nedeľa 4. júla 2010


Epko kanadskej kapely SUB GENIUS som pred rokmi objavil kdesi zastrčené vo výpredajovej krabici s doskami na EKH. Oslovilo ma cenou a aj tým, že sa jedná o kapelu z Kanady, pretože moc kapiel odtiaľ som vtedy (cca 10 rokov dozadu) nepoznal. Muzika sa mi zapáčila, tiež texty a nakoniec som sa dozvedel, že tam voľakedy dávno pôsobil aj Eric Boros (dnes hrá vo výbornej kapele VIALKA) a práve toto EP nahrával Jason Flower (s ním nájdeš aj rozhovor na tomto blogu), ktorý zasa neskôr hral s Ericom v MEXICAN POWER AUTHORITY. Radšej to tu utnem, lebo týmito konexiami by som sa dostal až neviem kam. Obaja borci hrávali (a hrajú) v mnohých kapelách, o niektorých ešte bude reč na tomto blogu. Nedávno som sa dostal ku kontaktu na basáka SUB GENIUS - Coreyho a už som mu aj odoslal otázky ohľadom kapely, takže po zodpovedaní ich nájdeš tu.
Zatiaľ príjemný počuv.


SUB GENIUS. Nice canadian HC/PUNK band from mid 90s. Enjoy their EP!

Some info about band from Jason Flower (and I hope that soon also interview with Corey - bass player from SUB GENIUS).

"The Subgenius session was recorded all in one day, at my friends house (Reubenandy Studio) in Esquimalt on a 1/2" Eight track reel to reel. the original session was about 25 minutes long and released as a split tape with Forgotten (a skate-punk group from Courtenay) which I'd also recorded. Reubenandy (spelling wrong?) just means Reuben (from Port Alberni, manager for Sensory Crossover) and Andy (guitarist from Tomorrows Hostility).

The first real explosion of Vancouver Island Punk outside of Victoria was in the early '90s beginning with Nanaimo's great Ninth Hour; they inspired an entire generation. Ninth Hour released 2 or 3 demos and are legendary.

Subgenius formed from two groups:

- Dementia with Jim and Eric, releasing one demo (i forget the title). Dementia were dead when Subgenius formed. Dementia played a mix of punk and death metal.

- Sensory Crossover with Corey; the first known underground band from Port Alberni, releasing one demo titled "Smells Like Home" (named after the stink from their local paper-pulp mill factory). SC continued to play after Subgenius stopped. They were stoner metalheads from a small town, nice guys.

Both groups were recorded and released by me on Break Even.

Subgenius were not together very long. Jim began to have serious health problems and unfortunately had no choice but to stop because he was ill, which was saddening for everyone. Eventually he recovered and is an active drummer again. I had played in Black Kronstadt and Enfa-Lak...Eric and I were already close friends and had played in Hermit for a while, plus Enfa-Lak and MPA had done shows with Subgenius and Hermit. When Jim had to stop playing, I jumped at the opportunity and came up to Nanaimo to jam with them. Corey released the 7" right when Jim stopped, and to respect him we changed our name to Droid. The Droid name didn't last long - we adopted the Subgenius repertoire but as soon as we began to make our own songs, Eric suggested the name change to TWP. We quickly began to gig, and then recorded...but Corey was making some career choices and decided to resign before the end of 1995. Soon after we chose to stop playing with Caro and became a duo."



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