critics and followers, they firstly tried to publish an album "Svakoga Dana U Svakom Pogledu Sve Manje Nazadujem" on their own, but with a huge help from Eric Boros or a Canadian label Manufracture, they could release the stuff. In 2008 they released "Cum Rectum Plenum Celibatare Facile Est", in collaboration with a recording engineer Bojan Babic and a renowned producer Bob Drake.
streda 4. septembra 2013
MUSIC NOT NOIZE blog - Interview with Matt
Rozhovor v s Mattom, pankáčom zo San Francisca, ktorý zbiera platne, píše recenzie na demonahrávky do MAXIMUMROCKNROLLU a robí zaujímavý blog MUSIC NOT NOIZE. Text v pôvodnom znení bez titulkov.
Interview with Matt, who is runnig great music blog focused to lesser known punk bands all over the world.
He knows a lot about independent/punk music and you can find many unknown bands here. Ok, lets start a riot...
Matt, please, introduce little bit yourself. And tell us what was inspiration for create of your blog? What is the aim of your blog and why did you chose the title MUSIC NOT NOISE? Which blogs gives you inspiration a you can recommend some good blogs?
Well I’m 30 years old, originally from Texas, but I’ve been living in San Francisco for 2 years now. I’ve always been a huge music fan/record collector (especially punk!) and discovered other music-based blogs a few years ago. I enjoyed learning about and hearing obscure and rare punk from all over the world, and eventually decided I needed to contribute one of my own! MUSIC NOT NOIZE as a title is a spin off the „NOISE NOT MUSIC“ craze that’s been hot the last couple years. I prefer music over noise, haha! Blogs I enjoy these days are Wild Devil Rules, Crucified For Your Sins, Degen Erik, Terminal Escape, Remote Outposts, and your blog Miso, of course! I prefer the ones with some writing that shows the author’s enthusiasm and interest in what they’re doing!
Do you have some feedback to your archive work? What gives you the motivation to continue?
It’s really motivating to post a release that I know hardly anything about but that I really like, and have someone either provide some information about it or just say that they like it! I really just love turning up some underappreciated records and tapes, writing about them, and putting it out there to see what happens. It’s just as much for my own enjoyment as for anyone who comes looking for good tunes.
MUSIC NOT NOIZE is mainly about punk records. When did you discover punk music? What was your first punk record? Are you a record collector? If yes, mentions some of your rare records...
I discovered punk music when I was 14 or 15. My first punk record? I can’t even remember...but one of the first must have been DEAD KENNEDYS “Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death.“ I definitely played that one to death. Some other ealrier ones were SUBHUMANS “The Day the Country Died,“ CRIMPRSHRINE 7“, PROPAGHANDI “How To Clean Everything.“ I do love collecting records. Rare records? Oh my...I recently managed to complete the entire discography of the old Norwegian label X-PORT Plater who released stuff like SVART FRAMTID, BANNLYST, STENGTE DORER, etc. I really have so many, but I feel like a nerd listing them all...I scored a copy of the first SISTERS OF MERCY single at a local store for 9 dollars once...
Are you in touch with international punks? Do you also trading tapes/records with them now or in the past?
I am in touch with some punks internationally from Spain, Germany, France, Greece, and Sweden mostly. I don’t trade tapes/records much these days due to high postage fees and it’s so easy to share music through the internet, but I have done a couple mix-tape swaps in the last year, which is always fun! Nothing beats a good personalized mix tape! In the past I traded records a little bit, mostly copies of my own bands.
Tell us short about punk scene in your city...bands, zines, gig places, activities...
The Bay Area punk scene is huge. There are shows happening almost every day somewhere in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose, etc. Something for everybody! Gigs happen in many different places from DIY shows at record stores, restaurants, houses, basements, to bigger shows at bars and clubs. Some good current bands here are REPLICA, PERMANENT RUIN, SYNTHETIC ID, RITUAL CONTROL, SAINT LORENA, COLD CIRCUITS, NEEDLES, FEMA COFFIN, DIEHARD...there are really too many to name, and all styles are represented from hardcore, to pop punk, to post punk, to crust! MAXIMUMROCKNROLL is the longest running and most notable zine here, of course.
