piatok 27. decembra 2019

Knihy o punku

"Náš Kennedy je za vodou už nemusí mít strach
Střílet po něm nebudou, vždyť pochopil to sám
"Toho špinění mám dost, ztrestám všechny drzouny
ať prosí o milost."
Náš živej, mrtvej Kennedy je už stejnej jako byl kdysi jeho kat - a rád!
Příbor máš - tak se nažer!
Příbor máš - tak si vyber!..."
(úryvok z textu Mrtví Havlové od kapely CO-CA)

Pod stromčekom som okrem iného objavil knihu "Mikrofon je naše bomba"
Pustil som sa do nej hneď a to tak, že takmer od stredu, od kapitoly o Rožnovskom punku. Doporučujem ku tomu počúvať dosku CO-CA "Zaplate ohně/Mrtví Havlové".

 Academia mi zase mailom ohlásila dostupnosť knihy "The Aesthetics Of Our Anger". 

Punk is one of the most fiercely debated post-war subcultures. Despite the attention surrounding the movement’s origins, analyses of punk have been drawn predominantly from a now well-trodden historical narrative. This simplification of punk’s histories erases its breadth and vibrancy, leaving out bands from Crass to the Subhumans who took the call for anarchy in the UK seriously.
Disillusioned by the commercialization of punk, the anarcho-punk scene fought against dependence on large record labels. Anarcho-punk re-ignited the punk ethos, including a return to an ‘anyone-can-do-it’ culture of music production and performance. Anarcho-punk encouraged focused political debate and self-organised subversive activities, from a heightened awareness to issues of personal freedom and animal rights to the development of local cooperatives where musicians, artists and like-minded people could meet.
The anarcho-punk movement helped to reignite a serious anarchist movement in the UK and inspired actions challenging the Thatcher-Reagan axis. The Aesthetic of Our Anger explores the development of the anarcho-punk scene from the late 1970s, raising questions over the origins of the scene, its form, structure and cultural significance examining how anarcho-punk moved away from using ‘anarchy’ as mere connotation and shock value towards an approach that served to make punk a threat again.
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Teraz si na pár dní dávam od blogu pauzu. Chystáme sa s rodinou na chvíľu vypadnúť z mesta do hôr. Ďalší príspevok bude najskôr 31.12.


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