streda 21. augusta 2019

Dragons / Kryzys & Deadlock - Best Perfumes Of The Revolution (Meilleurs Parfums De La Revolution) 1981

Zaujímavý punkový počin - split čínskej punk-rockovej (štátno-punkovej?), dokonca možno že aj fiktívnej kapely DRAGONS a poľských klasikov KRYZYS na 7" vinyle. Vyšlo vo Francúzku v roku 1982.


DRAGONS band and release info: 

Dragons LP appeared out of nowhere on the French market in 1982 and was promoted by the French major company Barclay as the first "Chinese" punk band. Songs are in Cantonese, composition credits are Polish, it was produced by Marc Boulet who also released Kryzyz and Deadlock Polish punk bands. Marc Boulet is a French writer/photojournalist who at the time had travelled to Poland and was a student of Chinese in Paris. He is the author of several books and articles on China in which he features prominently and rather braggingly. Nobody in China has ever heard of this supposed "Chinese" band, and punks in Hong Kong in 1989 had heard of it through the mass media hype only (record was also on sale in Hong Kong shops). 
According to people who were close to Marc Boulet in Paris in 1982, this was a fake band, the brainchild of Marc Boulet. It was recorded in Paris by members of rock band Ici Paris and two Hong Kong Chinese living in Paris, recruited for the recording session, as acknowledged by Shere Khan, member of the band Ici Paris on his Facebook page, and in the book "No Future" by Caroline de Kergariou (Perrin; 2017)

Info z knihy Warschauer Punk Pakt, časť z rozhovoru s Lukom Haasom:


Punk rock split on 7", China vs. Poland. Released in France, 1982.


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