Do you know recommend some interesting books about punk or interesting punk fanzines from US/international?
I recently read a great book called DEZERTER: MISCARRIED GENERATION written by the drummer of Polish punk legends DEZERTER. It was originally written in Polish but has been translated for an English version. I don’t typically follow fanzines aside from MAXIMUMROCKNROLL, but I’ve recently enjoyed a Greek zine called MOUNTZA!, and there’s a funny local zine a friend of mine dis called “DISUNDERSTOOD.“ He goes to see live bands and then writes down what he thinks they’re singing, and it usually turns out to be really funny!
Matt, tell us short about your other activities – do you playing in bands?... or doing a sport, caring for the animals or growing flowers?
I’ve been playing in punk bands for 15 years now! Some previous bands I played in were SACRED SCHOCK, DESKONOCIDOS, VAASKA, CRIATURAS, REPERCUSSIONS, and ARMY OF JESUS. I currently play guitar in a band called THE NEW FLESH – we just released and LP and did a couple tours of the USA/Canada this summer. I also have two other projects in the works, one recently named PAINTED BIRD (I think) that will hopefully be playing out soon, and another that I started with my friend Alicia at the beginning of summer. I don’t play any sports...I played soccer when I was younger but fucked my knee up really bad and had to stop. I do various volunteer work at MAXIMUMROCKNROLL, record/demo reviews, interviews, other projects around the compound. I’ve never been very good at growing flowers, but I do care about animals!
And what do you do as a job, employment? Do you have a enough of free time for all your activities?
I work in a factory making dildos! It’s a small company – only 4 of us in production. I work 40 hours a week, but the job is flexible with vacation time, allowing me to tour or take time off to travel every once in a while.
Please, tell short about 3 bands, that you think they are forgotten, but they have to be a mentioned.
BREAD AND WATER – a great anarcho-hardcore band from Dallas where I grew up. They were a huge infuence on me , and they’re music still holds up!
SIGNAL LOST – another band I was very colse to. Living in Austin at the time they were active, they were one of the only bands playing punk with the right balance of melody and aggression, with a distinct sound and amazing energy.
POST REGIMENT – I hope they are not forgotten??! My go-to band. I can always listen to them and feel moved, I never get tired of it.
I am from Slovakia, do you have some info about punk scene our country? Do you know some bands from us?
I do not know much about the Slovakian punk scene. I was in Vienna on tour a few years ago and tried to talk me friends into takin the boat to Bratislava, but they didn’t want to!! The only band I can think of that I know about from Slovakia is DAVOVA PSYCHOZA – they are awesome! I would love to learn more about the Slovakian punk scene.
Ok Matt that´s all, thanx for you answers, tak care and good luck with your blog !!!
Rozhovory s ďalšími blogermi nájdeš cez link:
Interview with Matt, who is runnig great music blog focused to lesser known punk bands all over the world.
He knows a lot about independent/punk music and you can find many unknown bands here. Ok, lets start a riot...
Matt, please, introduce little bit yourself. And tell us what was inspiration for create of your blog? What is the aim of your blog and why did you chose the title MUSIC NOT NOISE? Which blogs gives you inspiration a you can recommend some good blogs?
Well I’m 30 years old, originally from Texas, but I’ve been living in San Francisco for 2 years now. I’ve always been a huge music fan/record collector (especially punk!) and discovered other music-based blogs a few years ago. I enjoyed learning about and hearing obscure and rare punk from all over the world, and eventually decided I needed to contribute one of my own! MUSIC NOT NOIZE as a title is a spin off the „NOISE NOT MUSIC“ craze that’s been hot the last couple years. I prefer music over noise, haha! Blogs I enjoy these days are Wild Devil Rules, Crucified For Your Sins, Degen Erik, Terminal Escape, Remote Outposts, and your blog Miso, of course! I prefer the ones with some writing that shows the author’s enthusiasm and interest in what they’re doing!
Do you have some feedback to your archive work? What gives you the motivation to continue?
It’s really motivating to post a release that I know hardly anything about but that I really like, and have someone either provide some information about it or just say that they like it! I really just love turning up some underappreciated records and tapes, writing about them, and putting it out there to see what happens. It’s just as much for my own enjoyment as for anyone who comes looking for good tunes.
MUSIC NOT NOIZE is mainly about punk records. When did you discover punk music? What was your first punk record? Are you a record collector? If yes, mentions some of your rare records...
I discovered punk music when I was 14 or 15. My first punk record? I can’t even remember...but one of the first must have been DEAD KENNEDYS “Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death.“ I definitely played that one to death. Some other ealrier ones were SUBHUMANS “The Day the Country Died,“ CRIMPRSHRINE 7“, PROPAGHANDI “How To Clean Everything.“ I do love collecting records. Rare records? Oh my...I recently managed to complete the entire discography of the old Norwegian label X-PORT Plater who released stuff like SVART FRAMTID, BANNLYST, STENGTE DORER, etc. I really have so many, but I feel like a nerd listing them all...I scored a copy of the first SISTERS OF MERCY single at a local store for 9 dollars once...
Are you in touch with international punks? Do you also trading tapes/records with them now or in the past?
I am in touch with some punks internationally from Spain, Germany, France, Greece, and Sweden mostly. I don’t trade tapes/records much these days due to high postage fees and it’s so easy to share music through the internet, but I have done a couple mix-tape swaps in the last year, which is always fun! Nothing beats a good personalized mix tape! In the past I traded records a little bit, mostly copies of my own bands.
Tell us short about punk scene in your city...bands, zines, gig places, activities...
The Bay Area punk scene is huge. There are shows happening almost every day somewhere in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose, etc. Something for everybody! Gigs happen in many different places from DIY shows at record stores, restaurants, houses, basements, to bigger shows at bars and clubs. Some good current bands here are REPLICA, PERMANENT RUIN, SYNTHETIC ID, RITUAL CONTROL, SAINT LORENA, COLD CIRCUITS, NEEDLES, FEMA COFFIN, DIEHARD...there are really too many to name, and all styles are represented from hardcore, to pop punk, to post punk, to crust! MAXIMUMROCKNROLL is the longest running and most notable zine here, of course.
Do you know recommend some interesting books about punk or interesting punk fanzines from US/international?
I recently read a great book called DEZERTER: MISCARRIED GENERATION written by the drummer of Polish punk legends DEZERTER. It was originally written in Polish but has been translated for an English version. I don’t typically follow fanzines aside from MAXIMUMROCKNROLL, but I’ve recently enjoyed a Greek zine called MOUNTZA!, and there’s a funny local zine a friend of mine dis called “DISUNDERSTOOD.“ He goes to see live bands and then writes down what he thinks they’re singing, and it usually turns out to be really funny!
Matt, tell us short about your other activities – do you playing in bands?... or doing a sport, caring for the animals or growing flowers?
I’ve been playing in punk bands for 15 years now! Some previous bands I played in were SACRED SCHOCK, DESKONOCIDOS, VAASKA, CRIATURAS, REPERCUSSIONS, and ARMY OF JESUS. I currently play guitar in a band called THE NEW FLESH – we just released and LP and did a couple tours of the USA/Canada this summer. I also have two other projects in the works, one recently named PAINTED BIRD (I think) that will hopefully be playing out soon, and another that I started with my friend Alicia at the beginning of summer. I don’t play any sports...I played soccer when I was younger but fucked my knee up really bad and had to stop. I do various volunteer work at MAXIMUMROCKNROLL, record/demo reviews, interviews, other projects around the compound. I’ve never been very good at growing flowers, but I do care about animals!
And what do you do as a job, employment? Do you have a enough of free time for all your activities?
I work in a factory making dildos! It’s a small company – only 4 of us in production. I work 40 hours a week, but the job is flexible with vacation time, allowing me to tour or take time off to travel every once in a while.
Please, tell short about 3 bands, that you think they are forgotten, but they have to be a mentioned.
BREAD AND WATER – a great anarcho-hardcore band from Dallas where I grew up. They were a huge infuence on me , and they’re music still holds up!
SIGNAL LOST – another band I was very colse to. Living in Austin at the time they were active, they were one of the only bands playing punk with the right balance of melody and aggression, with a distinct sound and amazing energy.
POST REGIMENT – I hope they are not forgotten??! My go-to band. I can always listen to them and feel moved, I never get tired of it.
I am from Slovakia, do you have some info about punk scene our country? Do you know some bands from us?
I do not know much about the Slovakian punk scene. I was in Vienna on tour a few years ago and tried to talk me friends into takin the boat to Bratislava, but they didn’t want to!! The only band I can think of that I know about from Slovakia is DAVOVA PSYCHOZA – they are awesome! I would love to learn more about the Slovakian punk scene.
Ok Matt that´s all, thanx for you answers, tak care and good luck with your blog !!!
Rozhovory s ďalšími blogermi nájdeš cez link:
utorok 3. septembra 2013
KOSA Z NOSA "Pesničky III." (199?)
Posledné štyri pesničky čo mám od KOSY Z NOSA.
9. Už som zabudol
10. Valika
11. Všetko je tu
12. Tak to je
Few more songs of KOSA Z NOSA, Slovakian alternative/post-punk band.
nedeľa 1. septembra 2013
BARVY LUCKY "Myšmaus" (2000)
Melodický punk rock/crossover.
"Trio BARVY LUCKY vzniklo někdy 1988-89. První sestava: Martin Kopeň - kytara (texty, hudba) / Michal Randl - baskytara / Marek Slonka - bicí .
Celá 90 léta probíhaly v kapele změny v obsazení. Za bicíma se postupně vystřídali: Radim Szkandera / Tomáš Pech a nakonec zakotvil Standa Hovadík. Basu vystřídali, jak šli za sebou: Pavel Orban / Zdeněk Oborný / Petr Galambica. Přes velkou fluktuaci hudebníků Barvy Lucky koncertovali v našem regionu i mimo něj .... Olomouc (Ponorka), Zlín (Golem), Praha, Mohelnice ..., podařilo se vydat MC - SEM TAM (studio Barbarella, technika, zvuk - Mroš, nahráno v prosinci 1997) a v r.2000 CD - H A P Y MYŠMAUS (taky u Mroše..). O rok později kapela pozvolna usnula.
Původně se psali s přehlasovaným Y ve slově Barvy- trio nejmladších představitelů těsně předrevolučního havířovského punk rocku. (Martin Kopeň, ten hlavní v Barvách Lacích, měl předtím kapelu Chaos). Barvy Lucky nikdy nevybočily z trojčlenné sestavy. Martin Kopeň, velmi dobrá kytara, velmi dobrý zpěv se stopami bluesového cítění, v zakládající sestavě basa a back vocal Michal Randl, a bicí tuším Marek Slonka z Modulace 33. Do své hudby míchali také vlivy britských kytarovek, po revoluci vystoupili např. po boku RADEGASTU a polských PYDŽAMA PORNO v Ostravě..."
Punky-crossover/indie band from Czech.
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Príspevky (Atom)
Rozhovor s Mykelom Boardom, bloggerom a svojho času aj stĺpčekárom fanzinu Maximum Rocknroll, o jeho spomienkach na cestovanie po východnej ...
ADAPTATSIYA MUZIKA-KOMUNIKA Interview 2024 My interview with Yermen Anti,leader of Kazakh punk band ADAPTATSIYA. Yermen Anti ------------...
Ahojte, pred časom vyšiel dlhší článok o Garážach pod Prístavným mostom, ktorý sme napísali s kamošmi, v českom HC/punk fanzine HLUBOKÁ ORB...